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Question please


New Member
Does anyone feel like the food takes a while to get past your throat? Xx
Will try to chew food more, find it happens with drinking maybe I'm drinking too quick :( x
I find its all in your head!There is Nothing you swallowed pre op that you cant swallow now!The only change is much further down,so its psycological,we are worried it will get stuck.Relax while you eat and concentrate on what you are doing!It gets better.Maz x
I think you will find it it's common for a bander to get things stuck, but further down after the actual swallow. Dont forget we have a band around us that does stop things going down, so far from in our heads. The Dietician told me the other day the hole is 3mm so fairly tiny. Even chewing chewing chewing just doesn't always work.
We were discussing it 2nite at my wls support group and even the bander that takes the group gets things stuck and she follows the rules religiously.
I find that every morning food struggles to go down. Its as if i can feel it waiting to go through the band. Its n ot uncomfortable or anything its just a feeling.

If i have time a warm cup of tea does the trick and all day im fine there after.

It may all be in our heads as mentioned above, but since having the band im definately more in tune with whats happening to me.
I agree I defiantly notice what am eating now where I use to shovel it in before lol x
I was told by my surgeon that post-op I'll have to cut things in to pieces no bigger than a rubber on the end of a pencil and chew chew chew in order for them to go down easily, particularly when eating meat, or in my case quorn. It seems very small. Is this something that you have to do?

H x
Montana said:
I was told by my surgeon that post-op I'll have to cut things in to pieces no bigger than a rubber on the end of a pencil and chew chew chew in order for them to go down easily, particularly when eating meat, or in my case quorn. It seems very small. Is this something that you have to do?

H x

Not had to cut it too small but had to chew chew chew lol x
Neen said:
All banders get things stuck now and then, some more often than others. It's not in your head! You usually find it's when you aren't thinking about it that it gets stuck and you then get a sharp reminder!
Kelly is right x
Even my coffee in the morning can get stuck sometimes

Thanks Neen nice to know it's not just me x
What do you do if something gets stuck? It sounds horrible.
Theres two things that will happen I find, either you stop eating , stand up and walk about burping a lot and make your way to the toilet ....If I try and sip when something is properly stuck that usually just makes me sicker as it has nowhere to go.
If it can't filter down I'm afraid it just comes back out rather forcefully (in my experience)
Or if you're lucky, waiting for a bit you can actually feel it slowly go down through the band....wait a few minutes and decide if you want to continue eating (talking about something sticking as opposed to having restriction when enough has been eaten btw) and also have a few sips of drink to make sure it's gone through the band.
Usually after getting something badly stuck which leads to throwing up the food, I have liquids or soft foods carefully for the rest of the day as it always gets aggrivated in there and I have learnt if I try and keep eating denser food after, the sickness and blocked sensation keeps with me all day.
Yes I get that feeling. Its not entirely like it is stuck and not painfull which has never happened to me as yet thankfully. For me it feels like you have eaten a load of dry bread quickly (before the band obviously) and it is stuck quite high up. I have only had it a couple of times at work when I am busy and stressed and trying to eat too quickly and once when I was a little merry and forgot I had to eat slowly and that time I very nearly was sick. It would of been at the table, in a restaraunt in front of a large group of friends who dont know about my band! Anyway I just stopped eating and it went down. Just think it happens to me when I am not concentrating properly on my food. Its a completely different sensation to feeling full which is furthur down and more like a heavy feeling in my chest.

It is very good to know we have the same experiences isnt it?

It reminded me of when you have a drink & it goes down the wrong way. I expect as time goes on I will understand the different feelings. Still trying to work out the full feeling, trying not to eat too much eat meal - what do you think am I eating enough?
1 weetabix
1/2 tin of tuna with light salad cream
1/2 chicken breast with peppers & Onions with small salad