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Will I be ok 10 days after op to do addition?


New Member
I have been given a once in a life time addition, thing is its 10 days after my op will I be ok to go and sing? I know when I have had an op in the past my throat has been sore but I can't remember how long it lasted. Also will it be a problem working my insides? Any help would be fab thanks x
Hi sweetie, do you mean audition as in singing audition? If so I can only say my throat did not hurt past the 1st day ... but whether or not you will be up for travelling I am not sure ... hope so ... good luck with it, honey xxx :):)
Hi, all I can say is we all heal differently. Im no singer so I cant comment on the voice. But I know at 2 weeks post op I was still walking quite stiffly. I was getting tired very quickly. Dont forget if you are thinking of driving yourself your Insurance Company will only cover after 2 weeks and not before. Good luck I wish you a speedy recovery and good luck with the audition fingers crossed for you. xxx
Thank you both. Hubby will be driving its a shorter trip than coming home from the hospital I think. Butis in London so may take 10x as long lol. I will see how I feel but fingers crossed I will make it x
Am 10 days post op today and feel fine hun, tummy scars tiny bit sore and get tired but apart from that am fantastic x