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Some muddled thoughts


New Member
I'm 30 and have struggled to lose weight for pretty much most of my life. Depressingly I seem to put on a stone for each year. I'm about 28st now and I am considering surgery.

I have tried to diet but I live alone and don't have an active job (I test software). Cheerful people swear at me, one chap spat from across the road but more than that I am fed up with feeling trapped indoors unless it's close to freezing otherwise I begin to sweat horribly.

I can't buy clothes or furniture because I'm worried it will break under my weight. Eating out is difficult and I'm running out of excuses to avoid company dinners.

In short I don't know what to do. I've never tried weight watchers or similar because I'm hopelessly shy.

If I lost the weight I could get back to the gym as I used to five times a week ten years ago, and if I were thinner I would want to be more active generally. Is a gastric band the best course of action? Am I just seeking the easy way out?
First of all welcome to Mini's , this is a great place for info and support :)

Secondly make an appointment to see your GP and discuss your options, depending on where you are and which PCT you are under there are different procedures to getting surgery.

Read some of the topics on here about bands and bypasses. Research both and see which is more suitable to you.

Neither the band nor the bypass are an easy option, in no way whatsoever ! They take a life time of commitment,supplements, understanding, changes in lifestyle forever.

Whatever you decide good luck.:D Feel free to ask people on here, no question is silly so ask away :)
i dont know if you are taking the easy option or not and can understand that groups like weightwatchers or slimming world arent for everyone, but they do both do on line or at home memberships and i guess you never know if you could do it til you try.

I dont thing that surgery of any kind is ever the easy option, but i wish you luck whatever you choose
Hi Bubbles, I see you joined in May and you're only posting now :( dont be shy on here everyone is so nice and we are all here to help and support you

Im sad reading your post as I can only imagine how you must feel when people are nasty to you, its heartbreaking and you shouldn't have to put up with it.

If you cant afford to go private go to your doctor and speak to him/her about wls, at 28st im sure you more than qualify for it on the NHS dont take that for granted tho I could be wrong!

I dont know what your eating habits are so I dont know what would bne best for you....band or bypass, if you give us more info im sure some of us would be able to point you in the right direction.

Well done for posting what you did, its the 1st step on your weight loss journey, pick up your phone and make an appointment with your doctor it could be the best thing you could do for yourself, if you dont qualify NHS see if you could afford to go private and bite the bullet, you wont regret it

Hope I have been some help :)

Kate x
:hug99: First of all Bubbles, big big hug - you are not alone. Lots of people here will be able to empathise with you. Whether you go for a band or a bypass is really down to your eating habits, possible comorbidities and what your surgeon thinks. It's fairly easy to cheat with a band. I think you have to be far more dedicated than with a bypass. A bypass stops Type 2 diabetes in its tracks too - so is that something you might need to consider? A band is reversible but a bypass is forever. I suppose it really boils down to what you feel most comfortable with. Have you had a chat with your doctor yet? You might be able to get surgery on the NHS depending on your PCT's funding policy.
Anyway - welcome to the site - you've certainly found the right place! Where do you live - there might be a support group in your area and remeber, we're all in the same boat so no-one can judge and say that you're too fat. That's why we're here. Good luck with your decisions and don't forget to let us know what you think. Take care, Mxx
I am about the same weight as you, so please dont feel like you are alone.

I only came to the decision to have weight loss surgery a couple of weeks ago and am so glad i did.

Believe me when i say to you IT IS NOT AN EASY WAY OUT!!
There is a lot of hard work involved in weight loss surgery. It is something that will change your life.

I would suggest reading "Weight loss surgery for dummies" it explains everything in a lot of detail and

Good luck with what you choose to do. Everyone here can sympathies with what you are going through with your weight so you are in the right place, but having this surgery is not an easy way out.

:) xxxx
Hi Bubbles and a very warm :welcome: to Mini's.

WLS is never an easy way out. People who tell you it is the easy way usually have no idea and tend to be naturally slim. When all else fails, WLS has been the answer for many, restoring lives half lived.

I would highly recommend WLS. Do your research. BOSPA is a good place to start. Nose around the board and see for yourself the amazing difference wls surgery has made or is making to people's lives. The question as to whether to have a band or a bypass really depends on your eating pattern. Bands usually suit volume eaters whereas a bypass is recommended for grazers and sweet eaters. Your surgeon will be able to advise more on this.

