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Getting myself in a right old state


New Member
I am booked to have a gastric band on Tuesday but i am getting myself really worked up about it. how did you all cope with the nerves before the op?
I had hypnosis actually! I was a lot bigger than you and I was scared I was going to die and leave my family. However, the councellor who helped me got me to view it as allowing the surgeon to help me so that I can help myself and my family. Giving control temporarily to people who are fantastic at what they do and totally professional.
I was very calm on the day and I don't regret it. It has taken a longer amount of time to get this far but I started heavy compared to most people having bands.
Just try and view it as you taking a decision to stop procrastinating and doing something real to help your body recover and heal itself from years of being overweight and unhealthy. Just make that promise to yourself that you are now going to treat your body with respect and you are leaving the days of harmful yo-yo dieting behind. Just view it as a fresh start for your health , that's what helped me x
It is entirely natural to be a bag of nerves prior to any kind of surgery and wls in particular, is life changing. Try to be positive and make sure you get everything organised for after the op. Keep yourself busy and the time will fly - you will be done and dusted before you know it; back at home and sitting on the loser's bench. Good luck! xx
i was just so desperate to start my journey i was more worried about it being cancelled so nerves didnt play a part!!!
refocus oon the positives of how yr life is going to change and pamper yrself!!!
Thank you all so much for your replies. I havent had surgery since I was 11 - 36 years ago so - it's all playing on my mind. I keep thinking will I be able to go to work etc with so little food and then one thought starts another.
thank you for all your positive replies
Good luck to you all
I know it's easy to say but try to stay positive. This will be the very best thing that you can do for yourself and your future health. I won't lie - it's not the "easy fix" that a lot of people think it is - but boy is it worth it. It will be a steep learning curve but you will get there - you just have to want it enough - which you must do to have put yourself forward for surgery. Stick to your teams guidelines for eating - it will make your journey easier. I'm a slow loser but absolutely happy with my weight loss 4st in 11 months. Being nervous is normal (whatever normal is) but try to think of all the good things that this surgery will bring. Sending you very best wishes and good luck.