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Demons in my head


Well-Known Member
Why am I struggling so hard after 5 weeks on milk diet and now back on the second week of food and the demons in my head keep telling me I am starving and I need to eat sweets, bread, cake etc? I have not succumbed but am finding it sooo difficult
I found reading stuff on here really helped remind me where I wanted to end up. I also painted my nails so I couldn't eat, brushed my teeth which sounds random but worked and played endless games of solitare on my tablet :) I also wrote myself a firmly worded letter to myself to read when I was tempted that lays out exactly why I had WLS and why I wasn't going to go back to old habits.

You can do this and you will, because you're worth it ;)
I found reading stuff on here really helped remind me where I wanted to end up. I also painted my nails so I couldn't eat, brushed my teeth which sounds random but worked and played endless games of solitare on my tablet :) I also wrote myself a firmly worded letter to myself to read when I was tempted that lays out exactly why I had WLS and why I wasn't going to go back to old habits.

You can do this and you will, because you're worth it ;)
another poster here said having nothing temping in the house helps, but I know that is difficult if others there too. How about a big bowl of salad in the fridge or carrot sticks to munch on. I make a huge curry for tea for 5 days and if hungry I can have a small bowl otherwise porridge has been my saving grace in eves.
Oh my god the demons....they dont go!! Just tell them to shut up and keep strong...if you listen to them you will feel like crap...keep at it, drink some lovely boring water and fill up on that!! You can do it
Why am I struggling so hard after 5 weeks on milk diet and now back on the second week of food and the demons in my head keep telling me I am starving and I need to eat sweets, bread, cake etc? I have not succumbed but am finding it sooo difficult
Sorry Hun I've only just seen your thread, don't know how I missed it, are you sure we're not long lost twins....I too have struggled this week, week 2 of re-feed, but I have to say you have done so much better than me by not succumbing, need I say more......it hasn't helped that we've been on A/L this week but that's not even an excuse, if I'm in this lifelong I have plenty of A/L to look forward to, keep up your good work, how much have you lost since re-feed ? I manage 1lb on first week but will miss my weigh in this week (probably a good job) xx
Sorry Hun I've only just seen your thread, don't know how I missed it, are you sure we're not long lost twins....I too have struggled this week, week 2 of re-feed, but I have to say you have done so much better than me by not succumbing, need I say more......it hasn't helped that we've been on A/L this week but that's not even an excuse, if I'm in this lifelong I have plenty of A/L to look forward to, keep up your good work, how much have you lost since re-feed ? I manage 1lb on first week but will miss my weigh in this week (probably a good job) xx
Sorry you are struggling too. My trouble is I weighed myself on the Monday I went to Luton and when I weighed myself on Saturday I had put on a pound which really cheesed me off and ridiculously has sent me into melt down about weight. Hence the need for surgery. Weighing tomorrow so let's see what happens. Having sleep studies on 11 November and back to Luton on 29 November. Hope you ok xxx
Sorry you are struggling too. My trouble is I weighed myself on the Monday I went to Luton and when I weighed myself on Saturday I had put on a pound which really cheesed me off and ridiculously has sent me into melt down about weight. Hence the need for surgery. Weighing tomorrow so let's see what happens. Having sleep studies on 11 November and back to Luton on 29 November. Hope you ok xxx
OMG.... unbelievable...... I went for the results of my sleep study yesterday! honestly can you believe that mine was inconclusive so he's doing another one on me, I really don't think I have sleep apnea it's just that about 10 times over the past 18 months I have woken up suddenly and literally been unable to breathe, he agreed that it doesn't seem classic apnea but was unable to say what he thought it was which is a shame as I would dearly love to know, it is absolutely terrifying when it does happen but as it doesn't happen very often the chances of catching it on the 2nd study is remote. I hope all goes well tomorrow, mine will be next Friday but as I've been so bad this week I think I'll be having a few milky chicken oxo and NAS jellies, I do really enjoy those so I should be OK, look forward to your update, take care Hun and keep your chin up xx
Well Bling Baba lost the plot last night with custard creams and toast. Felt sick but somehow have lost 1 lb this week. No real justice in this game as I don't deserve it. Off to the gym this morning to make amends and still feel sick
Ah bless you, your absolutely right.... no real justice, I've have kept up the cycling this week and really pleased with myself today as I managed 8.5 miles whereas I normally only do 2.5/3.0 daily, not sure it will be enough to save me come next fridays weigh in but I do really enjoy it, here's to a better week for both of us x
Wow great effort with the cycling. I have 2 knee replacements so cycling is difficult for me but I go to classes at the gym 3 times a week. Good luck on Friday xx
Hi huni how are you getting on with the re-feed diet ? Xx
Hi honey still struggling. Decided to do milk again from Monday to Friday to try to kick start me. What about you? Had sleep studies Friday night, hope to get results before back to Luton in a couple of weeks xx
Aww Hun it's so blooming hard isn't it, I still do a couple of days a week on milk, not sure if you've been following my diary but the weight loss has stopped completely which I've found really difficult as I've been choosing my food carefully and cycling quite a lot :flamingmade: :rant:had some great support, advice and tips from this great forum though, my sleep study was fine for sleep apnea but have to do another one to try and catch an episode of something that's been waking me when I simply cannot get my breathe, it's the scariest thing ever but thankfully has only happened approximately 10 times in past 12 months, at least no sleep apnea. Has your weight loss stopped too? Is it 5th December you go back, stay positive hunni :hugs:Xx