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Soooo nervous now

how do you know you have 4 weeks pre op diet?? - who told you? and have they told you to start it? - (obviously not, as you would be having surgery in 4 weeks!) -
Debbie rang me, I asked her, she said if I was low risk (and I appear to be, by what the physician and surgeon have said.... all test normal, in excellent shape for surgery etc - have lost a couple of stone) - then the Op could be within 2 weeks....... I also got told that you should have the Op within a couple of weeks from the Pre-Op assessment...... Debbie said 'High Risk' can only have the Op on a Tuesday or Wednesday.... but 'low risk' can be slotted in anywhere???

I really don't mind.... as you know, we are on the last leg of the wait..... I am just one of these people who'd like to know exactly when.... a positive date.... even if its in 3 months!!! hahahaha........ I get so nervous! ;-)
Hi hun,

Sarah (the clinical nurse I saw at my appointment) told me yesterday, about the 4 weeks diet.

I am not high risk as I don't have diabetes or have any co-morbidities or breathing difficulties, high blood pressure etc. They told us yesterday that they do surgery on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Fridays and Saturdays. High risk cannot be Fridays or Saturdays.

Good luck for your appointment tomorrow x
Thanks Blueeyes.... I will post on here when I get home.... did they say why they wanted you on a 4 week diet?? - because you sound just like me (although I DO have diabetes, but every test has come back nomal... ECG, bloods, b/pressure etc...) - Ooo... I had my hopes up it was STILL going to be before Christmas.... but now thinking not again! hahahaha......... I am up and down like a yo-yo lately! - Did you see Debbie, the co-ordinator? - she has said, because my appointment for the assessment is early evening, she wont be around, but will call me on Friday......

Thanks for all your posts Blueeyes.... its so good to have someone at C/cross and going through the same stuff at the same time! ;-) xxxxxxxxx
No I saw Karen and Sarah (both clinical nurses), and Dr Cousins, the aneasthesist. He is LOVELY btw, and that's an understatement :heartpump: ;)

They didn't say why the 4 weeks, but I think it depends on size and particularly around your abdomen, as the diet is designed to make you lose weight in that area. They said if the surgeon didn't say anything, it's 2 weeks. But then decided I had to go on it for 4. I can't say I can follow the logic but hey, the more I lose beforehand the better it will be for the op.

I'm also very glad to know someone at CX so thank you. Must keep in touch! I'll send you a private message.
Dont worry hun what you are feeling is totally normal, you will be up and down like a wh*res drawers until you are lay on that table,


you are just sooo funny, all your post have me chuckling my head off.
the waiting is agonising, but now that I have had my op, I can honestly say the wait was good preperation time, time to get my head around it and time to research and really consider how the op would affcect / change my life.

Hang in there.