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Leaking like the Titanic..

Hi Sally :) Im not too bad thanks, works been ok and Ive definitely been pacing myself. To be fair theyve kinda wrapped me in cotton wool, not that Im complaining! My duties have been agreed with the manager whos came im in until my manager returns on Monday. This week I have been allowed 9am-2pm with 15 mins for lunch. My duties have been significantly reduced and will gradually increase in next 28 days. so far its been agreed that I shall deal with customer correspondence only, not answer telephones, do reception or custome visists and just focus on paper-pushing and assessing account for litigation. Boring at the best of the times, however Im actually enjoying it a great deal.

The bus journey has been interesting. I left the house at 6:55 on Tuesday to be at work for 9am, and got into Walsall town at 7:15 having gotten to the stop in time for the bus, changed and walked right onto the next bus. i was at work by 7:45.. over an hour earlier than needed. Wednesday however I left the house at 7;15 - got the bus, got to first change, missed it by 2 mins as I couldnt cross due to traffic, then wound up waiting for the next bus which was late! Couldnt get on that one as my ticket didnt cover me on that company so I had to wait further. Got into Walsall town at 8:30am - same journey, route as day before but so much longer! Missed the bus from the town, couldnt really afford to wait the 10 mins for next bus so started walking, got to the last stop before my work and the bus went past me. Got to work at 8:53 and feeling a little bit warm.

I cant believe the time of your LSD has flown and your op date is here. I dont think its the case of not supporting you in this decision, its the not understanding. People always have fear in things they dont get and not knowing. Theyll come round. *hugs* Lifes too short to fall out with folks, and it will all blow over. I had the same thing with some of my friends. In fact the one and I still dont talk as such bc the friendships that strained.

I know your worried and its only natural. I wish you well and look forward to your updates. Youve come a long way, your going to go far and I hope you get to where you want to be.

I survived brother sitting, more to the point we both survived! woohoo! Celebrated it today by taking him to the pub for dinner. I dined out and the food of choice for today was a lighter bites carvery. of course I fed him half of the meat, the yorkshire pudding and everything else id left but I did very well today. Had a good laugh and joke and a mutual friend joined us.

dropped him off at home and then went to our support group meeting. Our Group were on Fat Surgeons on wednesday this week, as we were lucky enough to have a visit from Chris Webber a few months back. I got caught on Camera rubbing my eyes and messing with my glasses and it looks like Im picking my nose! I really wasnt, however it looks like it and a couple of folks from work saw it and were all "didnt tell me u were gonna be on the telly!!" I didnt do anything! Nothing to tell :) Its all good fun though. Came home from meeting, cleaned up a few things and brother got a chinese and I couldnt help but have a bit. Now I have gut ache. Serves me right! On the other hand my Fortune Cookie message/fortune was interesting.. It reads.. "A Calm Attitude will disarm your enemy.." and even better still it was yummy!

Ok im beat.. been a longgggg one. Going home tomorrow and sleepign the rest of the weekend. Hope everyones well and to speak to u again before Tuesday. For some reason I dont, I wish you well, good luck and congratulate you on your new start x

God bless you

Scooter-Less aka "bus pass"
Hi Sally :) Im not too bad thanks, works been ok and Ive definitely been pacing myself. To be fair theyve kinda wrapped me in cotton wool, not that Im complaining! My duties have been agreed with the manager whos came im in until my manager returns on Monday. This week I have been allowed 9am-2pm with 15 mins for lunch. My duties have been significantly reduced and will gradually increase in next 28 days. so far its been agreed that I shall deal with customer correspondence only, not answer telephones, do reception or custome visists and just focus on paper-pushing and assessing account for litigation. Boring at the best of the times, however Im actually enjoying it a great deal.

The bus journey has been interesting. I left the house at 6:55 on Tuesday to be at work for 9am, and got into Walsall town at 7:15 having gotten to the stop in time for the bus, changed and walked right onto the next bus. i was at work by 7:45.. over an hour earlier than needed. Wednesday however I left the house at 7;15 - got the bus, got to first change, missed it by 2 mins as I couldnt cross due to traffic, then wound up waiting for the next bus which was late! Couldnt get on that one as my ticket didnt cover me on that company so I had to wait further. Got into Walsall town at 8:30am - same journey, route as day before but so much longer! Missed the bus from the town, couldnt really afford to wait the 10 mins for next bus so started walking, got to the last stop before my work and the bus went past me. Got to work at 8:53 and feeling a little bit warm.

