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the greatest feeling IN THE WORLD


New Member
I am 13 days post op. My weight's been going down but because my tummy was full of fluid for a long time it was coming off in dribs and drabs. I weighed last on Friday. This morning before my shower I got on the scales and I have lost 1st 5 lbs in just under 2 weeks! I feel so elated and happy and YIPYIPYIP! Now my wounds are almost healed, and I don't need any painkillers and I can walk without getting exhausted I feel a million quid. God bless Mr Fiennes, my surgeon. I love that man.
Thats brilliant! Well done you. xx
well done, great news xxx
well done! am glad to hear you are doing so well, as jo said you are an incentive to all us pre-op people!
Ditsy dame, I know exactly how you feel because I am also thirteen days post op.
I have actually been worried about how well I feel!!!!
I had my staples removed yesterday, I also did a little shopping and went for a number of long car rides, hubby driving!!!!!
I never thought I would be feeling so well after all the pre op worries...so pre oppers take heed ,once on the other side every day gets better and the majority of us will never look back!!!!!!
Welcome to the party! It does take a bit to feel the wonderful euphoria of post-op joy. Glad you have arrived & you have made a fantastic start with your huge loss. Good going. Keep us all posted on how you get on.

Well done ditsy :)

Awww, thanks. It's not really hard work now. The hardest part without a doubt was the pre op diet. I was starving. Then coming home there were some blips, I had good days and bad days. The worst days were when I couldn't sleep at night, that was horrible. Because I needed naps most of the early days it messed up my sleep rythyms. I overestimated the capacity of my new stomach a couple of days ago, and made scrambled egg. It was delicious (I was desperate for protein and am still on sloppies) but I couldn't come close to finishing it. Now I'm starting to get the hang of portion sizes that will satisfy me but not make me feel like I'm gonna explode. I'm here to tell everyone who's waiting, WLS is one of the best things I have ever done. I can't wait to get back to dance classes. In fact I'll probably join some new ones.
Good luck to all the pre-ops and waiting for news peeps. :)