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a bit scared now


New Member
hiya everyone
My surgery is scheduled for the 29th and my diet starts tomorrow. I'm not worried at all about the diet as it is not as restricted as some I've seen but I wouldn't have been bothered so much if it was after all the waiting. The surgery itself is making me a bit nervous though. I've had many health related surgeries over the last few years so you'd think this would just be easy peesy for me but I am so nervous.
Also has anyone else been worried at all that they wont be happy once it's done? or wont like the new you??
Sorry maybe I'm just being silly
Hiya hun everyone at some point worries about the surgery.. and myself i was worried about the pain... but was very surprised, the first two days the only pain i had which was easy to manage with cocodomol was where i had the drain... then i had no pain killers at all when i left hospital.... and i am a big wuss when it comes to pain... it was pain free after that...and the pain i experienced in the hospital was more of a sull ache where i had wind... so stop worrying hun all will be great xxx
Don't worry you'll be surprised at how your mind clicks into the right place & you'll wonder why you worried. Post op yes theres trapped wind pain & a little wound pain but if you move around gently have some windeze handy or colic drops/gripe water that helps. You'll be amazed at how soon you'll feel like a spring chicken enjoying your losses & new you.
Hi Viki
I'm afraid I can't help with advice re surgery as I am pre-op. I am currently under Mr El-Hasani and have been on his NHS waiting list since March. I was just wondering how long you had to wait for surgery??
Hoping the pre-op diet goes well, and they will soon be making room on that 'looser's Bench' for you.
Best of luck hun, please keep in touch and let us know how things are going
Kim x
Hi everyone and thanks for making me feel more at ease:) day one of pre-op diet is going well thankfully
I feel like my worries are all silly but I guess everyone probably feels the same.
how do I add a photo to my profile??
Hi everyone and thanks for making me feel more at ease:) day one of pre-op diet is going well thankfully
I feel like my worries are all silly but I guess everyone probably feels the same.
how do I add a photo to my profile??

to add a photo you need to go into user cp and click on edit profile... im not sure if you have to do 50 posts first though before you an add a pic... you will have to try it and see xx
Kizzy I dont have enough post points to add you as a friend yet but will as soon as I have enough to do so:)
just checking to see if my ticker is working
i had my surgery 2 days ago and i was laying in the bed a few hours after surgery thinking OMG what have i done but its now 48 hrs later and im coming to terms with what ive done and trying to keep in mind how good its going to feel once ive lost weight. I think its more scary because its elective surgery and your decision, whereas other surgeries can be necesseties. im hoping to say 6 months down the line "its the best thing i ever done" Good luck
Hi Viki,

i think you and I are in similar situation. I'm having my op hopefully on 6th Jan. I too have had previous surgeries.

I don't feel scared at all though.......yet! lol

I'm hoping, like you said, that this op may be a bit easier than the others! But Im sure we can face whatever we have to, as we have waited so long for this time to come.

Like others have said, try not to worry, it's going to be fantastic when we are through the other side of the op and are on the Looser's Bench at last.

Love and hugs,