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Weigh In at the Bander's Cafe!

Another thought I had was about the airport security scanners (I'm travelling from Manchester so everyone goes through them) - do they pick up the port? I know they band won't come up as it has no metal but I think the port does. I'm sure plenty of banders have been through them with no issues but just want to know what to expect!
Better to be safe than sorry with insurance . My mate works for a holiday insurance claims department , her job is to disprove the claim and it's she says it's really easy as a lot of people don't read the small print or declare medical history .
Imagine being in a foreign country and something goes wrong with the band ? Either food badly stuck or it slips .. And then not getting any cover because you forgot to declare it ! Imagine the medical bill ! Wow !
Hey mindy,

are you sure youre drinking enough water? when you eat less its so much easier to become dehydrated as we get so much of our water intake from food. I had this problem when i first started!

Have a good day everyone


I do drink a lot of water , well over 2 litres daily , but the pain meds , cocodamol , are renowned for constipation ..
I've taken 3 Senecot power plus last night , so keep out of the way !
I don't think the port has any metal in it .. From pictures I've seen online I didn't see metal .. But worth checking out incase ..
Hahahaha I can imagine bells and whistles going off at check in !
I take my mobility scooter abroad with me so that's gets a lot of attention at check in , it's gets swabbed and checked all over and I always get a body pat down also ( not by a chunky male though :( )

It's a beautiful morning though ! Apart from a family of sparrows squabbling outside my bedroom window early this morning grrrrr ..
Have a wonderful day all !
A good day today .. And it's been so warm and breezy .. Can't wait to get into to some maxi dresses !

Eating wise it's not been a bad day .
Had porridge for breakfast and a pear .. Lunchtime I got some chicken breast and ate a good portion of that , followed by some Fage 0%. With 2 spoons of options mixed in ( if you havnt tried it please do , it's like cheesecake mix )
I did get my first stuck encounter though with the chicken .. That was an odd sensation ! A little hot sweating followed by a faint sicky feeling , a big burp and it cleared .. Teach me to chew my food properly !
This evening I had a small portion of chicken stew with a spoon of mustard mash
Another pear and another small bowl of Fage and Option powder ..
At least 2 litres of water also .. No hot drinks today ..

Whoa ! Have an amazing time and get some serious r & r !
Omg blossom me to .. I'm seriously fighting boredom grazing .. . Need my fill ASAP lol ! I know it won't stop the urge to eat but it will help ..
I could happily have grazed all day ...

What are your demons today ?
Well last night I went out with friends and my hubby. I didn't drink but really did fancy a gin and tonic...but I knew it would lead to a few more!!

I drove...I've never drank so much blackcurrant cordial in my life!! But we didn't get in until after 1am so after a full on day with my daughter I'm really tired. I think the tiredness is causing it!! So I might just have to go to bed...

Hubby had hot buttered toast earlier I could have very easily snatched it off him!!

We're today for my fill...

How about you?
My fill is on 18th at 6pm .. so just got to hold on a little longer .. Had to have an appointment hubby could come to and as he has awkward shift hours it was hard to get a date ..
What sort of things are you eating blossom ? Do you write them down at all ? I might get myself a small booklet to write it all down in , the if I have a problem with weight loss I have something to compare with and show a dietician.
I'm not writing anything down at the mo as like you I'm eating so little but I'd had the same thought for when we are on normal food...to be honest this part, the freedom of it all does scare me a bit!!

I'm thinking if using my fitness pal app to record food intake as it apparently tells you amount of protein etc...

Just having a marmite drink to hit the savoury spot!!
Im on normal food to be honest .. This is today
Smoothie for breakfast
A packet of chicken breast , well chewed .
A pear .
1/4 pack of pesto pasta chicken from co op .. Used to love it but it tasted foul today so it went in the bin
Options hot choc made with milk
Cat bowl size portion of sausage lasagne mix with sliced courgettes and a tiny sprinkle of cheese ..

.doesnt sound like much on paper but I feel it was a a lot , more than I should need .
That doesn't sound a lot to me Mindy. Nothing like I would have eaten before the band. You've got no restriction at the moment to hit that point of satiety. But that will come soon x x sounds like you're doing fab! X x

I've had...

Protein shake with added berries x 2
Skyr 150g yoghurt
5 tablespoons of lentil Dahl (HW meal)
1 cooked and purred apple

Wouldn't normally have 2 shakes but just fitted in between gardening etc in the sun!

...but could quite happily tuck into a bag of chips lol!!!

Here's to our fills...We can do this my partner in band/crime!!
Oh I'm going to to beat this for sure ! Seen a cute 2 piece for my Malta hols if I'm brave enough by October !
Check this cute thing out and the tassels will cover the thighs !


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That's the spirit!!

Love it. I've promised myself a 'Floozy' Debenhams tankinI...quite retro love em!!

When things calm down at work I will take some time to note down the things we are learning on the weight wise course too. It might help us all with the emotional side x x x
Evening all :) so lovely to log in and read the antics :) ........ i've guests down this week so i may not be around as much, but promise to weigh in tuesday..... although its not been a fantastic week really...... but i'm still trying....... its going to be a week of eating........ my guests like to eat to the clock lol 11's then lunch ...afternoon tea then dinner LOL lots of coffees cakes and dinners out eeekkkkk easy does it !!!

Have a great hols Lu :) enjoy mrs x x x x x hang on in there MIndy ...won't be long;...... i remember wanting to chew my knuckles at this point...... just take it very slow and that in itself will help you feel satisfied...... loving the 2 piece :) Blossom going well girl ...... make sure you get enough cals in hunni ....... MFP is amazing ..... i log everyday...... on busy days i write it down in a book, not sure i'll ever get used to not keeping an eye on my intake...... when i stopped logging was when i started to gain...so for me its a must.....

hugs all round :) speak soon x x x x x
Morning crystal !
Sounds like your in for a busy week indeed ! I will deff start writing everything down .. I need to revalue my smoothies also now that I'm able to eat . After the op I drank them all the time as its a good way to get protein and calories in but I need to watch what I'm putting in them now and maybe only have them every other day or every third day .. ..
Got to work today , covering holiday leave , so I'd better move my chumpy rump :)
Hi Mindy have a great day!

Thanks for the advice Crystal. I do wonder if I'm eating enough at the mo. I'll start tracking from next week, which officially takes me into week 5...which can only mean one thing...no more mush!!!

Today we have lovely friends over with their two children and their new baby girl.

The paddling pool is up and the garden furniture out! I've said I'm going to do pizzas for everyone. My friend (who is one of the few know about GB) has urged me not too as it might be too difficult!! She's so thoughtful but at the end of the day everyone else still has to eat so pizza and ice cream for everyone else it is!!

Because I'm on the mush most of the food I'm eating is mushy hot meals or soup so I think I'll have a shake at lunch as I'm not feeling hot mush in hot weather!!

Anyway the bum must leave the bed!

Have a great day everyone x x x
Morning all banders tip lol sickness and band don't mix too well..... Guests arrived yesterday...... Nice casserole for tea with some specialty bread...... Cranberry and cashew nut...... Gateaux for puds. Only small quantities as always....... Up all night being sick as a dog....... Not sure if something didn't agree with mw or the start of a bug.....but I do know the first sickness since band uggghhhh my insides are so sore tired too....... Easy day me thinks.....just off for wee gander.... Lunch possibly...well not for me....... Lets hope it passes soon xx have a great day all