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New Member
hi all,
those of you who have followed my recent posts will know i was wired up for a sleep apnoa test yesterday.
the black box was set to record from 11 pm to 8.30 am this morning.
well - i don't know what data's gonna be on that box because i lay awake for most of the night!! how can my sleep pattern be monitored if i couldn't flippin sleep??
i know i dropped of at brief intervals but is this gonna be enough do you think?
so frustrated peeps
jan xx
You will have slept enough for them to see! I was convinced I hadn't slept a wink when I had my tests done (and I had 2 nights in noisy hospital wards, not even my own bed!) but they had plenty of useable data, so don't worry, I'm sure it will give them some results! Good luck :)
That will be enough... i had mine done at the hospital and i was awake most of the night too..and they said they only need about ten minutes x
oh thanks soohhh much for that snagglepuss. this test is the last hoop i have to get through so that i can have my gastric sleeve op on 08th march. when i have my sensible head on i no that if there is a sleep problem then i need to get it sorted out before my surgery but, the psyched up fat person in me just want to get it done NOW
thanks for your support n i hope my outcome will be the same as yours my love
jan xx
thank u too rayne,
just further confirmation and support for me.
this site is full of wonderful folk
many thanks
jan xx
I was awfull during mine a.few weeks ago I was awake about 6 times in the night! I normally only get up 1ce if at all, but uve not heard anything back yet so hopefully worked, I hope yours did too, nothing worse than not knowing xxx

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Well having read your updated post, I now know all was well, Jan ... good luck for you upcoming op, hon now you are in the clear :):):) xxx