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Treats without food

Gladys Friday

New Member
Hi All

I have heard about a book which is called something like, "Treats Without Food". It is about having treats other than food ones. The problem is that I am not sure it even exists! I have either read it's name on this forum or it was in a made up case study in my healthy weight group!!

Can anybody enlighten me please?


Not sure about a book but if you google Treats Without Food there seems to be lots of articles about different things to do :)
Seriously Ladies, do we need a book to find ways to treat ourselves without resorting to food?

You need practice not a book. :D

Shall we start a list?
Nails is a good way to avoid food at least in the short term you can't make a sarnie with wet nail polish :)
Nails is a good way to avoid food at least in the short term you can't make a sarnie with wet nail polish :)

Oh most definitely. I got a manicure and pedicure on Sunday.

Yesterday a little box came with the postman with 3 bottle of OPI :D
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Here's a list

Do something new with your kids
New hairstyle
Exercise DVD
Add some money to your tummy tuck savings
New lipstick.. Like a Chanel ;)
Special nail polish.. Again like Chanel or OPI or even Rimmel
Leg wax - not sure if thats a treat though
Try a new exercise like aquafit
Get measured for a good bra And buy a good one
Toss out the old undies and buy new
Spanx or similar
New phone
Charm Bracelet - e.g. pandora
new Charm for each stone lost.
Pair of good jeans
Compete new outfit using a personal shopper
Trip to the theatre/ballet/opera/cinema etc
Take your old bigger clothes down to the charity shop ..

Having a lie in would be a nice treat I'm exhausted! Not slept on for 4 weeks !!!! Maybe Monday x