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Saving information

You could try adding them to favourites and renaming them with a relevant name. Some browsers will allow you to do that.
You can bookmark a specific post by clicking on the (permalink) in the blue bar along the top of the post on the right. When you do that, it changes the url in your browser to bring you directly to the post. You can either then save the url as a bookmark/favourite in your browser or you can cut & paste it into a word doc that you can add other posts to. If that is too much techno just shout and I will try to explain it better. Or perhaps someone else knows an easier way?

You can bookmark a specific post by clicking on the (permalink) in the blue bar along the top of the post on the right. When you do that, it changes the url in your browser to bring you directly to the post. You can either then save the url as a bookmark/favourite in your browser or you can cut & paste it into a word doc that you can add other posts to. If that is too much techno just shout and I will try to explain it better. Or perhaps someone else knows an easier way?


Nic, you are the font of all knowledge :)
Thanks xx