I cant believe the time of your LSD has flown and your op date is here. I dont think its the case of not supporting you in this decision, its the not understanding. People always have fear in things they dont get and not knowing. Theyll come round. *hugs* Lifes too short to fall out with folks, and it will all blow over. I had the same thing with some of my friends. In fact the one and I still dont talk as such bc the friendships that strained.

I know your worried and its only natural. I wish you well and look forward to your updates. Youve come a long way, your going to go far and I hope you get to where you want to be.

I survived brother sitting, more to the point we both survived! woohoo! Celebrated it today by taking him to the pub for dinner. I dined out and the food of choice for today was a lighter bites carvery. of course I fed him half of the meat, the yorkshire pudding and everything else id left but I did very well today. Had a good laugh and joke and a mutual friend joined us.

dropped him off at home and then went to our support group meeting. Our Group were on Fat Surgeons on wednesday this week, as we were lucky enough to have a visit from Chris Webber a few months back. I got caught on Camera rubbing my eyes and messing with my glasses and it looks like Im picking my nose! I really wasnt, however it looks like it and a couple of folks from work saw it and were all "didnt tell me u were gonna be on the telly!!" I didnt do anything! Nothing to tell :) Its all good fun though. Came home from meeting, cleaned up a few things and brother got a chinese and I couldnt help but have a bit. Now I have gut ache. Serves me right! On the other hand my Fortune Cookie message/fortune was interesting.. It reads.. "A Calm Attitude will disarm your enemy.." and even better still it was yummy!

Ok im beat.. been a longgggg one. Going home tomorrow and sleepign the rest of the weekend. Hope everyones well and to speak to u again before Tuesday. For some reason I dont, I wish you well, good luck and congratulate you on your new start x

God bless you

Scooter-Less aka "bus pass"

Scooter i'm home!

I got a thread on here "the count down begins..."
If u can find it I've updated on there.
I haven't watched any Telly for a while so I missed it :( but i'm sure you looked great x

Ok i'm going to catch up on the sleep i'm supposed to have got in hospital lol...

Laters bus pass...looking forward to hearing from u

Sally xx
Yayyy your home! Good good good! Hope youy enjoy the much needed and deserved rest x found the thread and bookmarked :)

So today is Friday thank god! The extra 90mins at work each day has killed me. I get to lunch time and I'm ok, eat lunch back by 12:30 then 2pm its like my concentration, energy and enthusiasm and any remote signs of life have been sucked out of me. Does that sound wrong?!

Currently on my way to work, quite a pleasant journey - just short of 2 miles here then the same back so its beneficial. I have an appointment at 4:40pm with GP so will a final verdict on the seemingly doomed holiday 3 weeks today. What will be will be.. Time for a cuppa me thinks x happy friday and great bank hol weekend! X
Yayyy your home! Good good good! Hope youy enjoy the much needed and deserved rest x found the thread and bookmarked :)

So today is Friday thank god! The extra 90mins at work each day has killed me. I get to lunch time and I'm ok, eat lunch back by 12:30 then 2pm its like my concentration, energy and enthusiasm and any remote signs of life have been sucked out of me. Does that sound wrong?!

Currently on my way to work, quite a pleasant journey - just short of 2 miles here then the same back so its beneficial. I have an appointment at 4:40pm with GP so will a final verdict on the seemingly doomed holiday 3 weeks today. What will be will be.. Time for a cuppa me thinks x happy friday and great bank hol weekend! X

Good luck at GP. Let us know how it goes xxc
Evening all :) havnt been about as been busy fake smiling, grinning like a rabid chimp and trying to get through each day 1 hour at a time. Still no further forward back at gps tomorrow will know if I can fly on holiday to spain for my birthday a week on friday. Getting anxious as I just want to know what the issue is. After much ranting GP has contacted hospital to ask WTH is going on and I have an appointment tomorrow. Last visit left me angry (blood boiling seething with incredible hulk style rage). But since I blew a gasket in the surgery (screaming sobbing heebie jeebie fit where the words "no and calmdown" weren't accepted) they're finally listening to me. Getting better support and just scraping through each day with work etc by the skin of my teeth.

Back at work full duties, full time usual doody day to day. Todays been good however last week got so wound up to the point I got up and had to walk away from my desk (hide in the loo) for a few minutes or rip someones head off. Never felt rage like it.

