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Need band fill eating !!!!


New Member
I am 7 weeks post op and waiting for first band fill. Finding it hard to stick to diet and in the 7 weeks hardly lost any weight. Scared I have gone through all this for nothing. People keep say "how much have you lost" and I sort of lie because I'm not wanting to say the truth
Wonder if any one has had the same
I am 7 weeks post op and waiting for first band fill. Finding it hard to stick to diet and in the 7 weeks hardly lost any weight. Scared I have gone through all this for nothing. People keep say "how much have you lost" and I sort of lie because I'm not wanting to say the truth
Wonder if any one has had the same


How much have you lost ?? (hope its ok 2 ask) it does very from person to person and all depending how much you have to lose in the first place etc also, have you got an appointment yet for your first fill? They are usually around 6 week mark .

All the best - MeJulie xx
Hi Julie
It's Jill Essex Jill lol only lost about 6 pounds if that. Was getting first band fill at 4 weeks but was too I'll. Waiting for app now
ive got my first fill on tuesday & i can't wait!

ive not been so bad, and my portion sizes are more restricted than before, but im hoping it'll boost my loss for a while & keep my spirits up.
ive been losing on average 2lbs a week (not including my first week of 7lbs) and i know its a steady loss but i kinda feel like i could try harder & lose quicker.

bring on the fill!
just wanted to give you an online *HUG* and wish you luck for your future weight loss - im sure the weight will start shifting soon, dont worry hun!
Thanks everyone I'm going to pull myself together and try and stuck to my diet until I get my fill. I was meant to get it 3 weeks ago but was ill and couldn't make trip to London . Hope to get app for around 16th fingers crossed. Will let you know how I get on. Best of luck for all of you in your weight loss journey.
I am with the Hospital Group and went down to London for my fill last Wednesday. All went well and the team at St Johns & St Elizabeths Hospital were brilliant. Hopefully you will get your band fill on 16th and things will progress in the right direction. Good Luck x
Unfortunately you do have to have a lot of self control but the better part is that sticking to a diet is a lot easier with a band (even unfilled) than without. It is a long road but if you accept you may have to watch your calories and exercise from the start, it will make life a bit easier before and after fills. Good luck
Hiya I have had the Bypass not the band but a good friend of mine who co-leads the Support group is such an inspiration and has taught me loads about what "Banders" go through, from what I understand alot of the success of band patients is really self discipline, yes it really helps if you have the restriction from your band, hopefully you will get More help from your band soon but perhaps if you plan your meals small and often and try and get into a good routine it will help until the restriction kicks in.... Thinking of ya!!
Hi There,

Just wanted to let you know that you are perfectly normal don't worry!

It is 6 months since I had my band - I spent the first 5 months beating myself up about not loosing any weight, I went through anger, regret, feeling sorry for myself, lying about weight loss to people and making excuses.

Don't panic! It has taken me 6 months to start loosing - and I'm glad that it has been like this now. The weight I have lost has taken hard work and dedication (albeit a small amount of weight) but the fills in your band will start to make one heck of a difference when you find your sweet spot!
As for lying to people about loosing - I know what you mean, for some reason, people think it is perfectly acceptable to ask what you have lost "because they saw someone in closer magazine / Fern Britton / a friend of a friend" who has lost a million stone in 6 months!
(Mini-Rant over lol)
Take your time, your lifestyle will change, your eating habits will too, and in a few months time, you will be able to say - YES I'm loosing weight.
It's the start of a loooooong journey and you will reap the rewards in time x
Thanks for words of help I have app for band fill in london on 15th. I have to make it work else would have gone through this for nothing xx