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so fed up!!


New Member
I'm so fed up! How boring is the post op liquid diet,there's only so much hot choc,soups etc I can drink and I have to do this for 4 weeks ggRrrr! I'm hungry..roll on the purees!!
Me too, I just want something I can sink my teeth into! (My hubby has just run out of the room! lol)
Poor you Tracy I've only had too do it for 2 weeks , then I'm on mushy for 2 weeks , know just how u feel even the scented candles are starting too look tasty lol :) xx
All part of the journey Im afraid,you wont of healed inside yet so think on that when a juicy steak beckons!Be kind to your tum this is a very important time.
Iv failed. Iv had puréed lentil soup custard, and I'm contemplating having puréed mince and tattles tonite. I just can't take it I'm going to end up off the rails and eating a Chinese ;(
Ladies come on.....just remember what you put in fuels your body or your fat! You want it gone so there's no easy way but to get a grip and get out of the kitchen! So no more talk of Chinese please!!!!

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No chance of me cheating as I haven't got another 5 grand too repair the damage it could do , plus I want this too badly come on ladies we can do it :) xxx
snack said:
No chance of me cheating as I haven't got another 5 grand too repair the damage it could do , plus I want this too badly come on ladies we can do it :) xxx

Good on ya!!!!
I am starting to think I must be lucky.

Soup has been my daily lunch for about 5 years.

Only difference Is I now have half a tin instead of a whole tin.

Going on to the liquid diet was quite easy for me, just bought some new varieties of soup that I had not had before.

Spicy Parsnip, Onion, pea and ham etc.

All I did was blend the lumps for the first three weeks so that I got all the flavour without any lumps.
Isn't the calories to high in tinned soups?
Also I don't think my appetite is at half a tin a meal yet xxx
For what your having you'll be fine! Cream of tomato if you want even. Key is not to confuse as banders dont dump so counting sugars is not as vital for us! I bet your hardly having any cals? X
oh bless you :( hope time goes quickly for you xxx
dont get me wrong i WOULD NOT even dream of cheating as id be too scared of what could happen but im not denying the fact it is very hard!
I'm so fed up! How boring is the post op liquid diet,there's only so much hot choc,soups etc I can drink and I have to do this for 4 weeks ggRrrr! I'm hungry..roll on the purees!!

I hear ya there! Only 3 days into my milk/low cal drinks, diet and I'm loosing the will to live. I can cope without the food, (although at times I do get the urge to face dive into my daughter's dinner plate!) :eek:

I'm struggling to drink the require amount of fluids, I'm probably only do half of what I'm supposed to drink.
I'm constantly running to loo, Lord only knows how much worst that will get if I drink the full amount. :bolt:

On the up side, I can see my face slimming down already so that's nice, and I have more energy than a box of kittens! :banana dancer: