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What I miss most...

... is being able to take a big gulp of a drink when im thirsty.

I miss this more than any food.

I only ever drank low cal squash, diet lemonade, diet irn bru, lilt zero and the odd cheeky full fat coke prior to my op...

And i miiiiisss theeeeemmmm

Even the low cal squash i have now is too sweet and doesnt go down easy.

Ahhhhh i long for the day when i can take a big ol gulp and get rid of this damn thirst!!!

And here i was thinking i'd miss all the food stuffs i cant eat!

I can imagine how frustrating that is Becca - particularly in hot weather. Can you not suck flavoured icecubes or something? Would this be more refreshing? x
I am the same. I am a bander and have always tended to drink down glasses of squash and water. Now that I am exercising i am just dying to be able to gulp down a glass of water.
i have always been led to believe that if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated to a point. i have always been a big drinker (not alcohol lol) both pre op and now. At nearly 7 months i can manage 250ml straight down glugging. so it does get better but if you are feeling thirsty a lot of the time you really need to increase the amount of fluid you get in the day .
i am struggling to get my liquids in...
i might try the oasis... its hard cos everything seems so sweet!

the only thing i can manage okay is milk and orange juice mixed half and half with water.... its driving me mad

i even struggle with water!

I was okay for a few days after my op, i could drin no probs... but not now!


im glad to hear it gets better though!

i can now only drink vimpto and ribeana light in cordials but i love the flavored waters especially lime and lemon and apple that i could never stand before my op.
try yr drinks slightly warm it sometimes helps.
i now drink between 3 and 4 ltrs a day no problem. that inclues my coffees. I try ans leave at least 3/4hr after eating but then make sure i drink right upto eating throughout the day.
I drink still flavoured sugar free water Tesco own make in cherry flavour 99p for 4 and I drink a mouthful put the lid back on and pop them in the freezer when its warm I get a big ice lolly in a bottle
you have to keep drinking as I found out to my cost when I nearly ended up back in hospital on a drip through dehydration. I found Waitrose fruit puree ice lollies - no sugar, no dumping and thirst quenching. Delmonte also do a pineapple one which is sugar free