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Food budget post op


New Member
Hi folks. Just wondering how much your food nudges has reduced since you had surgery?

I'm going to be having a bypass in March, and hubby is going to be eating the same meals as me once I'm back on solids, just in larger portions.

Well we don't buy as much and our kids are not at home now but unfortunately our bills are similar if not higher cos the prices have shot up so much, I eat very little. We have found that making things like shepherd pie, mince n dumplings etc, make enough for 2 days and then its just to warm up the 2nd day when we come in fromwork. Saves time and money don't chuck lot away make less now for sunday lunch I like a portion the next day but hubby doesnt so ,make less now than eva have. I freeze stuff for myself as well, stew etc. Not a great difference really because of food prices. xx
I'm watching this thread with interest as I spend wayyyyyy too much on food and really hope that post of it significantly reduces.
Mine hasn't reduced but I know a lot of peoples does. There's 4 of us and I don't really want my kids eating low fat all the time especially my 4 yr old plus they are all really slender. I buy lean better cuts of meat and they are way more expensive. When it comes to my food I like the lowest fat possible so sometimes I'll buy two different items for me and one for the "house"
I seem to buy loads more chicken and the likes and trying to have meat every day but in smaller quantities has left our food bill about the same, I have definately made savings on the sweet stuff, no longer buy biscuits and cakes so that pays for the extra meat!!!
As such mines increased but that because our eldest's moved back home so catering for his tastes is an added expense plus the increased costs of foods. So often I have smaller amounts of their meals & sometimes that lasts me two or more meals. Plus I think we tend to over buy & fall for the bargains rather than sticking to the list. We need as a family to re think our shopping & find the best way to reduce our spending without cutting the quality. Hey ho the age old problem.
Ours has more or less stayed the same...less quantity, but better quality, I would like to think (fresh fish, v.good cuts of meat, smaller but tastier veg etc etc).
Mine is of a similar amount money wise, but completely reduced in the amount I get for my money. This is because I live on chicken breasts, king prawns and fresh filleted fish - as such, they certainly aren't cheap to buy. Also I buy small bags of ready prepared vegetables as its only me that eats veg and while more expensive I have less waste.

Someone said to me pre-op "just think the money you'll save on the food budget will be like paying off a loan towards the savings I've used for my surgery" - it doesn't work like that. My amount I spend on food has probably gone up if anything, even though I buy much less . . .
I had been thinking the same - that my food costs would hopefully go down. Maybe not though from reading through the thread...
Ours is not down dramatically but a lot of that is due to the recession. We spend about 50-70 a week. We buy good quality now though. So if needed we could probably cut that down.
Pre surgery I always bought quality fish and protein, so that hasn't really changed. The truck loads of crap that came with it has now gone.

Embarrassingly, I have already worked out that I will pay for my first surgery within 4 years (£8000) just by not adding the trolley loads of additional items :break_diet:
hmmm i was also hoping to save some pennys, for my pre-op diet i have just bought loads of chicken and beef in bulk from my butchers, chopped them up into 25gr portions and frozen, so they actually do go quite a long way.
im also goin to get loads of them little pots from pound shop and make bulk meals and freeze them. not sure how you are meant to puree meat, it sounds pretty rank but i guess its got to be done.
You can purée meat with a stick blender, if you add gravy or a sauce. I save about £100 a month on my shopping bill post op.
I must save because I massively binged before and would call at the store every day...however savings aren't seen as I'm always buying new clothes!! I buy quality meats from my butcher, fresh fish and seafood and seasonal fruit n veg....I love cooking and eating now....cant say I did before....
I have saved so much money post op, however, our food bills are about the same but I have saved on meals out and snacking etc, whilst we lived in our overdraft pre op, we've paid it off and have money to save each month
This sounds very interesting as I thort I would save money as well but after reading maybe I won't :-( I might keep some reciepts from all my food shopping now pre op and compare them to after I can but live in hope :)