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Something I didnt expect...


I know Ive changed!
...is how utterley on a high my weight loss would make me.
I expected that I would just end up slimmer but be the same old Steph. Hubby commented on it today because I am slightly high on life these days lol
We were in the car with the radio on and I was laughing and joking with hubby and also dancing away in my seat and was just very plainly very very happy lol
I said to Tom "you didnt expect me to be like this did you?" and he said no, he thought I would be happier but not so totally overjoyed with life in general, it literally is like Im high on life, Im so damn happy and bubbly and I cant hide it lol
I knew being slim would make me happy to a degree, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would make me *this* happy.
Its to the point where if Im home and music comes on I dance around, if Im out and about and I hear music I have to fight the urge to dance around lol
The new me is someone I actually like and I am savouring every glorious second of my life and have definately adopted Katy Perrys attitude...to live like a firework, that song is definately my anthem now lol
Love to you all xxx
Steph xx
LOL that is just lovely! I hope I get to that stage too. I'm very happy for you. xxx
It is isnt it Grace. I spent so many years happy in marriage but that was about it, nothing much ele thrilled me, I rarely smiled and I sure didnt want to dance and get out there and milk life for all its worth, now I want to...I could just go out and dance around for joy with everyone...though I would end up in a padded cell pretty quickly if I did hahaha
I hope you get to this point too honey xxx
Steph xx
I love positive posts like this, what could inspire a pre opper more than reading how happy it could make you :D XX
Thank you Jacqui xxx
Pre-oppers...if you are reading this...dont hesitate to go forward with surgery. I cant guarantee that you will end up like me, I may be the exception but if there is even a chance that you could end up this totally thrilled with life, grab it with both hands...and both feet lol
Steph xx
This is a wonderful post...
As someone on the other side of this fence its nice to read..you deserve it hun.. x x
At my post-op appointment, my surgeon commented on how happy I looked. Pity it went a bit pear shaped straight after, but never mind, I'll get it back.

I remember in my early 20s being a bit mad and dancing in a supermarket aisle.........it was great fun! I shall again!

You're a fab advert for WLS Stephie. xxx
Thank you guys xxx Love you xxx
Oh dont get me wrong, I look around in the shops and if noone is looking then a shake my toosh a little lol I bet the camera operators have a right giggle lol Ive been known to wriggle my booty against Tom in a quiet ailse when the music takes over and noone is looking hahaha
Steph xx
Thank you guys xxx Love you xxx
Oh dont get me wrong, I look around in the shops and if noone is looking then a shake my toosh a little lol I bet the camera operators have a right giggle lol Ive been known to wriggle my booty against Tom in a quiet ailse when the music takes over and noone is looking hahaha
Steph xx

LOL Chris came with me in the disabled changing room in Primark yesterday...he told me last night he had to restrain himself as he was so taken by my new curvalicious shape! Sounds like I had a lucky escape!:eek::):rolleyes:
Lucky escape...Id have been mad at him for letting the chance go by lol
Steph xx

Oh no! Exhibitionist nooky?! Oh NOOOOOOO. Perish the thought, that is SO not me! :eek:
But is it classes as exhibitionist if its in a changing room? Noone can see, noone knows ;) lol
Steph xx
ahem......the risk of being seen terrifies me!

Ex hubby was a bit of a &*^%$£ in that respect and I've never got over it.

Sorry to make it serious.....oh my word do I have some hang-ups!
Most people have lots of hang ups hon, I think Im fairly lucky that mine can be hidden well lol
Steph xx
Most people have lots of hang ups hon, I think Im fairly lucky that mine can be hidden well lol
Steph xx

Hugs xxxxxxxx by the way I shall have to lose another 2 stone minimum before I can shop proper in Primark!
Are they known for being very small sizes?
I havent really shopped much from there but I dont think they are known for generous sizes.
I have a size 18 dress here I was wondering if you were interested in, Ill have to pm you a picture. I thought of you because of the last dress I saw you in.
Steph xx
Steph this post is just fab to read, You have done brilliantly well done you!
I've got my first consultation on Mon and been told I could get my band fitted on Wed 26th Jan (So excited!!!) I'm under no illusion it's going to be an easy journey but I seriously can't wait to get started.

Love Katie xxx
Ooooohhhh good luck Katie, I hope your journey turns out to be as joy filled and awesome as mine xxx
Steph xx