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Eeek Endoscopy this afternoon at sunderland

Had to loose 2st before op and i lost 3st . Ive lost a total of 9 and half kgs up to friday .. i started a size 22 in a size 16 now my aim is i weighed 22st.10lb im now 16st 9lb my goal is 10stone :) or size 12 clothes .. once i hit that ill go from there :).. when do you have your op ? Xx
Had to loose 2st before op and i lost 3st . Ive lost a total of 9 and half kgs up to friday .. i started a size 22 in a size 16 now my aim is i weighed 22st.10lb im now 16st 9lb my goal is 10stone :) or size 12 clothes .. once i hit that ill go from there :).. when do you have your op ? Xx

I'm in on the 17th december well go in day before, very nervous but i dont think im scared now if you get me?! I was in a state before!! Whats it like being put to sleep? Was it very quickly? did they use a mask or injection lol Silly question but i have never had to have it done! But i am now defiantly thinking about a new slimmer, hopefully, me afterwards and getting that excited feeling x
I was beside myself on the inside . Kept telling people i eas calm when really i easnt . I went in on friday 21/11/14 and i was actually ok . I asked them not to tell me what was to happen and to just do it. I was first down on the daturday so i went down at 8.30am . It was ok actually all i remember os the anesthatist saying sharp scratch on your hand . Then he said see you in an hour and smiled at me and that was it next thing i knew i was back on the ward . The anesthatist n surgeon visited me about 2 hours after op. Both were suprised at how awake i was and managed full conversations making all sense. Id also gotten out of bed and went to the loo and looked out the window.. im a complete baby when it comes to stuff like this . I cry when i need to get bloods done lol . But rrally there is nothing to worry about. Just keep thinking of the results. Keep a clear head. And dont panic and you will be fine. Easier said than done i know . But it really is a breez3 .. the staff in sunderland royal hospital are brilliant they keep you calm and relaxed xx
I was beside myself on the inside . Kept telling people i eas calm when really i easnt . I went in on friday 21/11/14 and i was actually ok . I asked them not to tell me what was to happen and to just do it. I was first down on the daturday so i went down at 8.30am . It was ok actually all i remember os the anesthatist saying sharp scratch on your hand . Then he said see you in an hour and smiled at me and that was it next thing i knew i was back on the ward . The anesthatist n surgeon visited me about 2 hours after op. Both were suprised at how awake i was and managed full conversations making all sense. Id also gotten out of bed and went to the loo and looked out the window.. im a complete baby when it comes to stuff like this . I cry when i need to get bloods done lol . But rrally there is nothing to worry about. Just keep thinking of the results. Keep a clear head. And dont panic and you will be fine. Easier said than done i know . But it really is a breez3 .. the staff in sunderland royal hospital are brilliant they keep you calm and relaxed xx

aw well thats good then i'll just think of your panicked status on friday and remind myself of this one lol :) where it was all good in the end :) I am scared but so far im not backing out like i did last time (and almost did a week or so ago) I hope you have a speedy recovery and also start eating. Gunna be a good year for us next year :D
Had a bit of a painful afternoon/evening but that was my own fault . Been sort of forcing myself to eat got told to eat when im aupposed to even if im not hungry.. but my boyfriends blended bucket loads of chicken veg and gravy enough to last a month ! So im quickly going off it lol ... gunna get some ravioli and tinned spaghetti bolognaise in and blend them down dietician said they where good to eat. Its all puree stuff at first and all about protien and carbs . I personally feel drained. Like i have ZERO energy . But took vitamins and ive been ok .. best vitamins to get are the centum a-z they have the right amount of b1 and stuff in them. They are a bit more expensive but better to have the correct or slighg more of the stuff you need . They are 12pound something for 100 and on 3for2 at boots at min. I payed 23pound for 300 vitamin tablets this morning deffo worth it . Id also suggest starting them 3-5 days before you go in for surgery keep you feeling good. Any thing u want to know ask and ill tell you honestly but i can only say what my experiances so far is and how its effecting me . Feel free to add me on facebook aswell if you like:) im on roshelle kayla on that i tend to get the notifications off facebook quicker than off here lol xx
Had a bit of a painful afternoon/evening but that was my own fault . Been sort of forcing myself to eat got told to eat when im aupposed to even if im not hungry.. but my boyfriends blended bucket loads of chicken veg and gravy enough to last a month ! So im quickly going off it lol ... gunna get some ravioli and tinned spaghetti bolognaise in and blend them down dietician said they where good to eat. Its all puree stuff at first and all about protien and carbs . I personally feel drained. Like i have ZERO energy . But took vitamins and ive been ok .. best vitamins to get are the centum a-z they have the right amount of b1 and stuff in them. They are a bit more expensive but better to have the correct or slighg more of the stuff you need . They are 12pound something for 100 and on 3for2 at boots at min. I payed 23pound for 300 vitamin tablets this morning deffo worth it . Id also suggest starting them 3-5 days before you go in for surgery keep you feeling good. Any thing u want to know ask and ill tell you honestly but i can only say what my experiances so far is and how its effecting me . Feel free to add me on facebook aswell if you like:) im on roshelle kayla on that i tend to get the notifications off facebook quicker than off here lol xx

Ooo Yeh I need to get vits in ready lol thanks for all info I will look u up on fb x
Im doing quite well after my op on saturday . I came home yesterday.. weighed myself today .and from fri 21/11/14 to today 25/11/14 i have lost 2stone 3 pound!! Didnt think that was possible.but hey .. bring it on xx

My goodness what an amazing weight loss!!!!!

Glad your recovery is going ok but remember you are recovering from a big op and try not to do too much too soon.