Thank god for evenings at home slobbed on the sofa with luxury comfort foods like chanteray carrots. I think I'm turning into a rabbit - have eaten a lb of the orange fireballs since friday. Other than that.. Uhh enjoying walking everywhere (novelty not wore off yet) and enjoy the run up steps to work on the shortcut and enjoying running and jumping down the steps on the way home.

Andddd hoping all is well with you all x
Thanks Chrisa, how's work going?
Well done for still having the will to fight. I can only imagine how hard it must be to get out of bed everyday. I will keep my fingers crossed that Karma will pay up soon.
You are a true fighter scooter ...Fingers crossed for tomorrow & dont let the :censored: grind you down xx
No answer about flying hospital report says will discuss in outpatient apptmnt October. Drs secretary to "write and ask if u can fly" as they were 4 weeks ago. So I called hospital left vmail. Will call again tomorrow and ask myself
Oh and a letter from surgical team to my gp states I'm to take dom peridone 3x daily for life as I have no lid on my pyloris valve at top of stomach. Just looking forward to getting work out the way tomorrow - my nieces 6th birthday tea. Very looking forward to it :) can't wait to see her little face :)
Oh and a letter from surgical team to my gp states I'm to take dom peridone 3x daily for life as I have no lid on my pyloris valve at top of stomach. Just looking forward to getting work out the way tomorrow - my nieces 6th birthday tea. Very looking forward to it :) can't wait to see her little face :)

Scooter! Hey hunny, I think if u want something done right u got to do it yourself... Sad but i've to be true. I hope u can fly u deserve a break. I hope ur nieces tea went well and happy birthday princess!
I'm going tu have to Google the dom peridone... I thought it was champagne! lol! Xx
hi chick i went through similar to u chick i nearly gave up it was my kids that keep me going since i had my last stent out i got no feeling in my tummy legs fingers just tingling and numbness im waiting for a mri scan to see whats happening has i cant walk very well xxx
I got the go ahead to fly :) called the hospital myself explained the situation and within an hour they'd called me back having spoken to consultant who got my file, reports and called me back personally to say I could fly, take it easy, enjoy myself and he would see me on 16th October. Made my day!

Thennn! Got to Elles birthday party walked in the door and got mobbed by my nieces and nephews, played on the see-saw, swing, had a fantastic time :) been THE best day in a long time. Things are starting to look up :)

Got a new upto date pic taken.. Can't link it in on my mobile but may be able to see it here..


Hope alls well with you zoehooper, sometimes its dreadfuly hard isn't it?

I picked at the birthday tea Sally.. They'd already began when I got there but the bab had put me a plate out with a bit of everything on.. Salad, a sandwich, cheese n pineapple, peanuts, a chicken wing and the usual party junk like hula hoops, mini roll etc.. Salad , chicken and peanuts went down a treat over the 4 hours I was there and shared the rest with the kids. I was very good and declined a slab of the birthday cake, but brought my slice home in foil with the promise of eating it later on and fed it the other henjoyed by someonealf. He said it was lush. So I don't feel guilty about not eating it as it was appreciated and enjoyed by someone. I did a couple of smarties off the top so I can say I tried it at least :)
Yaayyyyy hun have a great time way you certainly need the breakaway :). Sounds like you had a great time this evening too ;)

You look absolutely fab in your picture and despite everything you still maintain that lovely smile :) xx
Aawwww Becky to look at u you look the picture of health! So beautiful x
Go go go and have a well deserved break i'm so happy for u!
I'm finding eating 3 meals a day quite hard! Crazy as that sounds I feel stuffed all the time and drinking to...phew. It's alot. But it's all part of starting to take care of myself. I did put a pic in my gallery but have no idea how to upload on here via phone so u might have to open browser.
Have a wonderful time...I look forward to the pics :)
Sally x
5 days to go! Also booked myself onto a "high wires activity" which is an assault course 40ft+ in the air that involves climbing, sliding, swinging and jumping. Thank god there's a secure safety rope attached to your harnesses! This is courtesy of wowcher so I'm sharing the experience with 3 fellow post-ops who coincidentally happen to be 3 of the most amazing people ever. Just got to tell them now and get the date booked. Between us we weighed over 120stone now combined we weigh just under 50stone. They'll never say "I wanna do something exciting" to me again lol. Now to sort me new glasses out. My heads shrunk my current ones are loose and I broke my spares :(