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Food budget post op

I think rising prices don't help but whilst depending on the size of your family you could be buying less you also buy better cuts or quality foods not the cheaper brands etc we may have brought in the past. So swings & roundabouts is the answer I think.
I think my grocery bills are the same. Mostly because of all the "special" things I have to buy for myself.
I was hoping I would save money on shopping. That's a really good idea making meat portions for pre op diet. I've already puréed some veg for after the op. I start my diet on Monday and getting very nervous now.
I have to say our food bill has halved. We do not eat out anymore. Plus hubby is on board and not crying for a takeaway pizza. I buy our fish and meat in bulk and split up and freeze down. I also batch cook so lots of meals I pureed in advance and froze. We buy quality over quantity I buy the birds eye bag of froze broccoli and veg so can steam up a portion at a time. Most fruit is frozen too ready to puree into a protein shake. I will update as months go on! lol
good luck all