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First Post from an old bander.....!


New Member
I had my op about 6 years ago now. I have dropped about 6 1/2 stone and have learned just to live with the band and all its idiosyncracies! Would I be without it......no.
But, one thing that drives me mad is I find I cannot eat so many foods. this is not coming from the perspective of food getting stuck in the band. For example, I could eat an imaginary plate of meat, veg, potatoes, gravy, yorks pud yet I am sick and the only thing that comes back is the gravy, as opposed to the whole lot. I eat a lot of mince finding it to be a safe food but then some nights it makes me sick immediately.
I think it is best dscribed as an intolerance rather than anything else.
But the list of food I can safely eat is really quite short, although luckily biscuits always top it!
I make a pan of soup, eat half then the next day go to have more and it makes me sick straight away!
Does anyone else experience this?
I also find a lot of foods, particularly spicey or tomatao based things a no no, yet this week I have safely eaten tomato sauce on a sandwhich.
Any thoughts or comments appreciated
Hi, I can't really help you on that as I'm a bypasser and I seem to be able to eat anything in small doses, but thought I'd say welcome to the forum anyway!! :)
A friend of mine has the band and she can eat everything she could eat before she had it, just in much smaller amounts and she has to chew it to death before she swallows it. But as far as any intolerances go she's fine. I always thought this was generally the case with the band and that you only had issues with certain foods following surgery if you'd gone down the bypass route due to the massive change in your digestive system? Shows how little I know :-s

Hope you manage to get this sorted though, must be highly frustrating!

H xx
Try posting this in the banders section? X
i have to confess i am a bit ignorant about banding. I too thought you could eat the same as before only smaller amounts, i tbought it was only bypass that made you intolerant to certain foods. i swear i learn something every day from this forum! Hope you get some answers davey x
Got no experience of bands so can't help. But well done on losing such a massive amount x
There are certain things I cant eat any more bread,pasta,rice,egg, certain veggies etc. I find some days I can eat more then others and some days the foods I have eaten b4 don't sit well with me. Don't ever make me sick though I just stop eating as soon as I think best stop, and try again a little later. Its something I have gotten used to and luckily this isn't a regular occurrence for me just every now and then. xx
I agree these bands and our bodies are strange things. I personally cannot eat bread, tuna-fish or steak at all - but small amounts of pasta, rice, etc are absolutely fine...and they are often no, nos for other banders.

Anyway, welcome to the forum :)