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Weigh In at the Bander's Cafe!

Oooooooooohhh no Mind that sucks :mad: you must be so mad and sad all rolled up together ..... i sold all mine as i lost the weight..... it gave me a good excuse for new :p i have a diamond cluster that i just wont wear for that exact reason..... gutted for you hunni........

Net (can i call you that ) ;) the teatox i'm taking is just a detox herbal tea..... saw it while on holiday at H&B its called bootea it kinda implies its for weight loss but its just a detox like any other lol they have a eating plan to go along side too which is meant to help lose weight..... for me it was more about detoxing..... but found it so helpful in keeping me regular.... i suffer terribly...... even senna tablets dont help much BUT the night time tea does the trick...... have a look at the bootea website it explains it all there....its not cheap but it is in the 1p sale at mo...... i love it, it certainly sets my day up right..... i have it first thing before breakfast....... while exercising of course :D

wonton soup looks yummy Lu..... never seen it nor had it???? from a supermarket or home made? yummmmy

Mindy i hope your ring shows up hunni ........... hugs x x x x
I decided on this for my dinner
Shared a homemade sausage casserole with hubby so
1 sausage in a sausage casserole jar mix and some of the gravy blitzed in processor
Portion of cabbage finally chopped up
Portion of carrots , mashed up
Portion of mashed potato , which I didn't eat as I had had some mixed in with homemade soup for lunch
All from my freezer .


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wonton soup looks yummy Lu..... never seen it nor had it???? from a supermarket or home made? yummmmy

Crystal, the wantons are from frozen section in morrisons with other chinese bits and bobs. Its basically like a pork and prawn dumpling wrapped in a kind of chinese dumpling case. SOOO good. I just used a bit of chicken stock, some spring onions and fish sauce to give them a bit more flavour. If you get it in the chinese it comes with chinese cabbage too, really nice

lu xx
I decided on this for my dinner
Shared a homemade sausage casserole with hubby so
1 sausage in a sausage casserole jar mix and some of the gravy blitzed in processor
Portion of cabbage finally chopped up
Portion of carrots , mashed up
Portion of mashed potato , which I didn't eat as I had had some mixed in with homemade soup for lunch
All from my freezer .

that looks quite nice (minus the mushed sausage :D)

speaking of sausages...ahem.. does anyone know anywhere that does tasty low fat ones? My sister said asda have some, but all the ones i have tried are really soft and yak :(

lu xx
Ooooh you girls make my mouth water lol was feeling pretty tired earlier...... went to mfp and realised i'd only had 355 calories all day LOL no wonder i was feeling fatigued lol of course i've made up for it now...... breaded cod fillet yummmy with new potatoes and green beans :) oooooooh and 2 squares of new choc ...... i've a jelly planned later and a hot choc should i desire....... so far i'm coming in at 676 cals :eek: now that should shift a few lb's
Morning all!

Had my hair done and feeling fab except for these hail storms - what's going on there!

What's everyone up to today x
Oooooooooohhh no Mind that sucks :mad: you must be so mad and sad all rolled up together ..... i sold all mine as i lost the weight..... it gave me a good excuse for new :p i have a diamond cluster that i just wont wear for that exact reason..... gutted for you hunni........

Net (can i call you that ) ;) the teatox i'm taking is just a detox herbal tea..... saw it while on holiday at H&B its called bootea it kinda implies its for weight loss but its just a detox like any other lol they have a eating plan to go along side too which is meant to help lose weight..... for me it was more about detoxing..... but found it so helpful in keeping me regular.... i suffer terribly...... even senna tablets dont help much BUT the night time tea does the trick...... have a look at the bootea website it explains it all there....its not cheap but it is in the 1p sale at mo...... i love it, it certainly sets my day up right..... i have it first thing before breakfast....... while exercising of course :D

wonton soup looks yummy Lu..... never seen it nor had it???? from a supermarket or home made? yummmmy

Mindy i hope your ring shows up hunni ........... hugs x x x x

Net's just fine with me love ;) .. will have a gander at the bootea website sounds good x
Ooooh you girls make my mouth water lol was feeling pretty tired earlier...... went to mfp and realised i'd only had 355 calories all day LOL no wonder i was feeling fatigued lol of course i've made up for it now...... breaded cod fillet yummmy with new potatoes and green beans :) oooooooh and 2 squares of new choc ...... i've a jelly planned later and a hot choc should i desire....... so far i'm coming in at 676 cals :eek: now that should shift a few lb's

Lucky you! Love the days when youre so busy you forget to eat lol. I felt like a greedy pig yesterday... only meant to have 1200 but ended up having around 1350 :(. I blame the essay!! felt really bad afterwards but just started again today. Im having smoked salmon salad for lunch, really nice!

just did a presentation which went well so now just in the computer room finishing off this demon of an essay! Got lean pork shoulder with apple sauce in the slow cooker for tonight, excited!

lu xx
Oooh sounds good lulu. Hubby's out with mates tonight so means its just me and the kids to sort out yay! Going for a salmon salad tonight and just about to tuck into ilumi noodles x
My fellow banders!! Sat here in my lovely office extremely hard at work I just realised that I have not had a fizzy drink or bread for 3 months.. wtf!

