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Be Honest- Any regrets with Gastric Band?

Thanks Alexa, I think I would be worried if I only ever saw positive posts- like the stepford wives of weightloss ha ha, so I have found you comments quite reassuring in a weird kind of way, that things can and do go wrong.
:sigh: oh well that's me in the dogger then if things go wrong! I am going for the cheap option and will be lucky to get a spare pack of dressings! I have had to put every last penny I have into getting this surgery done. If it goes wrong I am just hoping the NHS will help. I really think fat people are discriminated against if I wanted help with alcoholisim, or drugs I would be more likely to get it. I don't begrudge anyone getting help but don't feel that the plesantly plump people of this country get enough ha ha.
Thanks for the reply.xx

Of course the NHS will remove that band if it needs removing, But will they fund another surgery after words? that I can't answer I would think if they are funding then do it now save you're money and do the NHS route now.

I say this not to get a freebie but a lot of don't have the facilities to accommodate major surgery hence why most of them only offer banding!

Also SOME! not all NHS surgeons do private surgery in NHS hospitals this can reduce the cost of a bypass hugely! Your private in every way except the fancy room. You simply skip the waiting list.

You would have these same worries if you had bypass private, It's always best where possible to go NHS that way you know your covered for life! not just 12 months or however long your after care lasts.

I was very lucky I funded both times I had to appeal though and make a clinical argument for funding. I also accused them of discrimination. I also had to sit in front of a panel of three Dr's and make my argument! none of them had Obesity experience one was a chiropodist's!!!

Some people say stuff like well I saved the NHS so and so and often thats not the case and this does not give you automatic right to plastics!

With my surgeon open gastric bypass is just 5k thats the cost to the NHS so really the cost if not huge at all and very much cheaper than funding all the co morbidities that go with being Obese.

even if you are adamant you want the band it's always worth trying on the NHS just for the peace of mind of what if!
There is another member on here at the moment who had a private band, think it's mynewlife, and their band developed a fault. The band manufacturers won't ackowledge responsiblity, as a gesture of good will they have offered a free replacement band but she's still having to pay to have it fitted. After the fitting the company may refund the costs of replacement surgery after they've examined the band but there's no guarantee.

When I went to meet my (NHS) surgeon I was thinking band, as I thought my health problems would make bypass a more dangerous surgery. We talked through the differences and my eating habits and I decided on a bypass. My surgeon said that bands have a 40% complication/failure rate compared to 10% with a bypass. I was also concerned about the lifespan of a band. It's not designed to last forever and considering I hope to live another 50+ years that was an important factor. I was also put off by the lap-band's predecessor (which i can't remember the name of sorry, something like milena) which quite often comes up on the American surgery shows like Family Fat Surgeons etc where patients are having revisions and the band has become part of the stomach as the flesh has grown round it :eek: not nice.

I think personally that the band can work really well for a lot of people, if you have your head in the right place and understand how much of it is down to you then great. So many people though see the band as the answer, not a tool for weight loss.

I also think that comprehensive aftercare is crucial to successful weight loss, with any surgery.
I think personally that the band can work really well for a lot of people, if you have your head in the right place and understand how much of it is down to you then great. So many people though see the band as the answer, not a tool for weight loss.

I also think that comprehensive aftercare is crucial to successful weight loss, with any surgery.

i totally agree with your comments shell, ppl have to research the band properly before having 1 fitted, i also agree after care is a key factor to a successfull weight loss.

liz x
:cry:Am very confused. NHS is a no go for me. I have been to the docotors now on and off for years. At my heaviest I was 19st (now16.8) Even though he sat there and admitted I have a problem they refused everything that I have asked. The last time I went begging to them was about 2 years ago, came home on the bus sobbing all the way. I vowed I would not go back begging any more and funded reductil myself. A few months back I told him how well I had done on reductil but I could no longer afford it but he refused to prescribe it for me. (It gave me side effects any way!) Also as I said in another post I have had two very bad experiences of surgery and aftercare on the NHS (non weight related if there is such a thing!) and again did not want to go the NHS route.
I feel this is my last chance but am so worried on and off that it might go wrong and where will i be left? This is alot of money to me even though I am going cheap and I am wondering if it is gonna be worth it. I am feeling very sad at the minute:confused:
Sorry guys dont wanna seem a pain mordling on!
Wow! never expected all that advice, but thanks everyone who has taken the time to reply.

