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Band has flipped- revision surgery

Keep me posted :0))
Are you having to follow liquid diet after surgery at all??
I am on milk diet now till surgery but have not been told about post op?? Xx
hello just seen this post. I had my port repostioned as it flipped totally over like yours. I didnt have to wait too long for mine to be redone ( about 2 weeks) and I had it done whilst I was awake (local anaesthetic) I was back home an hour after I had it done and I had a fill done whilst there at the same time * as I couldnt have a fill prior to that* anyway wishing u all the best - Julie xx
Hi Sara
Nope not been given any restrictions on diet etc not sure why I'm different to you, maybe because I've had the band so long??? I asked a nurse who said wont be any restrictions post op either as just repositioning the port but I'm going to ask surgeon for a small fill at op as have no restriction and worried I'm going to start putting weight on!
2 days to go and getting nervous!!!! I'll let you know how it goes.

My op is under general anaesthetic .....
All I really know is I have to do milk diet again before :0)
Its not a bad thing as lost 4 pound since Sunday x
Only had my band 13 ish weeks x
Will be going to theatre in about 45 mins argh....... Not doing a fill as I react to such tiny amounts and they want me to heal first, wish me luck and I'll let you know how it goes. I'm one of 5 having ops today, 4 of us to fix broken bands and ports etc

Chick xx
Good luck. Hope all goes well and u have a speedy recovery xxx
Well am nOw at home, way less pain than band op, was away from room about 1hr 15 mins, op lasted 15 mins!!!! Took a while to knock me out as I was very anxious which made more adrenaline which was counteracting the knock out drugs! Woke up quickly and easily and even removed my own breathing tube! Had some cottage pie and ice cream for desert then left the hospital by 3pm!
So far si g
Sorry! So far so good but had local painkiller injection in port site so that prob hasn't worn off yet, discharged with paracetamol only!

All in all so far way less than I worried about.
Oh and the best part is port hadn't flipped however there was a capsule of scar tissue that had grown over port and blocked access, so don't think they had to do as much as they anticipated!

Hope you're as plain sailing Sara!

Yeah so glad it went well and u r back home make sure u rest ok :)
Glad all went well for you !!
Feeling worried now 6 more sleeps !!

I can't understand why I am not aloud to eat before my op ??

Glad you were aloud to have food after .... Don't want to not eat at Christmas !!

How are you now???
Hiya Sara
I reckon it must be as your a relative newbie banner, I'm over 6 years out so that's probably it, oh I get how nervous you are lovely I really do!
I'm doing well, no way near as painful as I imagined it would be. The last 2 days have been more painful as the bruising is coming out and stitches feel a bit pully! I think I may have overdone it the first 2 days due to no pain so keep that in mind. If they re site your port you'll be more sore than I've been but I promise you it's not as bad as I imagined!
Just think in 7 days you'll be done and dusted!

If you have any other ?'s just let me know!

All the best hunny and keep me posted xx
Yes your probably right with me being a newby.... (or perhaps he keeping options open incase he needs to replace whole thing!)
Soon know anyway as only 2 days till op .... Hope tour feeling much Better now xxx
Just popping on quickly to wish you all the best tomorrow I'm sure you will fine! Let me know how you get on xx
Will do .... Feeling hungry and nervous now!!!
Not quiet sure what to do with myself as I can't sleep ............ Think it's worse when you have had the op so recently that the pain is still fresh!!
Still with out the band I would be 5 and a half stone heavier today!! Xx
Keep you posted x
They did my op under general so feeling really spaced out and sore!!
They replaced the port and filled it with 4 mil :0))
Not suppose to have solid food for 3 days ... Just see how I feel ...
Not had anything today as feel poorly xx
Oh dear, hope u ll recover quickly. Lots of hugs xxx
Hope you perk up soon, mine was under general too. I did wonder if you would be more sore :-(
Give yourself time to heal now! I'm not due a full until 24th jan so after Xmas it's me and willpower! Have 1.75 ml in mine and he's going to take it up to 2 ml as I react to the tiniest bit! I don't mind taking the scenic route we'll all get there in the end!
All the best and put your feet up xxx