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20 year old , surgery in 5 days :-D

Hi Tiffany. I'm from the U.S to. What part are you in?
Hi Tiffany,

Good luck for Tuesday.

How about telling us a bit more about you and your journey?


well im from the u.s. 20 years old, i was just a tad over weight most of my life, all through high school i maintained my 200 lbs (i was very active and muscular) with the help of spanx :) lmao, i spanx is everyone best friend, but its become my enemy, ive gained 60 pounds in the last 6 months, i was hit by a drunk driver coming home one night, i lost my job, everything. so i decided to attend a seminar on june 20th. i did all of my nutrisionist and psychology tests in july, finished my group classes in august. im getting my surgery the 30th of august, so my journey was a fast one, only lasting 2 months,

my mother did do the rouxeny surgery 2 years ago and lost 120 lbs, so ive seen the pros and cons of the surgery.

ive talked to alot of people here about there journey, but i am having trouble finding people around my age bracket, so if anyone does red this, please message me! :)
Well I'm from California. But my hubby is military so I am currently living in Texas! I'm 28. I'm not as young as you are lol. But not to far off either.
I have. I actually just had mine 10 days ago. I had the bypass. And I love it! Well so far anyways! :) I'm still a bit tired but not to bad. It has already helped alot of my health problems! To me it feels like a miracle surgery! I am very grateful for it. I hope that you have the same luck with yours! My whole process only took about 3 months to. They pushed me through and said there's no point in wasting time lol. I also have my sister who went through the same op 3 yrs ago. And she has done very well! She just doesn't remember alot of details about the beginning. So I get alot of help from here to!
i just commented and read your diary post, thats awesome to hear your doing well. i love seeing everyones good things about the surgery, i cannot wait to feel it for myself. im sick of feeling unhealthy, ive got high cholesteral and i swear i can feel it through my veins into my heart, it sounds pathetic lol. now since you just had the surgery do you get the cravings for things really badly? you ahd said your going to be on liquids for 2 weeks, my mind set right now is i want to take advantage of that liquid diet and stay on it for about a month,just have all my protein drinks that im in love with, yougurts popsickles and everything, my question is is do you think that feeling of wanting to only have that will last? not want to jump into solid food yet, or will it change when im actually going through it?

not sure that really made sense lmao.
Lol It totally made sense. You will get tired of it. You will still have cravings and want to eat normal food... But you can't! Haha so it doesn't really matter. The cravings start to go away when you jump on the scale. :) for me they do anyways. I want to start on my soft foods already.. But I'm scared! So I'm not sure how I'm going to do it come Monday. I'm sure you will see a post from me up here lol. And the thing about the cholesterol I totally know what u mean. I was the same way!
yeah thats what i was hoping to be able to get over the cravings, but im good with dropping things i dont need.i smoked cigs since middle school, and when i started with these gastric bypass appointments, i quit cold turkey. so im hoping the same will go with chicken lmao. im waiting last minute to get a scale for my apartment lol, i hate them-_-

did you have a supportive husband through everything?

i swear idk what i would do without my boyfriend, he treats me like a queen, and i feel so bad that i cant do things with him becos of my weight. i had gotten so uset and disgusted with myself becos of my weight but through it all every day he still tells me im beautiful, i just cannot wait to get my confidence back.
:) My husband is amazing! I couldn't do it without him. I can just crawl out of bed and he will tell me how lucky he is to have married me. I am very blessed! He didn't want me to have the surgery at all. He was so scared. But the closer it came the more supportive he became and the more he understood why I needed to do it.
thats gooood. the surgery will help with everything, physcially, emotionally and sexually lmao. i feel like spongebob, im reaaaady haha,

this surgery has littlerally saved lives. i hate when people down play or ridicule it. alot of patients are blessed to have gastric bypass surgeons, they are miracle workers. haha i thank god my surgeon dr kruger, even tho i do feel slightly used when i see him at doctors appointments lmao i see 2 minutes of him, and the rest are his nurses, its like a wham bam thank you maam lmao, but hes got hundreds of other patients to take care of il let him get away with it lmao.
thats gooood. the surgery will help with everything, physcially, emotionally and sexually lmao. i feel like spongebob, im reaaaady haha,

this surgery has littlerally saved lives. i hate when people down play or ridicule it. alot of patients are blessed to have gastric bypass surgeons, they are miracle workers. haha i thank god my surgeon dr kruger, even tho i do feel slightly used when i see him at doctors appointments lmao i see 2 minutes of him, and the rest are his nurses, its like a wham bam thank you maam lmao, but hes got hundreds of other patients to take care of il let him get away with it lmao.
good luck with the op Tiffany! not long now. xxx
Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for telling us a bit more about yourself and the journey you've had to your surgery. It's always great to hear about the experiences of others - in fact, I think I'm a bit of a WLS voyeur as I love to hear how others are getting on!!

I'm afraid I'm not anywhere near your age - in fact I turn 40 at Christmas time and have a niece and nephew older than you!!

I wish you all the best for your surgery on tuesday, it will be no time at all until you are sitting on the losers bench with everyone else who has gone before you - just make sure you are ready to be joined by all us September babes and blokes!!

Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for telling us a bit more about yourself and the journey you've had to your surgery. It's always great to hear about the experiences of others - in fact, I think I'm a bit of a WLS voyeur as I love to hear how others are getting on!!

I'm afraid I'm not anywhere near your age - in fact I turn 40 at Christmas time and have a niece and nephew older than you!!

I wish you all the best for your surgery on tuesday, it will be no time at all until you are sitting on the losers bench with everyone else who has gone before you - just make sure you are ready to be joined by all us September babes and blokes!!


thank you very much, im sooo soo excited lol. 3.17 am, and cannot sleep thinking about the surgery tuesday lol
Well I guess you're there now, good luck sweet, it's lovely to be so young, you will be able to live a long healthy and slim life! :) xxx