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Been doing ALOT of thinking .....


New Member
Hello everyone :) ...

Ive not been around for a while, kept popping on but not really reading much.

What i tried to do after my last post was to take a back seat from constantly reading about WLS watching youtube vids etc.

I decided that maybe people were right, maybe i wasnt "that big" or "to small" for WLS ..
I joined the Gym last week im finding it really hard going but i do enjoy it ....
I rejoined WW and i am now weighing
:sigh: 15 stone 12 lbs at 5f2 i now resemble a barrel on legs ! ...

My MIL visited yesterday and when i told her she said that all to known sentance "your not !!!!" .. no seriusly i am! ...
"well you must hide it well" .. that does not help me ! ...

anyway sorry i ramble! ...

immediatly after xmas i rang my local surgicare group and i made an appointment for a consultation which is at the end of Jan ..... I cannot get thoughts of doing this out of my brain ...
Losing weight through ww again seems such a long journey and im getting bigger ... i know you shouldnt weigh but yesterday my scales were down and today they are up 2 extra ! .. and ive been so good with my points ....

I dont think im asking for any advice, But just wanted to share with people who understand and who maybe have been there ? ...
I mentioned to my mum (who is overweight to) and she said "well id never go into debt to lose weight" .. didnt make me feel to good to be honest. :(
I dont think im asking for any advice, But just wanted to share with people who understand and who maybe have been there ? ...
I mentioned to my mum (who is overweight to) and she said "well id never go into debt to lose weight" .. didnt make me feel to good to be honest. :([/QUOTE]

i'm sorry that you don't feel your mum is supporting you..is there anyone else you feel comfortable with who can be there on your journey??

This forum I've found to be a great support

I've done pretty much every diet under the sun, as have most WLS people as this is generally the last resort. I know that this is the kick start tool i need to get where i want to be so I'm sure if this is what you want you'll find a way to make it work..

In terms of the money?the amount I'll save on food and alcohol a month covers my monthly payments so..there are ways round it hun xx

Ramble away, thats what we are here for! x

At the end of the day you need to do what feels right for you, no one knows you more than yourself.

Good luck with whatever you decide x
This is one reason I chose not to tell anyone what I was doing. I wanted to do what was right for me without anyone interfering in that decision.

You have to do what's right for you. Not for anyone else. This is your life and it is not a dress rehearsal. We only get one chance to live our life and I, for one, am thrilled with my bypass.
Thanks :) ...
the money thing well ive already thought i could take an extra job to pay the repayments ......

Its the whole thing, I go to sleep thinking about it .. i wake thinking about it my day is spent on youtube .. I have tried talking about it with my OH and all he says is we cant afford it ....

This is true, i dont know how to explain how unhappy my body is making me! ... He is 6ft action man build and eats anything he wants .. and he just says well babe if you want to lose weight do your diet ! ...

Im tired my head is tired my body is tired i dont feel i want to spend the next god knows how many yrs battling .
sorry i said i wouldnt do this but my head feels like its going to burst! ...

Ive spoken to the hospital receptionist spoke briefly about band and bypass, and the 30th is my appointment to see consultant, ive had forms to fill in about my eating patterns.
how do i broach this subject to my OH were not talking about money cos we never have any lol ....
Ive just met a girl online who travelled to Belgium for her op on Tuesday. she 'only' has 4 stone to lose, but her thinking behind it was to lose and keep the weight off, rather than lose it with SW or WW and then eventually put it back on, which makes a lot of sense when you think about it x
Sal xx
When I had my WLS I had a BMI of 41(on the "lower bit" of morbidly obese) and was constantly told that I "hide" my weight back. And that I look great anyway and that no way I need WLS.

Now looking back at the pictures I am horrified the way I looked!

I am soooooooooo glad that I had my bypass. Now 5 months on I have lost 5 stone and loving my new life. And I also LOVE the knoledge that I will NEVER EVER have to go on a NEW diet again!

It is sometimes hard, and my brain doesn't keep up with my new stomach, but to have that feeling - "that's it, no more diets, dissapointments of loosing weight and putting even more on" is amazing!

I think you have to be honest with yourself - will you manage not only loose the weight without WLS but also keep it off?? I can't! And I went for the surgery with the thought that I will never be yo-yo dieting again.

