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Hubby has just been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. :cry: Anyone got any experience of this ? He could really do with losing a few stone. I am wondering whether losing weight would help him manage the condition ?
Thanks Jacqui. :hug99:
Never heard of it luv? What is it? Hope he's ok!
I have this, was diagnosed maybe 10 years ago. Between c5 c6 and c6 c7. I was given exercises to do which helps a lot.
I used to get terrible headaches and at some points I thought I was dying lol.
I have to crick my neck a couple of times a day just to get rid of the tenseness. I also have pins and needles in my fingers all the time but just as a background feeling so not really bothering me.

Maybe the disease is made worse by headbanging to music lol
ask bev rose huni, she has that, and i think hers is at the top of her neck. hope hes ok. hugs xxx
Thanks Dawny & WP :) Hubby doesn't get headaches but has numbness, pins& needles in his hand and has suffered from a frozen shoulder on that side for years. He's due to have a CT scan so we'll see what that shows.
I've lived with this for around 12 years Rose ...

Hi Rose,

Thinking of you Angel and hubby.

I was diagnosed with this when in my 40's... it is a painful spinal condition, but can be eased with exercise, weight loss and medication... try and get him to go swimming with you too.

Mine is in my neck... I can only turn my neck in a limited way and my lower spine... I have cortison injections every few weeks for pain relief in my spine and during flare ups, it has rendered me stationary.

Is it in the early stages?

There are vitamin, cod liver oil type supplements too.. and basically it's a limiting disease, but eased through weightloss and exercise. Another of the reasons for me to lose weight.

Some times I feel as though my head is too heavy to hold on my shoulders and I have to fight my head leaning forwards... if I didn't eventually, I fear I'd be looking at the floor.

There is a lot of research and investigative information around this... has hubby been referred to a Specialist?

Love and hugs to both of you
My dad has had this condition for many years he was told my gp to give up work or end up in a wheel chair for the rest of his life................He has the headaches/numbness etc etc....I totally sympathise with ur hubby on this. I am actually being tested for this when I have my mri scan as well coz I have arthritis in left hand, both elbows, both legs , got trouble with my right hip as well :-( ....and I am only 40 and have had this condition for 3 years already............just hoping the rest of me is ok ....
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I've got that numbness in my neck and it radiates around my shoulders limiting movement... I also have a lump at the back of my neck with swelling from this condition... I have to work hard at not wanting to keep looking down...

I was diagnosed via MRI scan... and have a helpful Orthopaedic Consultant... it can be so painful and John (our Glenville) recommended a buckwheat pillow... I'd tried so many pillows it was unbelievable... and now I love my buckwheat pillow to support my neck... I have two and too one into hospital with me when I had my op.

Love and hugs xxx
I have cerivical spondylosis - but actually don't have that many problems - have to make sure I don't allow my neck to become stiff - and can't turn it too quick or I go dizzy but otherwise other bits of my spine are worse!! And its arthritic from head to bottom.

When I was over 24 st it had a very large fat pad over it which the docs insisted the whole thong was a lipoma - but losing the weight has left me with a very mis-shapen spine - which can be tender.

Hope hubby gets some relief

Well my mom tells me she has this, but she doesn't have headaches or numbness (as far as she tells me anyway and believe me if she did she'd tell me). But she does have the shakes, if she makes you a cuppa you swear it shakes that much your gonna wear it before she gives it you, she also can't lift great weights. When i say great weights she puts just enough water in the kettle for what she needs xxx