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Runs Srh Support Group
im trying to come off all medications before my bypass if possible, im now on only 1 blood pressure tablet i was on 3, only other meds i take is my contraceptive pill, would this be malabsorbed as i dont want no more kids, im thinking about having the implant rather than taking a oral contaceprive, what has every one else done with this situation.


Liz x

I have updated this thread further on in the postings.
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Liz, as I understand it, the contraceptive pill is not guaranteed to be effective after bypass due to malabsorption. Speak to your GP hun, but something like the implant may be suitable, if your high blood pressure isnt a contraindication (or whatever the word is lol)

As for the BP meds, many bypassers have gone on to not need any medication fairly soon after bypass, but again, your GP will be the one to advise you properly hun. They will want your BP to be stable for the op.
thanks for your reply Sam, ive just been lowered to 1 pill for my BP as its improving all the time especially since i stopped smoking, i think i will go for the implant regarding contraception and i will look into sorting this asap.
Hi Liz

I've just had my BP meds reduced from 50mg to 25mg after 3 months and the consultant said that I will probably be off them soon.

The contraseptive pill is less effective after a bypass (i've been sterilised so not a prob for me), but when I had the implant a few years back I put on 20lbs in 4 months!
hi Gail i will ask about that i was aware it can stimulate the appetite but the bypass would counteract that maybe ? i gonna have to investigate further x
I was advised not to take oral contraception. I am getting the Mirena coil as I didn't like the side effects of the implant when described to me.
I was on lots of meds pre op for hypertension and high cholesterol. I now take just one fast tab to protect my new pouch and just one of my blood pressure meds in liquid form. I am now 3 week s post op and haven't start any vitamin or mineral supplements. I had also understood that oral contraception wasn't as effective post op although it does not effect me personally.

I have now lost 28lb but have lost my log in so can't update my ticker.
Liz, why not ask about the Mirina coil...I've had one for almost 6 years and just had it replaced for a new one yesterday... if you need them for contraception they can stay insitu for 5 years, I had mine fitted because of heavy periods not contraception (Paul had the snip years ago) and it's been fantastic...periods stopped and I've not had any problems for years and only had it replaced because I was getting spotting and period like symptoms.

I would highly recommend it.
My doc has recommended the mirena coil too, for the same reason seeing as i've suddenly developed a menstrual cycle for the first time in my life since my op and she said it would stop them.
I've put it off for a bit as i didn't feel like introducing yet more medication to my body (as the coil slowly releases hormones)so soon after the op, but i think i will look into it in a few months
Hi Yvonne & Jayne i have thought about this option but apparently i have been told that i have a weak cervix so i dont feel that it would be an option for me, when i go to the hospital i will of course discuss this option again and see whats going to be the right option for me x
Jayne why not ask about the none hormonal coil other than having it out to have my second child iv had one for 10 year it is just a copper t coil and it stays in for 8 year but it dos not stop your periods ,i turn into a loon when i have hormons added to me so suits me.
Jayne why not ask about the none hormonal coil other than having it out to have my second child iv had one for 10 year it is just a copper t coil and it stays in for 8 year but it dos not stop your periods ,i turn into a loon when i have hormons added to me so suits me.

ive never heard of this before Lisa i will look at all the options available to me, im going to see when i can get sorted hopefully some time next week x

ive have thought long and hard about contraception issues after my bypass, i went back to my gp today and i told her i dont want a coil or a implant i want to be refered to be sterilized, she blahed on the usual crap what if i lost the child i have now, what if i get a new partner ect, i said i do not never ever want any more babies i hated the experience the 1st time so never again no thankyou, so ive got my referal for this now, so it will be yet another waiting list i shall be on lol, but at least it will be something less in my life i will have to worry about :)
Hi Liz when is your op ? x
i dont know yet Helen, i just got my referal, i await a letter and will most likley be put on another waiting list xxx
I have been sterilised justliz its a day in and out key hole. waited about 12 weeks from start to end. had small discomfort afterwards but best thing i done. I was 24, at the time. got two children and its suited me and hubby well xxx
I have been sterilised justliz its a day in and out key hole. waited about 12 weeks from start to end. had small discomfort afterwards but best thing i done. I was 24, at the time. got two children and its suited me and hubby well xxx

thats really good to hear, its a real shame they cant do it when i have my bypass, but i dont mind 1 more op wont much difference to me tbh, thanks alot xxx
ah yeh, i think its really minor op compared to a bypass as well. its mint not having to worry about it anymore. cant remember consultants name now (6 year ago) but anyway good for you xxx