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bypass daily menu -

Thank you Shelley, for years as we grew up the birthday girlwas alwayz the skinniest thing where as me n otha sis were fat my otha sis has been ww for years. she is at her goal now and i have lost a lot and the skinny one is now the biggest of the 3 n she don't like it x
Well said shelleymarie!!! I think you look absolutely fantastic also chrisa.... Maya really glad you had a nice birthday weekend, and congrats on your 2lb loss..... I have been working non stop since friday and have only finished just now, so have fallen behind with posting and my menus and stuff.... I only managed to lose a pound this week so havent made my 100lb lost for christmas, but never mind... will just have to try harder this week, but it is a little disheartening just a pound..

Todays menu:

B 100mls skim milk & 2 cheese strings
L 150gms fresh fruit salad & 2 x strip cheese
D healthy living gammon steak 4 crackerbread & L/F philly
S 50gm Cantaloupe melon

Protein 77.5gms - