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Banders Daily Diet and Exercise Log

Dinner: Nothing :sigh: ................ Made roast chicken, potatoes, carrots & gravy.............everything got stuck, was sick 5 times, had to take a drink of coke as the food just wouldn't budge, no matter how small I chewed it... it kept getting stuck :(

Im so hungry but im afraid to eat :cry:that choking sensation scares the sh!t outa me

NAS dilute throughout the day & 2 cups of tea

Just had tin of spagetti hoops & 1 slice of nimble toasted

sounds like the restriction is kicking in & sounds like the 1st few mouth fulls wasnt chewed correctly and has caused a block which will effect the rest of the meal and make you vomit more,its a matter of waiting for the block to move, when this happens its best to leave the meal and sip hot water as the heat softens the food thats blocked the way and it passes through quicker.
sounds like the restriction is kicking in & sounds like the 1st few mouth fulls wasnt chewed correctly and has caused a block which will effect the rest of the meal and make you vomit more,its a matter of waiting for the block to move, when this happens its best to leave the meal and sip hot water as the heat softens the food thats blocked the way and it passes through quicker.

Thanks for the hot water tip. I am afraid to say that when food gets stuck I sick it up but would rather drink hot water.
B - i/2 porton of porridge oats

L - salad with poached egg and pickles

D - meatballs an spaghetti with sauce. Left most of the spaghetti. WW mouse

tea and coffees
Breakfast: Large Smoothie

Dinner: swede and carrot mash with a sprinkle of cheese on top

Tea: light cottage pie

Drinks: Large coffee
Breakfast: All Bran with Skimmed Milk
Lunch: Fridge Raiders and 2 babybel lights
Tea: Marinated turkey steak (i made the marinade myself with random herbs and spices), 1 scoop of mash and 2 tbsps of mushy peas

sounds like the restriction is kicking in & sounds like the 1st few mouth fulls wasnt chewed correctly and has caused a block which will effect the rest of the meal and make you vomit more,its a matter of waiting for the block to move, when this happens its best to leave the meal and sip hot water as the heat softens the food thats blocked the way and it passes through quicker.

Thanks Liz, I thought I had it chewed correctly :confused: would it maybe be the case of not being able to tolerate chicken anymore? It was the worst experience of food getting stuck that I have had since banding, it was awful :sigh: and I sooooo dont want to go through it again!!
Thanks for the advice, you came to the rescue once again :)
Hi Kate...dinner does that to me too, have only tried it a few times since banding and I struggle every time I try it....I so miss it but it just doesn't go down :confused: can't imagine what Christmas is going to be like...will have to seriously rethink the whole Christmas food business :sigh:

Hi Yvonne, I know what you mean about Christmas :sigh: im hoping yesterday was a one off as I was able to eat it the day before....who knows, i'll maybe try it again at the weekend and see how it goes :fingerscrossed:
Thanks for the hot water tip. I am afraid to say that when food gets stuck I sick it up but would rather drink hot water.

i think ive explained wrongly, after you have vomited, take small sips of water as the block can remain for a while the water moves it x drinking with food is generally a no no.
Thanks Liz, I thought I had it chewed correctly :confused: would it maybe be the case of not being able to tolerate chicken anymore? It was the worst experience of food getting stuck that I have had since banding, it was awful :sigh: and I sooooo dont want to go through it again!!
Thanks for the advice, you came to the rescue once again :)

hi kate, you may be able to tollerate chicken still. cut it up into tiny peices like you would for your kids chew well dont eat to quickly and you should be ok. eating to quickly when you have good restriction can also cause the vomiting.
Thursday 24/9/09

b/f - small bowl of jumbo oats made with skimmed milk

Lunch - 2/3rd's of a tin of Tomato & Chorizo soup, less than half a slice of oatmeal bread, shape yoghurt with 1 fresh fig chopped.

dinner - homemade beef in red wine sauce, turnip, cauli, carrots, Broccoli.

