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what should i take into hospital with me?


Hi All

gosh - am soooooo nervous and yet sooooooo excited :) :) :). My op is on Monday and i think i am sorted. Is there anything that you can suggest i might need?:rolleyes: I have heard take your own pillow (just to hold on your belly when travelling home). A mouth spray to moisten your mouth and thats about it.

So in typical woman styple, do i take pyjamas or nightie? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: what about having a shower and doing hair :rolleyes: (can you reach t dry your hair) etc.

Sorry - i know these questions are silly .......

I took nighties, well my mum's nighties because I don't have any! :eek: They were easier and I got hot because of the stockings so I wouldn't have wanted jammie trousers on.

I had a shower each morning and washed my hair no problem. I didn't dry it though just rubbed it with a towel and let it do it's thing!

A pillow in the car might be handy, I made a huge fuss about my other half bringing them, then I didn't use them!

Take a good book, magazines, something to keep you busy.

I wouldn't bother with a mouth spray. I was encouraged to drink water/peppermint water from the minute I woke up and it's best to continually sip.

Oh a dressing gown to walk to theatre (I took my mums!) and slippers or crocs or something similar.

Good luck.
Thats about it I think Willow, everything lucy has said is on my list :D I have also taken got some hand sanitizer and anti bacterial wipes, just in case :D X
* ipod if you have one, with some talking books on it (my fave thing in hospital)
* NAS squash of your fave flavour, or flavoured sugar free water
* plenty of nighties, knickers, panty liners, (I puked a lot and had stress incontinence and ran out of nighties),
* sanitary towels (you may well come on, most ladies do I think)
* flip fops /crocs for getting u of the shower and not wetting your slippers
* shampoo/conditioner
* wet wipes for a freshen-up if you don't feel up to going to the bathroom
* tissues
*tea bags if you have a favourite type.
* bed jacket, cardigan in case it's cool in the ward (it was in SRH)