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So the dr has told me to research gastric surgeries :/


I will do this!!!
My dr has said i qualify for surgery and what i wanted to know is how long does it take on the nhs to get the surgery and do you regret getting it done? Iv got 2 kids and if it was just me id have it done tomorrow but i cant ignore the risks, i couldn't imagine something going wrong and i see that as very selfish if i went through with it (if that makes sense!) My mum said id never be able to enjoy a christmas dinner like i do now, if i was on a diet i could take the day off but after sergery theres no days off. Is food that reduced? sorry im very new and would love to hear from real people on the subject.
Hi and welcome.

The wait varies area to area. Very few surgeons will say how long the wait is but your local PALS may be able to advise on how long recent 'recipients' waited.

I had a lovely Christmas lunch (10 months post surgery). A much smaller portion but still a 'proper' dinner.

With small tweaks I can eat the same meals as my son. Plus my appetite has totally changed.

I found a lot of info on the St Richards, Chichester bariatric page. Also the same teams Streamline Surgical site.
Let Me ask a question... Do u want to est a big christmas dinner like u do...or do u want to lose weight more?
It is true that u won't be able to eat the portion sizes that u are used to but that's the whole point isn't it?
U can eat food the same as everyone else.
I was worried about dieing on the table, but logically I was in t he right place if anything happened. I wrote goodbye letters to the family and made a will but I'm post op now and feel brilliant. I had a gastric bypass last week.
U will b fine. Trust in the technology we have now. Research the different options and what u want out of life. Ur life and social eating won't end, it will just b healthier. Sorry to be harsh, but what do u want mote...loads of food and stay fat or a new chance to make better choices?
I was only 6 weeks post op last Xmas, my dinner was 1 sprout a sliver of turkey a few peas ans 2 carrot rings, and I enjoyed every slow morsel the best part was knowing next year I'd be wearing a slinky black dress like my friends were, not my size 26 jeans and a mans xxl t-shirt :)

Good luck with whatever you decide
You've gone from 17.9 to 14.3! Seems you're doing fantastically well without it. Are you sure you need it? You could opt for the balloon just to get that last bit off?
Hello there Cornwall lass :) i'm Cornwall too, wow there aren't many of us around down errrrrr I had gastric band fitted via the nhs at Treliske Truro the complete process took me almost 3 years lol as you know everything here is dreckly lol i think things are slowly changing and the system is speeding up a little. Its all about jumping those hoops, dieticians, group sessions blah blah ........... your doing so fantastically well already hun :) wd if it takes you as long to get thru as i did there be nothing left of ya lol
Hi there I'm in Cornwall too got my appointment with the surgeon at Treliske on 2/5/14 I've been trying to loose this weight since I was eighteen and I'm now 55 and feeling the effects of being overweight.
Hi there

I am on the other side here whereby I bitterly regret my surgery, it nearly cost me my life and I am not out f the woods yet.

One of the things I have realised is that I could have done it with dieting if I had made more effort. My organs have been damaged irreversibly because of an undiagnosed leak. I have just come home from a 9 week stay in hospital after fighting for my life and a further three surgeries. I still have drains ins situ, am still on antibiotics and still have further surgery looming to my lungs, I currently only have one functioning.

Please, please, think very carefully before you commit to surgery, it's not the easy route, and you need to know that the risks are real.

Your weight loss so far is amazing, keep it up, you are admirable !

M x
hi and welcome you have to do what is right for you and only you dont listen to what your mum says do what you think is right for you and your children that may sound harsh but it isnt meant to be and you would still be able to eat xmas dinner just smaller amount
Hey.. welcome.

There are more things to life than Christmas Dinner! If you are thinking this, then perhaps surgery isnt for you just yet? Its not easy - and it is a whole life changing thing, not just physically but mentally too. True - sometimes there are complications and yes you could possibly die, there are risks with ALL operations under a general anaesthetic.

I was 34st this time last year, I was 44. I was told I would not see 45 (birthday was in Feb). I had a bypass on 17th Oct 2013, waited 2yrs on NHS... before I was in continual pain, joints, couldnt sleep, depressed, unable to walk far and totally miserable, unhappy, didnt enjoy life wearing 7XL shirts, 62" trousers, embarrassed at my size, had a walking stick... and basically VERY unhappy.