b. coffee

l. bowl of home made irish stew

d. 1/2 a chicken pasty threw other half in bin

liquids as usual

snacks ...a hand full of salted nutts, 2 short bread biscuits.
Thursday 24th September 2009

Breakfast: 2 x nimble wholemeal toasted with flora light & blackcurrant jam

Lunch: Tortilla pizza with bbq sauce, ham & cheese........this was delicious :)

Dinner: 6 homemade oven chips with ladle of homemade chilli ...................... was sick twice with this :confused: chewed & chewed & chewed but it still got stuck, had to make myself sick :yuk: not nice

Bottle of Oasis & NAS dilute throughout the day
Breakfast: 2 x nimble wholemeal toasted with flora light & blackcurrant jam

Lunch: Tortilla pizza with bbq sauce, ham & cheese........this was delicious :)

Dinner: 6 homemade oven chips with ladle of homemade chilli ...................... was sick twice with this :confused: chewed & chewed & chewed but it still got stuck, had to make myself sick :yuk: not nice

Bottle of Oasis & NAS dilute throughout the day

Hi kate it prob was most likley the chips that made you sick they do exactly the same to me, try just the chilli on its own next time or maybe over a very small baked potatoe but dont eat the skin, as that may be better x
Its all a learning curve isnt it? Its like learning to eat again. Finding out what you do and dont like and can and cannot tolerate.
Hi kate it prob was most likley the chips that made you sick they do exactly the same to me, try just the chilli on its own next time or maybe over a very small baked potatoe but dont eat the skin, as that may be better x

Normally do have the chilli on its own but was making chips for everyone else so just had a few as a treat .................. wont be doing that again!! Thanks Liz x

Its all a learning curve isnt it? Its like learning to eat again. Finding out what you do and dont like and can and cannot tolerate.

I feel like my 1 year old wondering if i'll like something or not or if I will be able to eat it, im enjoying the experience but its tough going im thinking about food constantly!!
Have been working away all week so havent been able to post, have been having:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, beans and veggie sausage - staying in a hotel

Lunch - salad from M&S with tuna and soya beans (yummy and only 230 cals)

Tea - one night had smoked haddock at an italian restaurant, another had salmon and last night sea bream (love me fish)

Drinks, loads of water the odd glass of wine and orange/carrot juice
Friday 25th September 2009

Breakfast: 2 x nimble wholemeal toasted with 2 poached eggs ........... ate 1 1/2 nimble & roughly 1 1/2 egg .......... my children always want my breakfast and ate some on me :)

Lunch: 1 ladle of homemade chilli on its own

Dinner: :copon: 2 tbsp fried rice, 1 piece of chicken, onions, 2 tbsp of curry sauce & 6 tbsp of black bean sauce :drool: handful of prawn crackers ..............I know I know this is really bad but I was just having one of those evenings....I didn't want to cook so chinese was handy ................. compared to what I use to eat this is nothing but thats still no excuse :copon:

NAS dilute throughout the day :)
Friday 25/9/09

Kate, you think you were bad!!!

b/f - shape yoghurt & few bran flakes :) (good start)

lunch - :eek: was out with Hubby and he fancied Costas :eek: so I had....1 slice carrot cake & hot chocolate with whipped cream & marshmallows :drool: no regrets...I enjoyed it :p (very bad middle :whoopass:)

dinner - leftovers from last night...beef in red wine & veg (better ending :rolleyes:)
Kate, you think you were bad!!!

b/f - shape yoghurt & few bran flakes :) (good start)

lunch - :eek: was out with Hubby and he fancied Costas :eek: so I had....1 slice carrot cake & hot chocolate with whipped cream & marshmallows :drool: no regrets...I enjoyed it :p (very bad middle :whoopass:)

dinner - leftovers from last night...beef in red wine & veg (better ending :rolleyes:)

Big deal Yvonne, you enjoyed it and its not as if you do it everyday, hot chocolate makes me feel sick now :sigh: I loved it pre-op....ah well, and it was a cake full of carrots so it was healthy ;)