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Food Food Food


New Member
Had a bypass 8 weeks ago and Im losing weight and Im thrilled - food is just - well - something I have to do.

Can you guys tell me when you started enjoying food again post surgery - it has all the flavour and all the taste but I could be eating cardboard for all the satisfaction I get out of it and its bringing me down a bit.

i have not had a op , but didnt wanna read and run.........someone else will be along to give you any info they can...................

All the best - mejulie xx
i am 21 weeks post op still not feeling hungry yet, but i do enjoy food more than i did in the begining, you will find things improve, the smell of a dish might set you off wanting it despite the lack of hunger, or missing something you have always enjoyed - these are forms of head hunger which you learn to deal with when they turn up.
Cheers Tendersage - Food shopping is a nightmare - I wander round with an empty basket, putting things in and taking them out again. If anyone had told me that food would become a chore, I would have laughed at them!
tell me about it, i now hate grocery shopping, but i am starting to love cloth shopping something i have hated for years. Did not get my window shopping expidition last weekend but its now rescheduled for later this month. A whole day trying on new styles ect with Jonah whoooo and you think i will resist being able top buy something?
Looking forward to clothes shopping - another stone and its going to be necessary! But these are intermediary clothes - long way to go before Im at goal weight gear and dont think I havent got an outfit planned - already bought the boots!
I had bacon the other day with cheese and tin toms and I can say its the best thing I have eaten since my bypass and loads of protein