I struggled with dizziness and lack of energy but it is definitely getting better. Reading stuff on here most people seem to have a breakthrough around week 6-8 so really waiting for that!!
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aw well thats good then i'll just think of your panicked status on friday and remind myself of this one lol :) where it was all good in the end :) I am scared but so far im not backing out like i did last time (and almost did a week or so ago) I hope you have a speedy recovery and also start eating. Gunna be a good year for us next year :D
Glad you're feeling a bit calmer and more positive Jo :)

you can do it!!!

I got Asda chewable vitamins, they're about £3.65 for 90 and they have everything you need in them. They actually have more of some things than the centrum and are much cheaper, the dietician said they were fine. They don't taste too bad either :) But, if you get free prescriptions and have a good gp they may prescribe your vitamins along with all the other stuff you need.

I'm counting the days to Saturday when I can start having food!!!!!! Only soft food to start but it's not milk or puree so I'm so excited!!
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Glad you're feeling a bit calmer and more positive Jo :) you can do it!!! I got Asda chewable vitamins, they're about £3.65 for 90 and they have everything you need in them. They actually have more of some things than the centrum and are much cheaper, the dietician said they were fine. They don't taste too bad either :) But, if you get free prescriptions and have a good gp they may prescribe your vitamins along with all the other stuff you need. I'm counting the days to Saturday when I can start having food!!!!!! Only soft food to start but it's not milk or puree so I'm so excited!!

Are you about 4 weeks post op now susie? Is it all going down ok tho no dumping or out yet? I am feeling better and I just want it done now :) feeling much more positive
Will be 4 weeks Saturday, can't believe it!! Felt like puree would never end and like time was dragging but now feels like it's flown by if that makes any sense???

I've been really lucky and have tolerated puree really well from the start. Couldn't have very much at all the first week, prob because of the swelling but have had no dumping or vomiting at all, thank god!! Still don't feel hungry at all and am eating by the clock because I have to, feels quite bizarre. Have had a few cravings though, although they're big too bad to deal with at the mo because I know I just can't have them!!
Will be 4 weeks Saturday, can't believe it!! Felt like puree would never end and like time was dragging but now feels like it's flown by if that makes any sense??? I've been really lucky and have tolerated puree really well from the start. Couldn't have very much at all the first week, prob because of the swelling but have had no dumping or vomiting at all, thank god!! Still don't feel hungry at all and am eating by the clock because I have to, feels quite bizarre. Have had a few cravings though, although they're big too bad to deal with at the mo because I know I just can't have them!!

I suppose that's the thing we are all well aware of ill it can make you. In seminar they said if we dump you'll wish you where dead, extreme but effective words lol
Just re read this thread . Cant belive how scared i was for the op . Was the best thing i have ever done!! November 22nd 2014 was the day my life changed! Ive gone from a 22 in clothes to a 12/14 .. even wore a dress for the first time in about 12 years... im eating normally now (tiny portions though) and ive had a night out stayed away from fizzy drinks but vodka and juice is nice :) i have no issues with anything . I was back at work full.time 10 days after the operation and back at the gym 14 days after :) havent got any loose or saggy skin as ive been keeping ontop of my excersises. Its brilliant ! 10 stone and 9lbs off so far :)
Just re read this thread . Cant belive how scared i was for the op . Was the best thing i have ever done!! November 22nd 2014 was the day my life changed! Ive gone from a 22 in clothes to a 12/14 .. even wore a dress for the first time in about 12 years... im eating normally now (tiny portions though) and ive had a night out stayed away from fizzy drinks but vodka and juice is nice :) i have no issues with anything . I was back at work full.time 10 days after the operation and back at the gym 14 days after :) havent got any loose or saggy skin as ive been keeping ontop of my excersises. Its brilliant ! 10 stone and 9lbs off so far :)

Wow x
Just re read this thread . Cant belive how scared i was for the op . Was the best thing i have ever done!! November 22nd 2014 was the day my life changed! Ive gone from a 22 in clothes to a 12/14 .. even wore a dress for the first time in about 12 years... im eating normally now (tiny portions though) and ive had a night out stayed away from fizzy drinks but vodka and juice is nice :) i have no issues with anything . I was back at work full.time 10 days after the operation and back at the gym 14 days after :) havent got any loose or saggy skin as ive been keeping ontop of my excersises. Its brilliant ! 10 stone and 9lbs off so far :)

OMG Roshkay, is that all since November? That's amazing!!!! You must feel (and look) like a different person! Well done xx
I can't believe that loss since Nov, wow I bet you feel amazing. I'm almost 5 weeks post op. Do you mind me asking what a typical days meals looks like for you? X
Erm depends on what i have ... last night it was a chicken breast 1 new potatoe 2 bits of broccoli about half a carrot sliced and then a fromase frais yougart for afters ...
Erm depends on what i have ... last night it was a chicken breast 1 new potatoe 2 bits of broccoli about half a carrot sliced and then a fromase frais yougart for afters ...
That sound like quite a decent meal to me x
That's great I imagined you eating a tiny amount which I suppose wat you could have been eating before it will. Certainly to what I was eating before! I was just asking I'm almost 5 weeks post op and thinking I'm actually eating too much! Since my lsd began on 20th jan I've lost 2 stone 11lbs. 4st 1 altogether since my heaviest last Aug. But from when my lsd began I was hoping to get 9 stone off for my wedding in October so you have giving me hope :D
When i say chicken breast i mean a tiny one ... when all put on a plate its a saucer that i eat off :) im eating properly now and can manage pasta and bread. Only thing that dosent agree with me is eggs ... which is a shame as i love eggs.