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Variations between providers


So often we say " Follow your provider's guidelines" but why do they differ so widely? Even with the same surgeon under different providers there are often large differences. Different pre op diets, different post op diets, if they are different does that make one right and another one wrong? Would it not be simpler if there were standardised guidelines where the only differences would be in the actual surgical procedure? At the end of the day I don't suppose it makes much difference as each of us has only one set of rules to follow it just seems strange to me that we should differ from each other.
The issue is they still don't understand the procedures fully themselves and so the recommendations are made by people who don't necessarily agree with their colleagues. But if you were to follow someone elses guidelines and come to harm because they cut differently or similar that would be quite serious. So we say follow your providers guidelines.
It is confusing when things are so different. Some providers, especially some of the private ones have and work with their own research into the guidelines that they provide - something that I know my own does. Their own research and findings play a big part in the guidelines that I have been given. They are often results driven too, so from their own experiences they have certain things which they find work and introduce this into the way they work.

For example, mine does not like BMI's, how they are calculated and what they suggest, they also don't (like many providers) "Ban" any type of food or drink after the band has been put in place, but this has come from their research, their experiences and the results that it have been achieved from their patients :)

Along with my 2 year after care package, I also have 3 years band insurance, but I have to follow the guidelines of my provider for that to be effective and valid.

Each providers guidelines are based on their own research and experience. I truly think there is no one right way, but your team know you, and the know your procedure. Following the guidelines set by them is simply the most sensible course of action.
I don't think it differs that much really, especially post op. More so for different procedures maybe ?

Each doctor will have their own view on what will shrink the liver, pre op but the dieticians all seem to say pretty much the same post op.