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annoyed with my doctor today


New Member
Ive just been to see my doctor with regards to another issue and as soon as i sat down she said so these tablets (forcival, fast tabs, calcum) are you actually on these forever? i was like yes i told you that and she was like well your surgeon should be providing these not us & made a real issue out of it. Now i paid 11,000 for my op and i have not really been at the doctors much in my life no other meds needed... & surely the fact i have lost this weight shall mean i more than likely wont need meds for weight related issues in the future?! . This is the same GP i went to speak to about the operation and she was ALL for it!.

Hello there..

Can you not see another doctor in the practice? I was always told by my doctor that if you need certain medication for life then your entitled to it for free. I would have thought surely that your doctor would have realised you paid all this money out for your operation and would give them to you. If you cannot see anyone else at the practice I would consider changing. Wishing you all the best xx
Yes i can i just went to see her as she was the one all for it to start with... i feel the younger newly qualified doctors much better to deal with nowadays x
Well my answer would have been I paid for the operation so saving you that money seems she was all for it due to you going private from what i can see thought you would be paying for the other tablets too?
Wow, reading this makes me realise how lucky I am with the wonderful doctor that I have! He is so kind and caring and gives me whatever I need without hesitation. Maybe you'll have to change doctors?
My doctor prescribes but I have to pay for them but it does make me laugh (not in a good way) how you get treated sometimes. I've had to go A & E a couple of times, my providing hospital is too far away for emergencies. Both times they have said why on earth did you pay when you could of got it on NHS? strange question, had money so thought saving money for NHS, then these questions that were accusing then they where followed by more so why do you need us now? It's was almost like they were hurt I didn't choose them before so I shouldn't need them now. Felt like I was talking to an ex about a new boyfriend, very strange indeed. Wanted to say didn't realise once I'd went private did it mean I was never entitled to NHS care again? didn't win lottery, inherited money and that was all spent on op. Luckily my GP is very supportive. If it was me I would definitely do everything I could to avoid that GP in case she tries to take you off them. Best of luck x
Fat again i cant believe your doctor does not provide you with the medication thats disgusting, if she had suggested me paying for them i would have kicked up!! my god you think you are doing them a favour almost by paying for it yourself and you get this!! grgrr xx
Can't believe that, thankfully I have not had any trouble getting the B12 monthly and calcium...I would be very angry if they had a problem with giving me them after paying for my op too!