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Eating Out

nikki f

New Member
I know this sounds a bit silly but when my hubby wanted to treat me or be nice he'd take me out for lovely meal. Am I ever going to be able to eat out again???? I can barely eat anything now and since I'm terrified of food I barely enjoy anything anymore. I feel like a big part of me was taken away with my bypass as I used to love cooking and trying new things and going to nice restaurants now I feel like I'm trapped.
Yes! I still love food and cooking and eating out. In small portions of course but I enjoy it thoroughly
I still love to go out for a meal and to cook meals too. I sometimes order a starter for a main, or just eat part of the meal and either take the rest home in a doggy bag or hubby eats it!

I did used to think that I would never enjoy going out again, but it is just not the case - hubby needed to get out of the mentatlity that paying for a whole meal was a waste if I did not eat it all, but once he got over that issue it was great.
I still really love cooking and trying new food. For me, my bypass has really made me appreciate food. Now I savour the taste of food and really enjoy every mouthful. Where as before I concentrated on the sheer volume of food, not the taste.

I still eat out with my hubby, but more often or not I order a starter as a main course. The psychological barriers we put up on our own heads are sometimes the hardest to overcome post op. the further out you are, the less scary things seem. You have to carry on enjoying life, we only get one go at it :)
Sharing platters are a great way to eat out with others. Last week my husband and I had a lovely ploughman's platter. Nothing wasted, and lots of good stuff on it for me. I'm only 10 weeks out, and have been eating out occasionally since week 4.
I eat out every week with hubby and really enjoy it. I do order main meals, but i choose carefully, eg sea bass, or a Caesar salad, which are light and go down fine. Or you could order a starter with a side order of veg, or just get a normal meal and eat what you can and take the rest home. You must try to live a normal life. Enjoy :) x
Im a bander but I ate out tonight at beefeater I had theit chicken breast burger. I ate all the meat nd a handful of chips (left the bread) and had half the brownie desert with some icecream. Omm nom nom. Oh finished the leftovers.

Like others said choose wisely, share share share especially desert and dont be scared not to clear your plate. Xxxx
I take a couple of small plastic containers with me for left overs so I don't make hubby have to eat mine I often then have a second meals worth to reheat or freeze for later.
When eating out,do you have to make a choice between having a pre meal drink & then waiting a while to eat or eat first then a drink after?
I don't bother with a drink. Just tap water which I drink until my meal arrives.
So sipping a non fizzy drink is fine before a meal,but obviously this does not apply during the early days post op?
I sip a watered down j20 but stop a little while before food arrives. As we usually order mains it takes a while
I don't have a problem drinking before meals. I feel very strange if I drink after.