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One of my incision scars has opened a bit

One of my upper scars has opened a bit. I noticed last night that it was about half a centimetre wider than it was when I had the clips removed on Friday. It's not actually bleeding but quite red. I put a dressing on it and I'm going to see the nurse at my GP later today.

Is this a regular occurrence? :confused: xx
My big left hand scar did the same hun, and I just had to keep going back to get it dressed.The nurse put steri strips on it, and it healed fine:D:D
Oh dear, sorry but I didnt have that problem. Your doing the right thing getting it checked out.
I'm so squeamish! Pathetic really, but would prefer not to look at it like this xx
aww bless ya, hope all will be ok and no infection is brewing ( mine did) :( x
One of my middle scars opened up a little the Friday after my op and it was infected.. I was given tabs and the nurse dressed it.. It scabbed over and has now dropped off.. The scar is wider on the right side to the left side but not by much. x
It happened to me as well. Mine was cleaned and new dressings put on it.
My drain incision didn't get any staples and it gaped a bit and took a bit longer to heal because of that. My GP's nurse put some steristrips on it and it cleared up without getting infected. You should be OK but just keep an eye on it - if you can force yourself to...
Just back from seeing the nurse. She's put new steristrips on it and I have to go back tomorrow to get it checked. It's sore, but she doesn't think it's infected yet xx
Seems quite normal, I had one on my side open & one on my front open, another lady who had surgery on the same day as me had exactly the same with the on on her side too. Welcome to the club:0)
Bunny x
Wow, sounds like all you peeps have bits hanging out lol...have you really lost weight or are bits just dropping thru the holes :rotflmao: x
yes hun ths happened to me dont worry bout it they just put a dressing on mine and it healed in a few days hugs lin.x