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Stomach Pain

happy days

New Member
Does anyone else suffer from contraction like stomach pains. Not sure if it's wind or something I shud get checked out. I had it twice last week and then again last night.
The only times I've had stomach cramps has been when I've been about to dump. I haven't yet had the dizzy, sucky, light headed symptoms I seem to go straight to the stomach cramps and then the runs for a while once it's cleared the system I'm fine a bit washed out but fine. I've had the occasional twinge when I've been constipated & the body has decided to allow me to go to the loo. Sorry not a pleasant description but that has been my experience..
Any other odd twinges have been short sharp ones and almost certainly nerves rejoining post op.
I'm on my iPhone so I can't see what surgery type you've had or when you had it. Where is the pain? Is it high up or lower down? If it's lower down it could be irritable bowel syndrome.
Hi jaxx
I had bypass in feb. The pain is generally low. I think I've found out what was causing it now. When iam at work I hav lunch about one and nothing else till about 8:30. I have been on hol this week and hav ate more regular and hav been fine xx