Good luck with whatever you choose, but having a WLS was the best decision regarding my weight I have ever made.
Hello! I totally understand how you feel - I unfortunately am a lot heavier than you but I am sure our feelings are all the the same at the end of the day - I was told by lots of people that I didn't need surgery and I looked great - but I think they were just being polite and no matter how nice people are to you, you know deep inside that you want to change. :)

My only advice to you if you really think private surgery is the answer is to try and raise most of the money before you go ahead - it is going to be a life changing experience and I am sure, on occasion, quite stressful so you probably won't want the added stress of debt.

My op has cost me a pretty penny but I work a day job and I started my own little business to help fund it - I have worked my a*se off over the last year but it has all been worth it so I can start my new life afresh!

Good luck with whatever you decide xx
I don't know if I am barking up the wrong tree but have you ever been tested for underactive thyroid?

For a good two years, I joined weight loss clubs including weight watchers. I was swimming once a week and walking more but just couldn't loose weight even though I was really trying.

I got so low as no one believed I was being good and careful that after 4 months or so, I would just give up until I decided to start again.

Im tired my head is tired my body is tired
I know what you mean, it wouldn't hurt to get your TSH AND T4 tested.

You still might need surgery, who knows but if it is underactive thyroid, your mood would feel better with treatment. Good luck Hope you feel better soon Trisha
Big thankyou :) ....

I have dieted so much i know them all pretty much inside out and your right ... i lose 2 stone ... put it on plus more .. ooo rejoin lose 1 stone regain plus more .. this has been the pattern of my life for the past 10 yrs or so ...
I know you can have the op in belguim but i just couldnt put myself in the hands of somone who isnt in the UK ...

As for funding i did think about maybe trying to raise half myself and borrow half if i can might not be such a burden then ....

i was tested a while ago for everything .. thyroid, liver function diabetes and they all came back back normal .

I know that this isnt a one stop shop and isnt a fix it all .. but somthing needs to change ..

My mil just visited and we were chatting about WLS and i got the tape measure out ... my hips are 50 inches my waist 48 my neck 16.5 .. and she just kept shaking her head at me .. "i dont understand it... you dont LOOK that size " ..

hhmmm but i am .. she then said " well at least you can laugh about it"
My reply "yes on the outside im laffing .. i have to or else im going to end up back at the docs having a breakdown!"

(penguina . just seen your from my home county .... born and raised in pz)
Who was it who said ''you have to speculate to accumulate''? IF you can afford it AND you are not eligible for NHS funding then surely it makes sound economic and health judgement to spend the money on the surgery? If your weight continues to rise you won't have the energy for work and your health will suffer....

I'm a firm believer in 'if you've tried all avenue's then take another route'....

Good luck sweets xx
i think that surgery should always be the last resort, simply because of the risks involved. However, if someone had given me the opportunity to have it when I was 15stone I would, in hindsight, have been best off having it then. It's just crept up year after year with me occasionally losing 3 stones on diets then putting it all back on again. You know yourself best and know whether a diet on it's own is going to work for you.
I get those comments a lot about ''oh you hide it so well'' etc. But then I see a photo of myself and know they are just trying to be kind. Currently my dad keeps telling me I look really well and I know that's just his fear of me having the op.

One thing I would suggest though is that you try to save a little towards the repayments before going ahead. If you're relying on getting an extra job to pay for it, just bear in mind that you might have complications and not feel able to do much for a while after the surgery so it's best to be prepared.
LOL you were born in PZ and moved away - so that I, who was born in Oxford, could move in!! We just love it down here, at least in Hampshire you aren't too far from the sea, and some really nice scenery too.

Just maybe ask what your results were for Thyroid, along with the reference ranges. I was tested for Free T4 in OCT 09 and was labelled Sub Clinical Hypo by the Weight loss team, but my doc ignored it. After changing Docs and having a TSH that still was in range, he said I was clearly not right and started me straight on 125mcg Thyroxine. I am now on 150mcg.

Some TSH results ranges are up to 6 or 6.5 and some Docs won't treat until the reading goes above 10, but the Americans and some other Europeans treat after it goes above 3.

I feel so much better, since starting Thyroxine, it has been the making of me over the last 4 months. It was just your statement that made me think of it
Im tired my head is tired my body is tired

And as for
"yes on the outside im laffing .. i have to or else im going to end up back at the docs having a breakdown!"
I am sure loads of us know how you feel, your MIL wasn't trying to be mean, and probably meant it in the best possible way, but it doesn't help. Only people like us, in this situation can understand.

