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Vegetarians....what do you eat?


Active Member
I only ask as I appear to have gone off meat a LOT, although I am forcing it down, I don't enjoy it at all. I was a minimal meat eater pre op anyway, and would much rather have vegetarian meals, but what are high enough protein?
I too cant tolerate meat post op. I can on a good day eat small mouthful of chicken as long as it is warm. I tend to eat fresh fish and cheese with a few eggs. But hopefully someone else will come along and advise better than me.
Hi Dell

I dont eat meat but I do eat fish, I dont know if you can tolerate fish but most are low fat and high in protein.

Tuna and salmon are my favourites. Non fish products but high in protein are eggs, quorn, cheese (low fat obviously).

Hope that helps x
Have you tried any of the quorn products?

Very low in fat and carbs and a good amount of protein - a Quorn sausage for example is only 57 calories, 2 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of carbs and 6.7 grams of protein.

Almost any recipe you use meat in can be made with quorn, I make stir-fries, lasagne, indian, chilli etc.

If you havn't cooked with it before, just beware that it does cook quicker than meat and as it has less fat, can dry out quicker. It also marinades a lot quicker than meat so taste create in sauces etc.

Another plus is if you are struggling with meat, Quorn is easier to digest (according to my dietician).
I have loads of probs with meat .. really cannot tolerate it .. other than when it has been processed to death .. ready made cottage pies etc ..

I tend to use pulses, lentils, quorn (can only do the mince) other mince meat substitutes, eggs, cheese.

I make a lovely lentil bake, I will post the recipe soon, it is really high in protein, as it includes eggs and some cheese, and it can be eaten hot as a meal and cold as left overs ..

I also make pastryless quiches ..using onions, mushrooms, eggs and some low fat cheese, this is great for lunch boxs too ..

Soup is my best stand by though .. lots of home made healthy soups containing veg and pulses, so you are getting protein and some of your five a day ..

I consider myself practically a vegi these days ... and usually go for something from the vegi menu when eating out, just wish most restaurants would think that not all vegitarians can eat Pasta !!

Good luck, and i promise to put that recipe on over the weekend when i have more time ..

Ann xx
Managed to find the recipe I sent to someone else .. so here goes ..

I have made a couple of these now, and we have it as a main meal for all the family served with a tomato (homemade) sauce or vegetarian gravy and veg .. and then I can have it cold for lunches for the next few days ..

It is very easy to digest, well for me anyway ..It is also good on the protein count, although I have not worked out the exact amount...

so I thought I would share it with you.

6ozs red lentils soaked for at least an hour

1/2 oz of dried onion, or a fresh onion .. if using dried soak them with the lentils.

8oz of hard low fat cheddar (or full fat if you prefer) grated

8ozs grated carrot

3 eggs

garlic, herbs or spices to taste.


1) Put the soaked lentil and dried onion if using in a saucepan and bring to the boil and then simmer for about 15 mins .. drain and allow to cool.

2) Place the grated carrot, cheese and beaten eggs in a food processor (or a large bowl if mixing by hand), when the lentils are cool add to the carrot and cheese mixture.

3) Add seasoning to taste.. I will give some examples at the end ..

4) Blend together well and pour into a large square or oval dish. Bake in the oven at about 180 for about 40 mins, until the bake is well risen and bouncey to the touch .. ( a knife dipped into the bake should come out clean just as if you were checking on a cake).

5) Can be served hot or cold.

Seasoning ideas ..

Garlic and parsley ..

chillie flakes with cayenne pepper (to taste)..

Curry powder, with cumin, and turmeric with added herbs to taste ..

sundried tomatoes, with basil..

or whatever takes your fancy ..


Ann xx