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Time scale for nhs funding from gp referral?


New Member
Hi my gp is starting the ball rolling today and I've paid to see dr ammori incase I need to go to appeal so I have the expert opinion already....how long till surgrey or what happens? I'm stockport by the way, any info welcome. Thanks in advance x
hi Haley there isn't really a set time , sometimes the doc has to be chased to make sure sent all correct info sometimes they reply really quickly but I know on here a lot have had to chase the pct to make sure they're dealing with it xxx sorry not much help but didn't want to ignore you :) good luck x
As Angie's said you really need someone from your PCT area to answer this as it differs so widely from PCT to PCT. C'mon Stockport people! ;) x
Hi my gp is starting the ball rolling today and I've paid to see dr ammori incase I need to go to appeal so I have the expert opinion already....how long till surgrey or what happens? I'm stockport by the way, any info welcome. Thanks in advance x

Ah the lovely Prof Ammori :) Good luck with your funding

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Hi Haley Agree with Angie and Samsara You needto speak to people who were funded by the same PCT As yourself. The degree of variance from PCT to PCT is astounding! I got my funding through in 2 weeks, but I have Known people in other areas who have had to wait months or more for theirs. I'm sure someone will be along from your area who will be able to help you soon....
Thanks guys....my gp is great and fully supportive thank god! So it's really just finding out about the pct xx
it's great to have th doctor behind you mine was fantastic too but I was still turned down 3 Times before getting funding agreed for different reasons each time but he kept writing to them when I'd done what they wanted xxx
Yep agree with above my PCT only had meeting once a month so I had to wait a few months for my case to be heard. Good Luck xx
Do you meet your PCT's criteria for funding? if not you could have a battle on your hands.

This is what's receorded for Stockport:

BMI over 50 or over 40 with severe comorbidities (type 2 diabetes on oral medication or insulin, severe obstructive sleep apnoea or obesity hypoventilation syndrome, obesity related cardiomyopathy, clinically unmanageable hypertension, transient ischaemic attacks or stroke, established coronary heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, a condition that requires surgery at the same time such as cholecystectomy or hernia repair, a condition which needs surgery or complex treatment as soon as possible after bariatric surgery such as hip or knee replacement, the patient is experiencing pain caused by another condition which is aggravated by the patient’s weight, other conditions such as Pickwickian Syndrome). Patients must be over 18.

Taken from this website:


Good luck x
Well my BMI is 48, I have a bad hernia and the only other thing is I have problems with my bowels after radiotherapy burnt it...hence why I find it so hard to lose weight due to not beable to eat much fruit an veg at all....we are hoping that will swing it for me x
hi there im from stockport too, do you see tara or mandy , it has taken me 4 years to get funding and the go ahead for surgery turned down for different reasons, if you ever want to chat feel free emma x
Hiya....don't know of Tara or Mandy, oh I hope it doesn't take years for me.....was ur gp behind u and what hoops did u have to jump throu x
hiya, i had to do the weight loss course change for life twice and do keep it off for good, do counciling for 18 weeks, lose the 10% of weight loss dueig the courses, attend weight loss meetings and meet with tara the weight coordinator for the pct of stockport then meet mandy at my last meeting before i got the funding, yes my gp was 110% behind me and so was the whole of my surgery there all great and really helpful, have you meet any of the weight coordinators yet, have you been on the courses yet???
Hi. I was turned down twice but in the new year I heard I had been given funding ,all in all it must of only been about 2months from my Dr writing to the PCT till I heard. I have had my 1st appointment at the hospital and they say I could be done as early as the summer.
Good luck
Well I have a private appt with prof amiro...think that's his name tomoz, costing me £150 but his expert opinion supporting my application to the pct will fingers crossed help so I don't have to jump all the hoops.....the diet plan they make u do just wont work with me as my bowel can't cope with fruit an veg....hence why I'm in the situation to start with! Oh I really hope I get the go ahead x
good luck but I have to say I hardly ever eat fruit and veg I can't fit them in :) as long as you get plenty of protein you will be fine and we all have to take lots of vitamins to make up for lack of fruit veg etc :)
Really nervous but I ha e to just go for it! Thanks angie
you're welcome , I see you're Stockport supporter I'm Morecambe x I was gutted when Carl baker went to you and he's doing well now isn't he :)
Well met with the professor, he thinks the band or sleeve and is writing to my gp an pct to recommend this :) oh I hope this pushes it throu with the pct....he did say stockport are bad at funding thou!