No one except me and the medical team knows my weight. A friend (male) tried to guess it once, and I was mortified when he kept saying figures like "12 stone" "12 1/2 stone" I was being eaten up inside out with my thought of the horror he would feel if he knew the truth.

It wouldn't hurt to go back to SW. Is there another one in your area you could attend? It doesn't sound like your mentor gave you much support, not to see while you didn't go back. As you have the vouchers though, you may as well use them. I hope things work out for you. Trisha
If I could turn back the years... have saved my health... have dieted... have kept the weight off... I'd have done all of these things and more...

Unfortunately, the tiredness goes with it... and it's both physically and mentally exhausting... explore yourself, every avenue, no matter how it turns you upside down, when you have arrived at your decision...

Go for it, whichever way you can!

The decision has to be individual, in my case... I'm older, my health has been in ruination through weight related illnesses and if I had a six foot hunk of a man, I'd be doing it for you both and sorting this whilst you are the weight that you are... good luck and keep us posted.

Sending the warmest of hugs, it's a challenge and you can do this... one way or the other... with your every step.

Love to you xxx
I just want to say thankyou thankyou thankyou .....
You are all so lovely and it is a relief to actually speak openly about my weight without being judged etc .....

I think im definatly going to keep my appointment for the 30th.. im going to explain to my OH that id like him to come with me but also explain we dont have to sign upto anything on the spot ..
I think him being there may help him understand how much of a problem this is ? .....

Thanks so much for your support .. I am going to keep plugging away at WW for now, Any weight off is a start, right?
also going to put maybe 3 months worth of repayments into an account just in case ..
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Sorry I got you muddled with another lady when I said about the SW vouchers. Go for it on the 30th like you said, they will not make you sign up immediately.

I know for myself that even if miracle upon miracle I did loose a huge amount of weight, from past experiences I would not keep it off. I would have done it by now if I could, and not been fat. Good idea to have a safety net of payments, then there is less pressure. Good luck Trisha
All I can offer is to say "go with your heart". You are the only one that knows what can make you happy. No matter how many people tell you that "you don't need it" "or you're looking fine as you are" you never get the same feeling do you. I'm sure once you have gone ahead with your decision your family will realise what it meant to you to lose the weight. Good luck sweetheart xxx
I think im definatly going to keep my appointment for the 30th.. im going to explain to my OH that id like him to come with me but also explain we dont have to sign upto anything on the spot ..
I think him being there may help him understand how much of a problem this is ? .....

That's a great idea - I took mine with me on the same assumption and he totally shocked me - he asked some questions that I would never of expected him to ask and we went away from the appointment very positive and he couldn't wait for me to book the op and start my journey to my new life - even when we decided that the bypass was a better option for me at the cost of an extra £4000! You need all the support you can on this journey so getting your OH on board from the start will definitely help :)

Oh, and the other great thing about going private is the timescales - I had my 1st consultancy on Friday 19th November 2010 and will be going in for my op this Sunday :) - please let us know what you decide and I look forward to following your journey xx
Morning all :) ...

Im sorry i dont know how to add everyones names to my post .. I just wanted to say a big big thankyou to each and everyone of you ..

Gaynor your right, I do need to follow my heart and i think as much as i keep trying to leave WLS and try somthing else i keep coming back to it and i know in my heart this could be my new start! ....

Kateyloo.. I was so glad to see your post .. I was unsure about taking my OH (he is a man of few words) but im convinced this will help him realise what a problem this is and how it is effecting my life, after all im going to have to speak openly about this arnt i .. ?!

Today i feel lighter .. in mind and soul if that makes sence, Sharing really does help! xxxx
Hello I was just reading through your post and I am in the exact same position as yourself. We are living day to day financially and the only option I would have of gettin the money would be to remortgage our home but then we owe money out and it makes me feel very selfish. I like you am reading non stop about surgery and watching u tube. I have actually been 4 consultation on Monday and it went really well but my husband doesn't know. He did say over Christmas that he would try his best to help me this yr but I feel so bad when I know we have debt already. I keep trying to push it out my mind also but it won't go away. I totally understand because I am there x