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The winter blues.....


New Member
Oh dear, it sounds like there are already lots of winter blues out there today. :rolleyes:

Well I'm buzzing today, feel great, loads of energy and I'm happy. :D

Yes, it's pouring with rain here, it's cold, dark and my washing from yesterday is dripping on the line! But hey ho, life is peachy and I'm shrinking!

I'm on such a high at the moment I just wanted to share it with you all. I hope I can bring a smile to those who are having a down day. :eek:

I think I might need a lay down before the day is out though..........I keep having this mad idea of going jogging. I must be ill! :bliss:

Happy shrinking all........:D
Lovely to see such and up beat person. love it. xx
It's great isn't it Lucy? I've been swimming today for the first time since my op. The pool was lovely and warm. It was great! I've been desperate to get busy since the surgery!