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Milk diet officially starts tomorrow :s


New Member
Have already kinda been doing the milk diet for the last 3 days with one meal a day of salad to ease myself into the 2 weeks to come! I already have a headache, was wondering if the diet will effect my ability to make decisions or will I just be out of it for 2 weeks? Bit concerned about work to be honest.
I cannot see why it would affect your ability to make decisions? You may feel hungry, headaches are common around day 3/4, and you may feel a little more tired . . .but I didn't feel any different at all during it apart from a headache day 3.
That's good to know I thought I would find it difficult to hold concentration and think things through properly.
I'll be honest I'm just coming to the end of my milk diet an have found it hard. I have been on 3 pints of skimmed milk a day that's it and water of course. Headaches for first few days definitely feeling drained and tired had a few dizzy spells but it is what it is it's not forever and we have to do it! :(
I it's going to be hard, but as u said not forever and it's going to be soooo worth it!
Good luck. I didn't have to do the milk diet did 1000 cals a day x
I got given the option, but I think it's going to be so much easier for me with the milk to not have to think about measurements and stuff, I love milk as well which is good - well at the moment!!!!
I was the same I think it's cause I'm an all or nothing person if I know I any have it then ok if I har some chicken and am still hungry if be too tempted to have that little more :(
Yeah exactly what I though, if I can't have it then I can't have it! That's how I got in this situation by wanting that little bit more!!
I got given the option, but I think it's going to be so much easier for me with the milk to not have to think about measurements and stuff, I love milk as well which is good - well at the moment!!!!

the milk diet wasn't even an option given to me, but I read about it on here and decided that for me, it was the way to go. Knew exactly where I was and what I was doing. I did struggle to get the full amount of milk in, so made milk jelly to give me something to "eat". And I loved being able to drink so much milk . . .I wish now, post op, that it wasn't making me feel so bloated because I've got to avoid dairy right now :(
I only have 1 day left thanks god my surgery is tomorrow but I don't think I could drink anymore water I've been having at least 3 litres a day
I had no option but to do the milk diet, I was allowed to swap a pint of milk for an extra yogurt and because I hate milk I was allowed to drink rice milk.
I was also allowed unlimited sugar free jelly, which really made all the difference for me, I was never hungry just bored with it, but I had no headache or any other ill effects.
Good luck, it's not easy..but it's worth it!
Em xxx
Wow that's brilliant x keep going won't be long now