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I had a bypass on 30th june, i lost a stone in first wk n avnt lost anything since. Is this normal? Wot hav other ppl lost in the first 3 wks???

Im two weeks post op. Lost 9lbs first week , and in second week I actually gained a lb!!!!

Spoke to hospital , they advise our bodies are still recovering from all the trauma of the op. Could also be some water retention
It will , we will be losers. Big losers lol
i had my bypass 26th june and lost 26lbsthe first WEEK! which was obviously fluid and the fact i could only sip water for days as i had the trots for over a week, i went from 20 stone 2lbs down to 18 stone 4lbs but got disheartened as it kep going up again now it seems to have settled between 18stne 10 to 18stone 7lbs more to the 7lbs but i'm not at all bothered as i wont let it go on for ever, i have got the tape measure out.... i have lost 4 inches off my waist and 2 each off my hips and bust, my tummy is still puffy from the injections but they finish this week as i'm 4 weeks post op now, need to get moving about a lot more as i want to start up some sort of exercise so i dont get left with so much overhang but have had 6 kids so tummy stretched all over...

Good luck all xxx
Thanks for sharing! I have my bypass in 2 weeks and won't freak out now if this happens to me. Good luck with your weight loss journey xxx
Thanks for that. Thats alot to lose in a wk, ya body is probs in shock after losein so much in a wk. Hopefully after a few more wks our bodys will adjust after a few more wks n then the weight will gall off.x
Thanks Maria! Just been reading drylaws post ( post op diary) not having a good time of it! So now I'm terrified again!!!!!!! Xxx
Dimond, I always remember someone saying to me, that you shouldn't wish for anyone else's journey in life, that you have your own. Your op will be amazing and it may be diffecult but I'm sure you'll do great. I see you're having your op at Darlo. I wish you were at Sunderland, we might have been in together
The op was fine for me, i was up and in shower after bein bk on the ward for two hrs. The gas was the worst pain. I had sickness bad after a few days m ended up bk in hospital after bein out 24hrs. But after day 4/5 i was fine. Id sa after day 5 i felt ok n went out to shops, I havnt had any probs takin meds or eatin. Think am one of the lucky ones. Now the worst thing is wearin theses bloody stockins, often wake up in nite because there so tight.x
dear dimond please dont think that whats happened to me will happen to u everyone is different and their experiance is different
just do as u are told follow the rules and you will probably be fine
yes im having a bit of a rough time ad there are a lot of people worse of than me

and if u were to ask me would i do it again ........the answer would be yes because i wouldnt be able to lose 69lb in the last 6 months and be able to keep off
good luck on your journey
Aww thanks drylaw, I think it's just as time is getting closer I'm getting the jitters. I would never not do it as this is all I thought about for months now. I really hope you feel better soon. Take care Hun
Lubilu, I also wish I was getting op in Sunderland as I only live about 15 mins away fro hospital but the waiting list was far to long for me so I opted for Darlington. I'm too impatient. Are you going to the support group at Sunderland. I was going to go tonight but first day back at work after having band out and I bushed so maybe will go to next one xxx
Dimond, I wanted to go to the meeting tonight, but my Mam is in the QE. I plan to go to the next one. Would be nice to see you there
for those due to have their surgery in the near future, dont be afraid, this is the start of a very special journey which is personal to each and everyone of us and they are all different ones... i wasnt sick i felt good mst of the time... just got muddled with meds whilst there but once sorted i was fine, i knew someone who had a panic attack whilst being sick.. because she was afraid and in turn made me scared but it wasnt anything like i imagined... she was afraid to go number 2... i didnt stop... lol but its all ok just accept things for you.... we are all around here to answer questions and help comfort during scary moments, Good luck to you all, by the way im feeling grand, i got a £5 top from asda sales a few months back.. nothing special just a cheapie top... didnt fit lol it was to tight on my hips... but now i have room all round where it doesnt touch me... = a very appy bunny xxx
Aww thanks for your post liesa it really does help having people to talk to and advise you on this site. I can't wait but I don't think I would be normal if I wasn't a little apprehensive! X
Hi Lubilu, yes it would be great to see you at next support group, looking forward to it. I hope your mum is ok xxx