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Feeling low


New Member
I'm feeling really low at the moment, went to my friends house a couple of weeks ago and by then I'd lost 46lb and felt really good about myself and all my mates were saying I looked wonderful, just looked at facebook at the photos she had took and MY GOD I'm still as fat and horrible as before. My weight loss has really slowed down to 1-2 lb loss a week and it's really getting me down.

Can anyone tell me what sort of calorie intake should I be having? PLEASE ANYONE xxx Cause I don't think I'm eating enough.
We are ALWAYS the last ones to see how great we look, LISTEN to the people who are complementing you! I am sure we are programmed to always see the worst in ourselves, but honestly, when people are saying you look good, it's because YOU LOOK GOOD!

Why not post what a typical days food/fluids would be and see if anyone has any hints/tips??

Keep your chin up, you are doing great and I really hope I can do as well as you have.

Nezzy you are doing fantastically well, I don't really count my calories, but have a small portion of carbs, larger portion of protein and larger portion of veg and I eat half my carbs then eat all the protein and veg and if I'm still hungry finish the carbs off. I have found that if I don't drink enough my weight loss slows down, which is what has happened over the last couple of weeks. Try not to get disheartend you are doing well it just takes a long time for us to see how far we've come. Its taken me 15 weeks to see that I have lost weight and am not the size 28/30 I was 4 months ago.
I know exactly where you're coming from, and in fact said it to my GP a couple of days ago! I feel so much lighter, I can wear clothes that haven't fitted for so long, and my mobility is so much better but it depresses me that what others see is still really a very fat person!! As for the slow weight loss, well I've more or less only been losing at 2 lbs a week since the first month. But you have done really well so far and your body is just taking a break - we have to just have settle in for the long haul and try not to get so depressed about it that we start losing our focus. As for how many calories you should be eating - well at least 1000 a day up to possibly 1500.
Nezzy it is not important to count calories in the early days, just make sure you eat 2 bites of protein to one bite of carb and you should be fine. Also if you think you aren't eating enough (3 meals plus a snack, 50% protein) you probably are right. Try eating a bit more and see if that helps. Don't stress about weeks with 2lbs loss, they add up over time, trust me I know with over 9 stone gone in just under 10 months, I have had lots of 2lbs weeks.

Nic is right, Its still early days for you and you have done amazingly well, all the 2lbs add up, Don't worry.
Your not fat & ugly, I've just seen your new profile pic and YOU DO LOOK GREAT!!! Chin up & take the compliments hun, You deserve them.
you look amazing and your weight loss is fab:D
Dont they always say your own brain takes longer to catch up with your weight loss than anything else? It will get there then you will feel tons better :)
I'm feeling really low at the moment, went to my friends house a couple of weeks ago and by then I'd lost 46lb and felt really good about myself and all my mates were saying I looked wonderful, just looked at facebook at the photos she had took and MY GOD I'm still as fat and horrible as before. My weight loss has really slowed down to 1-2 lb loss a week and it's really getting me down.

Can anyone tell me what sort of calorie intake should I be having? PLEASE ANYONE xxx Cause I don't think I'm eating enough.

Reality check needed Nezzy

Surgery Date: 14 June 2009 Gastric Bypass
Start Weight: 271lb
Current Weight: 219lb
Goal Date: June 2011

You’ve lost 52 pounds since June 14th and you are feeling low!!

Come on baby that is fantastic.

There is always a bit of a slow down when you go back to eating food you need to chew. Your body needs to rest before it starts to lose weight again after the initial loss.

As the fabulous Nic said make sure you get plenty of protein, twice as much protein as carbs. Forget calorie counting Nezzy just follow the diet tips your team will have given you.

Make sure your water intake is at least 2l per day and that you keep moving and you will be fine. Trust me

At just 2lbs per week you will hit your goal weight within your target so please worry not hun. You friends have told you how great you look so concentrate on the positives and the weight loss will happen. ;)
Awwwe Nezzy darling you weren't that fat to start with. Not compared to myself and a few others done around the same time as you.

Its a fact that the bigger you are the quicker the weight loss at the beginning, so by that reckoning your weight loss is tremendous. You can clearly see your slimmer in your Avatar picture too.

I think you still have your fat head on love, which we all have problems with. If I'm feeling fat I just go to the wardrobe and put the skirt on that I wore to go to hospital in the first place. Try that hun its bound to make you feel better.
Hi Nez - i know how you feel about feeling low but mine's for a completely different reason!!!

You are looking fantastic in you photo and we are only 10wks post-op today and i think we have done really well in our weight loss. I only lost 2lb last week but look at it from this point of view it's weight coming OFF and not going ON. This will be the first time we won't be putting the weight back on and really we just need to take each day as it comes and be a little patient with ourselves. I try and eat mainly protein throughout the day and i have reduced my carbs now - also having fruit that's juicy as i find it quite refreshing.

Take care - sending hugs with fairy dust to pick you up and help you sparkle xx
Thank you ALL for the kind words, I will try and pull myself out of it. My doc can't understand why I'm not jumping for joy and is angry the fact that I havent been seen by the hospital yet not til the end of Sept but ha ho will just keep at it xxx
Hi Nezzy

Just wanted to say keep your chin up...you have done really well so far...and even before WLS everyone hits plateaus.

You have had some really good advice from people I would call the experts...There is a post that FGS posted that lists her weight losses every week...that was an inspiration knowing that whether it's a pound a week or 4 it all adds up eventually...You only have to look at her to know that.

You have had a great loss....Keep up the good work...

Nezzy you are doing really really well dont put yourself down, you may think you are still fat, but your not as fat as you were at the start of your journey, and you know you are not going to stay the weight you are, so chin up and give yourself praise where it is due.

Jay xx
Was thinking during the day - if you were on a conventional diet how long would it take you to lose 52lb????? Months, a year???? So as we are only 10wks post-op i think we've done absolutely bloody tremendous - so smile Nezzy xx
Hi Anez, i haven't seen a picture of you looking 'fat', but i see your pic on here and i have to say you look extremely 'normal' to me! I think your weight loss is fantastic as the lady who sprinkles the fairy dust said, if you were doing a conventional diet how long would it take you to lose 4lb off 4stone?

The problem a lot of us have is that we have a vision in our heads of what we look like and it takes a lot of time for our brain to register that we are not actually that person. You look in the mirror and don't see a new slimmer you! I look in the mirror and wonder who that fat woman wearing my head is....

Take the compliments, find some of your old knickers out and see how long it takes for them to fall down when you walk round your bedroom. Then believe it, you've lost weight. 2lb off a week will give you almost another 8stone off by this time next year....

Head up gal xx

The camera adds at least 10lbs! I know exactly how you feel as I have a completely distorted image of myself. Post bypass your weight loss will slow down a bit at the beginning and then it will speed up again. Prime example - I have 2 weeks when I lose either 1 or 2lbs and then on the third week - 5 or 6lbs! You are headed in the right direction so dont worry.