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Visit to Doc - very demoralised =[


New Member
Feeling very down. Saw GP today who said I'm not eligible for surgery. BMI 38 (she says its 36 but don't know how as I'm 106.5 kilos and 5ft 6) with high BP which she says requires medication, high cholesterol, arthritis aggravated by my weight, but answer is no. She says they can be controlled medically so not classed as a co-morbidity. I said I don't want to be on medication for rest of my life, but she didn't sway.

She is going to send me to a dietician to look at my diet and suggest what I should be eating. To me this is laughable as I know exactly what I should be eating and in fact have a relatively healthy diet, I just eat too much.

Not sure what to do now. I can't afford private and even if I wanted to pay, my partner is having none of it. Does anyone have any ideas or let me know how to approach it again.

Thank you
I really don't know what to say to make you feel any better but I didn't want to just read and run.

You certainly have a dilemma and you must be gutted. Maybe someone will be able to give you some advice that can help your cause.

I hope you can get it sorted x
I don't have any answers for you either, I am afraid ... sorry you must be feeling wretched :( Is your doctor a one man band or are there other partners who may be more approachable? (don't know if this is possible) You are in a fight now as a lot of people on here who have had to really push to get their funding will testify. Good luck with whatever you decide to do next xx :)
As Denise said try another GP. Also its not for your GP to decide whether or not you are eligible for surgery but your local PCT.

If you feel that this is the only option open to you then get as much info together as possible, so that when you next go in you are ready with any relevant arguements Ie the PCT's criteria and how you fit into it. Try to get your GP or another if possible to realise that this is something you have considered carefully and require and get them to refer

This surgery though is by no means an easy option as many on here will testify and you will have had to explore all other avenues and jumped through all the hoops to be considered a valid candidate for surgery...so it may mean you have to go to the dietician, take the medications etc etc to get there in the end.

Good luck :)
Your bmi is 37.9 but if your pct criteria is 40 they wont even look at you,some say 50.You would need a comorb like diabetes,severe sleep apneoa or an illness that needs you to lose weight.They are very strict now as money is so tight and will only accept people who meet the critaria.Your only option would be private.Maz x
Thanks for the replies. I contacted my PCT today and the guidelines are BMI 50 and over automatically referred, over 40 need to be medically monitored on weight loss programme for a year and if not successful then referred and if over 35 then co morbidities which does not include controlled high BP and cholesterol.

She is sending me for test to check for diabetes but if comes back ok, then I have no chance. Oh well, better get saving up!
what a pig of a situation ... i had terrible trouble fighting my corner, i was on a 12 month weight loss programme (pointless!)i then had to get my surgeon involved as i needed to lose weight in order to have further surgery ..so i wrote to him and he wrote a fabulous supporting letter ... during this time .. a saw a locum at my surgery who actually told me that if i increased my bmi i would jump the queue!! how shocking is that ?? have you been down the medication route ? have you thought about going private ? maybe a loan ? OR ....My friend just had hypnotherapy ... there was a therapist on the radio who claimed that she could create the feeling of a gastric band.... my friend has lost 3 stone since her first hypnotherapy session , i think it cost £175, i will get her number if its something you would want to consider ? Dont give up hope xxx