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bypass less than two weeks away


New Member
Hi all,my bypass is scheduled for 10th June which is less than two weeks away:D
My pre op & anesthetic assessment have all been carried out,my question is this,what should I expect immediately following surgery, pain seems to be controlled via drugs & pain driver,surgical stockings are standard,perhaps a flowtron for lower limbs,how soon after am I expected to take fluids ,sips I would think,is it just water at first,when do I progress to hot drinks soups yogurts ect & how soon will I be mobilized.How soon after if all is ok ,is a 1st appt post op scheduled for.
One thing I wasn't expecting was how bad the gas pain was. Pain relief doesn't really alleviate that, so the best advice I can give you is get up on your feet as soon as you can after your op, and walk around at least every 2 hours to help shift it ASAP :)
I didn't have any pain and I was up a couple of hours after the operation. I was nill by mouth until the following day then I was allowed small sips of water. The day after I was released from captivity having sipped a cup of tea and sipped half a cup of apple juice.
I was given water to sip not long after I came round from anaesthetic. I was up walking within 3 hours of the op finishing (which was just before 6pm) and had my first cup of tea about 6am the next morning.

I had no pain and only a couple of hours about 4 days later where trapped wind pain in the shoulder was an issue.

Overnight the first night I was wired up to a variety of machines which could all be disconnected so I could walk about - including inflatable leg boot thingies.

I came home about 28 hours after I was admitted - about 24 hours after the op.

I hope you have as good an experience as I have x
after my op they expected me out of bed as soon as possible. with the nurse saying a minimum of ten mins walking a hour. expect little drinks often. 20-30 mils were all I had for the first two day. Its a little to suffer for the benefits you will start to see very fast .. good luck and enjoy the new you
I'm on the 12th :) how are you finding the pre-op diet?
I have been on a low fat diet for the last 2 months,my provider has not asked me to follow the liver shrinkage diet as they are happy with the weight loss,praying that my liver is small enough to proceed,can't think of anything worse than getting to the OT then being delayed through something that could of been avoided:eek:
Hi be prepared to be tired for the first few weeks. Also for me, I relied on having prepared some puréed / soft food before hand in the freezer. It's taken 3 months got my eyes, head and tummy to sync together but I am getting there. I am an 18 clothes size and pre op before any loss I was a 24. Feels great x
Hi I am having my op on the 9th and am on day 8 of pre-op no carbs and no fat.

Finding it hard today but don't want anything to hinder my op.

Good luck all