Now I was never one to drink loads of fizzys but I would have one pepsi max with my evening meal or if we went out to eat at the weekend. Bread I ate most mornings with my eggs. It was never something that worried me before surgery but to actually realise its been so long and I haven't missed it is ridiculous.

This got me thinking about things we regularly ate before surgery that we don't miss now...
Afternoon girls :D its soooo lovely to log on and find my new banded pals lol you guys keep me coming and keep me focused x x x x Ohhh wow Net..... new hair do sounds lovely...... wow bet you feel great now..... new you emerging :D i love that fresh cut feel, although i hack my own lol nether the less it still feels great when its done :rolleyes: Wd Lu on the presentation :cool: now get that essay finished lol word of advise....... forget yesterday, today's a new day ...... fresh start...... for so many years one bad choice would have me thinking i'd blown my diet and that would give me the green light to bad all day lol now its moment by moment ladies....... regardless how many times we slip up we still have to climb back on that 'band' wagon lol

Ok today we've been for a nose at the local boot sale, its our usual Wednesday trip out...then onto the nursery for lunch :D today was freezing out.....we had heavy hail..... even the poor old doggy turned white lol needless to say the boot was over and done quickly...... lunch was sweet potato and cumin soup OMG it was lush :eat: also purchase a tomato and cucumber plants while i was there....... all set for my summer salads .... can't wait to be self sufficient this year lol...... this time last year we we're all over the place.... looking for somewhere to live, packing blah blah ughhhh it feels so good to be settled right now........ a few years back we had an allotment on my friends land, it kinda fizzled out as our friendship became pretty distant.... but i miss my garden and my summer house :( but hey things change, so do people..... i try not to get too attached these days ........

So happy note... the suns out again...... coffee on and i'm feeling good :D
Shhhh I'm sneaking in while it's quiet at work
I saw this recipe in a Good Housekeeping mag ..
So need to pick your Bander brains . I don't want to start eating pasta . So I need a replacement for it in this recipe please !


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Oooh Mindy that looks tasty, not sure what else could hold it together... Perhaps lulu or crystal have some ideas x
Shhhh I'm sneaking in while it's quiet at work
I saw this recipe in a Good Housekeeping mag ..
So need to pick your Bander brains . I don't want to start eating pasta . So I need a replacement for it in this recipe please !

hey Mindy and everyone :) I saw a programme yesterday that was replacing the pasta sheets in lasagne with leeks. you cut the thicker outer leaves so they are flat out and can use them instead, you coulf also slice aubergines long ways, Ive replace lasagne pasta with aubergine before and it was quite nice!
So...After a bit of a blip yesterday and getting back on track today with just a coffee and a salmon salad, I have created this beautiful dish as a well done for completing my essay and my presentation.

its lean pork shoulder with a spoon of apple sauce in the slow cooker for a verrrry long time until it becomes like pulled pork almost = 303 cals

today I had it with mash, no butter and some peas that I had kicking about in the fridge. In actual heaven. really needed it after such a long day!

How is everyone else doing? xx


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Now that looks delicious ! I love using the slow cooker . So easy , don't have to fuss with it and it produces some amazing food !
Thanks for the leeks suggestion .. I will try that ..

Today I've had
Protein smoothie
A flask full of homemade soup , approx 2 bowls ..
Very soft scrambled egg with cheesy mash

That actually doesn't seem a lot now I'm reading it ..
But the smoothie contains a lot I suppose in liquid form ..

now that looks blooming gorgeous :eat: good suggestion with the leeks .... i wouldn't know..... never did do pasta....... sorry no help here lol my day was pretty boring food wise...... porridge...... soup for lunch (out) hubs had cheesy chips which i had one :p but he had my crusty roll and half my soup!!! this evening i had rice cakes topped with ham and salad ...... jelly for pud and some choc........ hot choc in hand now..... final walks soon then an early night.... back to it tomorrow :D finally got my fitbit going again.....been without for ages because my lap top went kaput lol feeling a little more in control now :rolleyes::rolleyes: input-output = loss fingers crossed ..... i love seeing the bit at the bottom of mfp page...... 'if everyday were like this ....you could weigh.......' love it LOL
I'm having a mid life crisis I think .. I'm listening to .. Off the wall , Michael Jackson .. And now I'm on donna summer .. I'm a real disco girl , so sat here doing a bum shuffle dance !