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Gastric Band question.

baby jayne

New Member
:help2: please

Since my Op 4 weeks ago I have been using my banked hours to do shorter days as in the afternoon I get really tired. When I get home from work I go in to a deep sleep for a couple of hours.

I was wandering if anyone else has this problem? I have tomorrow as a short day but after that I have no banked hours left and am dreading the thought of working long days again.I work on computers and find that concentrating is a lot harder since the Op. I have a job that accuracy is essential.

I take a really good multi vitamin and I take zinc and selenium. Plus I am getting lots of healthy foods in to me...Do you all work full time and also do any of you have a nap in the afternoon?
Hi there,

You are still very early days, it takes 6-8 weeks to fully recover from op and anaesthetic, so don't be tough on yourself...take rest when you can and try not to worry.:)

Do work know that you had op?
Hi Liz, don't try to run before you can walk!! You've had a major op and have a foreign body (band) in you so your body has to adjust to all this. Even though the wounds are healing, there's still alot of healing on the inside going on. If you need to sleep then sleep. I know your afternoon naps are not going to be as easy to have but you must remember you are still in recovery mode so take it easy when you can. Good luck in not falling to sleep at the computer.
Hi Liz

I don't work all week, but the 2 days I do work are very long with continuous face to face contact with clients (start 9am, 1 hour lunch break usually 1pm-2pm leave work 7.30pm at the earliest) and it usually takes me all of the next day to recover.

I try not to nap in the afternoons when I'm off if I can help it as I don't sleep well at night, but if I feel desperately dog tired, then I will.

you went back to work early after your op if I remember rightly?...are you able to perhaps break the next couple of weeks up with a couple of half days each week(using the holidays you saved from your early return) that's if you can take half days :)

take care xx

I dont sleep very well anyway so I dont really feel any tireder that usual!

Im sure you will be back to normal soon Liz x
Thanks for replies.

Yes Caz work do know and have been fine with me doing short days at a very busy time of the year...work is falling of the desks ha.

Yvonne that is what I have been doing, I did go back early and have split that time up over the last 2 weeks which has been a big help because I would have been so tired if I had gone back on the Monday with no banked hours left. I have a holiday booked in September so am all used up with Anual leave but I can build up hours to take of in between...the problem is I have none left and the thought of working my own shift never mind extra is daunting.

Never mind I am sure it will pass and I am not the only one who is in this position. And I wouldn't change it for all the tea in china!!