I personally would consider the bypass, but unfortunately this is going to max the mortgage so therefore unless I can have a bypass for £7000 I haven't got the resources to have it done.

I know in the future I may be able to have funds and some of you may think its better to wait a couple of years and you are probably right...but I am so unhappy now and at 38 this year I am trying to minimise the possibilitys of having to have excess skin removed as age doesn't help with elasticity problems ha!:8855:

thanks again and any further help appreciated.
:sigh: oh well that's me in the dogger then if things go wrong! I am going for the cheap option and will be lucky to get a spare pack of dressings! I have had to put every last penny I have into getting this surgery done. If it goes wrong I am just hoping the NHS will help. I really think fat people are discriminated against if I wanted help with alcoholisim, or drugs I would be more likely to get it. I don't begrudge anyone getting help but don't feel that the plesantly plump people of this country get enough ha ha.
Thanks for the reply.xx

Alexa, fantastic well done for publicising the problems with your band. I had related a story I read in a magazine about the problems and wish more people who had problems would tell others of them too.

Prinny I can asure you that alcoholics and druggies have a very hard time getting anything from anyone or anywhere. Basically if you are not of a standard size and fit into your standard size box then no one wants to know!!!!! makes me angry!
Prinny lots of members on here have had private surgery and only a couple have had problems. It's more about being aware of that slight risk that going private carries with regards to complications. Of course, if you have complications then the NHS will rectify them, but it's unlikely they would carry out revision surgery if needed.

If you are having a band privately, then there are lifelong additional costs that will need to be funded, if just for fills. Even if you get to the right restriction with only one or two fills (rare), adjustments will be needed along that road as you body changes, and if you fall pregnant or ill and need to eat more, or fly long haul and need a defill etc. From that perspective, if money is tight to fund the band in the first place, how are you going to fund the long term associated costs?
Hi all.
I had my band fitted last March and it was the best decision I have made. The fact was I was waking up in the morning with chest pains - not good for a 32 year old!!
The only time I have had second thoughts was at my last fill when my Consultant filled it too much and I threw up everything that I ate!
That's since been sorted out and I am more than happy!
Prinny I am disgusted with you're GP! I personally would contact you're PCT and make a complaint. Your GP is not a expert and it will not kill him to make a referral! Who the hell does he/she think they are refusing you a referral! he has no right and you are after entitled to a second opinion!

NHS is a option if you're PCT fund it and really your GP has no bloody right to refuse you a referral. He may not agree with weight loss surgery but again if you wanted a pregnancy termination and he didn't agree does he have the right to refuse a referral NO he does not.

I fully understand that this has thus far been a long journey for you and you have done great to get from 19 to 16 stone but don't give up!

I had my first referral in 03, I had my band in 05 that was removed 08 and had bypass 09. From 03 to 09 I didn't lose any weight i jumped through hoops I was devastated when my band wasn't working and as the months years went by i was a complete and total emotional wreck too ashamed to ever go out ashamed a operation designed to make me lose weight wasn't working. It's hard enough explaining the reasons to people who know about WLS but a nightmare trying to get my point across to normal folk.

In them years I never missed a appointment I chased and fought all the way got refused funding for the revision and had to fight through a appeal. The woman who made the decision not to fund revision phoned me and told me I was waisting my time appealing because she has never been over ruled! I did appeal and i made my case and i made a medical argument. and i WON! I am now almost three weeks post op bypass it has been so hard not easy at all.

If i was you I would INSIST on a referral and if he refuses I would contact the PCT in fact I would contact my PCT anyway! GP practice in general surgery and are not experts in bariatric surgery often we know more then they do!

But i would also understand if you decided that you have had enough and just wish to go ahead with the private sector. ether way i wish you all the best. xxxx

