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The wound sites


Hi- one of my 5 dressings was completely yellow this morning so my friend is a nurse she came and changed it and said its not infected. Now I look and I see its been oozing again- I'm 6 days post op- is this normal?? The other dressings are all clean
Hi- one of my 5 dressings was completely yellow this morning so my friend is a nurse she came and changed it and said its not infected. Now I look and I see its been oozing again- I'm 6 days post op- is this normal?? The other dressings are all clean
i had one like that, just keep it really clean and get your friend to check it again xxx
Ok thanks! I thought the dressings would be off by now!
i was told to take my dressings off after a few days to let the air get to them, but all surgeons are different x
I had the same, like a viscous fluid that just keeps coming out? Mine wasn't infected either but I did get it checked out by a doctor. If you can get your friend to check it regularly or pop off to your GP in the morning. If it smells, the discharge changes or you get a temperature there could be an infection and you'll need seeing asap, so keep a very close eye on it. It does take them all a little while to heal, usually each wound at different rates, the main one that they put the camera in is usually the last to heal x