Welcome once again.
Hello & welcome, Were all one big happy family on here so please don't be shy, Ask what you need to know there's always someone here to help and advise you.....I've had a band fitted & although it was only done 3 1/2 week's ago i know it's the best thing i've ever done because for the first time i can see a end to my weight problem....Make that first appointment and start your weight loss journey good luck in whatever you choose:)
Hi Bubbles
Glad you decided to post this is a fantastic "gang" to be part of. We are all at different stages in our journies both both with bands and bypasses, sleeves as well so there is always someone here to help. We have all been there with the ignorant people of the world and that's why its great here cause we all understand each others situations. Weight loss surgery is def not an easy option and research all you can. I had my bypass privately so it was a quick process but i had researched for a long time before. I'm 4 weeks post op and have no regrets. I chose bypass because i was a big sweet eater with not a lot of willpower so knew i would more than likely cheat with a band. Welcome to minis and good luck with your journey x
Hi Bubbles, some really good advice from the guys here allready, could you finance an op privately yourself ? if you can you could cut out a year of funding and waiting crap that the NHS will put you through, i had my bypass privately over a year ago and i'm glad i did, as through the NHS i'd probably still be waiting now ! - to me that would have just been a waste of a year !

If not then the first course of action is to look at the BOSPA site (as suggested) get the fact and list any co morbidity you may have (problems or health issues caused by obesity) and then go see your GP and ask for WLS ! - at 28 stone you should be a good candidate for a bypass.

Hello and welcome to minis

It's really great to hear your story as it just emphasises the fact that there are people in very much the same boat as I used to be. I think you should be applauded for finding here and talking about your problem.

By no means though must you think of an operation as the easy way out, it's not. If you treat it the right way, it's brilliant, but you can have the op and still not lose as much as you want if you're not mentally ready for a bit of heartache and hard work.

But the operation affects many people in many ways. I was like yourself, getting more and more introverted. My pleasure was eating as much as I could and feeling full and not wanting to go out.

I was 31 stone before my sleeve op. In 6 weeks I had lost 4 stone!! And still losing as I am treating my body carefully and not blowing this fantastic opportunity given to me.

Start by having a visit to your doctors and talking about your feelings. Good luck and we're always here for you

Bubbles you have arrived at the right place at the right time. I feel really sad for you, you come across as being really down and in need of a good old hug:needhug:. I don't know what the best route for you is but as alot of people have pointed out the docs is the first place to seek advise. My doctor was very approachable and helped me to weigh up the pros and cons of surgery. Good luck in whatever you decide xx
Hi Bubbles, can relate to you so much. It does'nt always have to be a huge amount of weight to affect your emotions and actions.
Weight has always been my driver and has always dicated what i do and what i dont do.
So good luck on your decision to get the process going. I agree about trying to fund self if at all possible.As time slips away and a lot of damage can be done by waiting.
(((HUGS))) Welcome to Minimins. I would definitely make an appointment with your GP to discuss your options under the NHS. You sound so much like many of us on here and we are all here to support one another in long term weight loss.

WLS is definitely not an easy option or an easy way out. If it were, I would have done it years ago. I has taken me a long time to wrap my head around the changes that will affect the rest of my life. I do know that if I do not go down this route, then my life will be considerably shorter due to my weight.
Hi and welcome Bubbles You will get lots of advice on this site so dont be shy in posting any question even if you think its a silly one. Someone will answer for you

Good luck in whatever you deside
Hello everyone - my thanks for your support and encouragement, it's been very welcome. I did go to see my GP and discussed the surgery with him and he has said he would write me a referral letter.

I've enquired about the operation privately and may make an appointment with a consultant.

I am going to try to diet for a couple of months though. If I aim for 1/2 lb a day that should be roughly a stone a month. Is this unrealistic?
hi bubbles and welcome
im just the same. dont go out in less i really have to.
i broke my old sofa cos of sleeping on it to.
dont know about the diet but that does seem a lot to loose in a month. xx
Hello everyone - my thanks for your support and encouragement, it's been very welcome. I did go to see my GP and discussed the surgery with him and he has said he would write me a referral letter.

I've enquired about the operation privately and may make an appointment with a consultant.

I am going to try to diet for a couple of months though. If I aim for 1/2 lb a day that should be roughly a stone a month. Is this unrealistic?

That is totally unrealistic yes. Thats the aim of those of us that are post WLS and have had the added help of a band or a bypass. Its certainly not a realistic aim to set yourself.

Try and lose a bit of weight by all means (the more you get off the better it is for any anaesthetic you may have) but don't get setting yourself up to fail.

Just eat sensibly and try to get out and walk a bit. I know its easier said than done but seriously the better the shape your body is in, the better your recovery if you do have the surgery.

I'm pretty sure with your BMI you will be accepted for weight loss surgery so wish you all the best with it.

Hi Bubbles

Glad your GP has referred you, having your doctor on your side will really help. Good luck on your journey x