keep your spirits high this WLS business is one huge emotional roller coaster.
:) Thanks guys, it is a rollercoaster you got that right. Maybe I was a bit harsh about other addicts getting funding and treatment but I am just so fed up of being treated like a second class citizen by the health service! I think they would rather just see me become diabetic having to have joint replacements they are just so short sighted:sigh:
Alexa I take my hat off to you. You have had a fight to get where you are today and after all that time (and effort) you deserve to have the chance to be a healthy weight.
As I was reading what you had written a bit of fire got stirred up in my belly and I felt like giving it large to my (very thin!) Dr. However I just haven't got it in me now. I have other health issues and I just haven't got the emotional strength to do it.
I should have enough dosh to get my fills done (unless Prof Mcmahon seriously bodges!)at least if I don't loose weight with the band I won't be able to afford food. If I don't I will have start a fundraising thread ha ha. I think though I will have to give it serious thought as to whether or not to pay for the aftercare package or just go for fills as and when any thoughts anyone on the pros and cons?
Isn't it sad that our health all comes down to money........
Like I said thanks again for all your support.xxxx
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Well said Alexa...i went to my doctors the first time and he was adamant i would not be able to have by pass, i bravely went a second time and insisted i wanted a referral, she reluctantly wrote to pct and within weeks i was accepted...i do feel very blessed this happened but i agree with alexa it is not the doctors decision and he is allowed his opinion but should not enforce that on you prinny..just give it another go and insist they at least give you the chance of a referral..good luckxx
i totally agree, i also had to fight for a referal, you could try asking a diff gp with in your practice or change gp's altogether.

good luck xxx
I meant to ask do you have to have a letter from your GP even if you are going private? I did ask my WGA rep and she said as I was paying for it that there wasn't a lot the DR could do n really say (i think he has a fat person phobia!) and that after surgery they would write to him. I don't want to doubt my rep but is this right?
I went private and had to ask my GP to write a referral letter still - that was what the Spire Group insisted on. My GP was fine about it though as he knew that I needed help with my weight but would not have been considered for NHS surgery as the guidelines are really tight here. Hope that helps x
I was hoping to get away with having to go and see him. Will it be the same for the WGA I wonder:confused: Thanks Alli, just like to say Wow on your loss:D. When the kids have settled down later I am going to have a good read of your diary.xxx
If it was me and yes I am a tad feisty lol And he gave me a referral for private surgery. I would question what his actual problem was..

My PCT referred me to my bypass Surgeon BUT as said before the GP cannot refuse the make a referral it's just not his right to do that regardless of how ignorant he is. If you can't face him write to him and tell him you have shown determination and commitment to losing weight but this journey is not just about losing weight it's about maintaining weight loss and you would rather deal with it now before the situation becomes serious. Tell him it's your body and you wish to take charge of your health care and insist on a second opinion about your weight.

That's what I would do I anything please let us motivate you to give this one last go... I don't know what area you live in but I have over 130 facebook friends who have all had one form of WLS you can find me on facebook Alexa Faith Capello... I may be able to put you in touch with a fellow WLS patient in your area.

While doing all that you can also call your PCT! ask them what the criteria is and if they fund it. If they do ask them how do you go about getting a referral and to whom should you be referred to.

These are just phone calls sweetie your losing nothing by trying and may give you some answers. Please don't think on the line you will have a band and if things don't work out oh well. Because if your at a low ebb now you could be devastated by a gastric band you have paid a fortune for and had no results.

Now I'm not saying you wont get results I'm just saying be realistic about this consider everything don't pin all your hopes on one thing.

Do you mean the Prof in Leeds at the Nuffield? if so you have a very good surgeon there if you do go private your in very good hands.
Thanks Alexa and the rest of you guys for the encouragement. I have however already booked my surgery and have prepaid £550 (gulp lol). If I cancel I still have to pay the majority of it(Even bigger gulp!). It may not work for me and I must admit I am worried but this is the end of the line for me now and I hope the start of a new beggining- god that sounds really cheesy but I am trying to look on the bright side. If things go belly up I will just know I am destined to be a plumpkin for the rest of my days!
Thanks Alexa and the rest of you guys for the encouragement. I have however already booked my surgery and have prepaid £550 (gulp lol). If I cancel I still have to pay the majority of it(Even bigger gulp!). It may not work for me and I must admit I am worried but this is the end of the line for me now and I hope the start of a new beggining- god that sounds really cheesy but I am trying to look on the bright side. If things go belly up I will just know I am destined to be a plumpkin for the rest of my days!

HI Prinny

Hope you dont mind me jumping in like this but i just wanted to let you know that by law, with every contract that is signed everyone is entitled to a 14 day cooling off period - which meas you are able to change your mind within these 14 with no charge or repercussion.

If you are within these 14 days i would strongly recommend you cancel your surgery to give yourself more time to think about this as it seems like you need to. Even if you have to lose the £500 but not pay anything else that is better then having to pay out for surgery you are not sure you want.

Good Luck