Today - 6mths on... Im happy, confident, virtually pain free, sleep well all through the night (no 3am pee, snoring, dribbling, cat naps), no depression, walk miles, Im now in 40" trousers, shirt I bought last was 17 1/2" neck, Im fitter, healthier, and can do SO much more then ever. I feel like Im 20. Im now... 18.5st... meaning Ive lost 16st. so far!

Surgery is a big thing, I dont have children, so I didnt have the same worries, but the way I looked at it was that if I did die on the table, I wouldnt know about it -and I was in the right place - St Richard's is a pioneering specialist centre for bariatric surgery (Shaw Somers/Chris Pring and Guy Slater are the team and always on TV etc)...

I was scared, nervous and petrified on the day -as always its the fear of the unknown, but the staff looked after me and 6mths later... Im literally half the man I was, but SO happy.

I do understand your concerns (sorry if I sound blunt) but are you really ready for surgery mentally? Life is very different (eating wise) post surgery... Im starting to eat more and more daily (not portion size but in variety). I had my surgery in Oct and 2mths later it was Christmas... I had a tea plate of turkey, 1 small roast pot, lots of veg, cranberry, and 1/2 yorkie pud etc... admittedly it wasnt the portion I used to have and I didnt have lots of "rubbish" (chocs, sweets, drink, cakes, sweets etc)... but I wasnt miserable, I felt full and just had a "taster".

Good luck on whatever you decide. Certainly bariatric surgery is not the easy option... takes a lot of planning and bravery, as well as a lot of mental changes and how you feel about food. Do what you feel is right. x
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If it helps... this was a pic of my Christmas Dinner (2013) - 2mths after surgery... I didnt eat it all, but I had a little of everything!!

hey pip!
that's a great idea putting a photo of special event meal it looks like a regular size ready meal and so yummy! like you say you haven't missed out on anything the added on stuff like the chocs, drinks etc are nice but its the meal that we all think about isn't it !
Hi there I'm in Cornwall too got my appointment with the surgeon at Treliske on 2/5/14 I've been trying to loose this weight since I was eighteen and I'm now 55 and feeling the effects of being overweight.
Hi too Wilb :) another from Cornwall :D yay there are a few of us around :) Wishing you all the very best on your journey. x x x gl hunni
funny enough when I told my best friend I was having a sleeve the first thing she said was "what about Christmas Dinners?" :crazy:

In a way I already feel I've missed out, being pre-op for my son's birthday (no food or cake) & Easter......... but I have survived!!!! :drool: just a shame I haven't had such willpower in the past 40 odd years & I wouldn't be in this situation now

Good luck with whatever you decide :)
Still trying to decide between band and bypass the bariatric consultant who referred me to the surgeon advised a band but I have spoken to a couple of girls who have had a bypass and they have had such good results

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Still trying to decide between band and bypass the bariatric consultant who referred me to the surgeon advised a band but I have spoken to a couple of girls who have had a bypass and they have had such good results

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Little bit of advise here :D the consultant i saw said i would be ideal candidate for band, so on this long 3 year journey the band was what was in my head, but the nearer i got i felt a push towards bypass, i waited to see surgeon to get his expert advise on what would be better for me .................. to be told its up to me LOL so here's the big advise................... do all the research you can :D make sure you understand how each of the ops work and what your eating habits are like so you know your getting the right surgery for you.................... neither path is an easy path nor a quick cure, they both take hard work and determination. I had a band, but could have been so easily swayed to bypass on advise, but didn't want the complications of more invasive surgery.
There is another lady here who has had bypass at Treliske the day before me and i had the band............
any questions do feel free to ask either of us, we have both got different experiences .............. am also happy to meet up if you ever want a chat :) That goes for any others in Cornwall too (as long as its not miles away lol) i am right down Lands end way lol there's a nice Costa coffee right by hospital lol am there once a month too (for my band adjustments)

Happy to help anytime x x x x x
Would love to meet up for a chat when are you up next? I live in Redruth so not far from the hospital

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Would love to meet up for a chat when are you up next? I live in Redruth so not far from the hospital

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I'm up hospital again 20th May if that's any good :D of course if were up that way before hand i'll give you a shout ................. keep promising puppy a walk to Tehidy LOL

Have you been to any of the BOSPA support groups? i've not been myself but also worth a go ............

Be happy to tell ya all about my band :)
Keep in touch............... not sure if i can PM you yet as your fairly new, i'll keep an eye out for your messages :) x