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bypass daily menu -

Hi all, hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Mine was good, apart from a slight mishap with half a mince pie lol. Needless to say, I won't be trying another one till next year! That was the only treat to pass my lips so I'm really pleased with myself. Here's my menu for today.

B - One bacon rasher and poached egg.
L - Turkey, tsp mash, swede, asparagus, broccoli, carrot, mangetout & gravy.
T - Same as above.

Drinks - tea, coffee, NAS squash & water.
Exercise - 45 min walk with one of my patients :)

Good luck for your weigh in Amanda. I'm positive you'll hit your 100lb target tomorrow xxx
Thanks paula!!! Really hope so... Well done resisting all that christmas temptation... did that mince pie make you ill?? Wish sweet stuff did that to me too xxx
Thanks paula!!! Really hope so... Well done resisting all that christmas temptation... did that mince pie make you ill?? Wish sweet stuff did that to me too xxx

Yes it did Amanda. Was vomiting for an hour, then slept for two hours afterwards. Never mind, I'll try again next year :)
Wow!!! You probably don't feel lucky being ill, but I think you are in a way as I seem to be able to eat all that stuff. If I were you I don't think I'd even try next year I would just enjoy the fact that you can't eat them... xxxx
Todays menu
B msbb toast with spread ww yoghurt
L MSBB sandwich turkey n stuffing tangerine
s grapes
D swede, carrots n parsnip mash with 1'2 quarter pound burger oven cooked with beetroot

tea coffee n water

tummy had few pains today, then it ok and then starts gain feels bit sore inside but not the same place each time, think its summat going down through the tubes. Was out lastnight dunno if its bit of acid due to alcohol or the fact that when I came in had a slice of white bread with bit of lurpak on. whenever I have eaten untoasted whitebread have similar probs so think its that. Managed to go to the toilet twice this morning so its not that. See what i'm like tomorrow probabaly settled by then have to take me buscopan gain I think. xx Too much bread in general but it is Christmas x
Hey all hope you had a good time the last few days. I did and I feel I was well behaved apart from a little bit of fizzy and some wine. Managed to stay away from the sweet stuff but have been a bit carb heavy lately too. I'm still in a stall so will look forward to party season being over and really knuckling down to it. Thinking of investing a treadmill as still no time for the gym what with the dog, work and commuting so that will be good to get in work outs where I can.

Hope your tummy is more settled again tomorrow Chrisa. Your dumping session sounds awful Paula but at least you know what to avoid next year. Glad you feeling better now.

Breakfast/lunch - A turkey sandwich eaten in two halves.
Dinner - Ham, egg and mushrooms.
Snack - Pineapple.

Ton's of tea to get through a very long day at work lol :)
Hope you have a good day tomorrow everyone xx
My tummy isn't hurting today but have niggling heartburn, have taken a ranitidine tablet this morning and 1 at 1pm but still feeling it think mite be acid from extra alcohol over the festive days. Doing me nut in, fancy a cuppa but whateva I have can feel it. Bummer round my sisters tonight n my daughetr n friend goin they will be having a drink n chinese dunno wether i can eat it never mind look at alcohol probably water for me boooooo!!!!

B WW YOGHURT small amount of granola n grapes
L CARROT, PARSNIP, SWEDE, mash with cheese
D chinese i hope, or melba toast n pate.

tea, coffee n water x
Sorry to hear you are having problems with the heartburn chrisa!! But like you say, the christmas drink is all it is and nothing that is going to last long hopefully....
never heard of ranitidine.. are they good for heartburn? Lucky old you maya!! 2 christmases indeed lol!! Enjoy!!
Shelleymarie I think a treadmill is a brilliant idea or maybe a cross trainer. I have a home gym, but never really use it as Im lucky enough to have the gym just down the road from me, and if Im home I tend to use the wii fitness rather..
Well I weighed in this morning, and I have managed to lose 3lbs so really pleased that takes me over the 100lb loss mark and down into the 13 stones which I never ever thought I would see the day!! I still can't believe it sometimes...
Thats brill Amanda am well jel of ya. Into the 13's that is my goal really, ranitadine is just zantac which is a small tablet used for heartburn and indigestion, usually work a treat but this bugga is coming and going bubbling up trying to have bland stuff. I think it will be the wine I have had very acidic and have had beetroot last couple of days n its picled so thta may have added to it x bummer x
Well done Amanda!!! I knew you'd do it :). Hope your feeling better soon Chrisa. Here's today's menu.

B - Half a protein bar.
L - Leftover Christmas dinner, no potato.
T - 2 x multigrain crackers, cheese & pickle.
S - Pink lady apple.

Drinks - water, tea, coffee & NAS squash.
Exercise - 45min walk.
Does this mean I can join the century club now or must it be a 100lbs from day of bypass?? Very confusing lol
Whoo hoo!!! So how do I join this century club then lol!!
Woo hoo. Well done Amanda! So happy for you xx
Thanks shelley marie.. Don't suppose you know how to join the century club do you??
Do you mean to have the badge on your profile? If so
click on User CP (at top)
Click group membership (left hand side)
and choose centuary club, click 'join'.

Mesage back here if you have any probs.

And a huge well done.xxxxx
Thanks tasha will go try and do it now !!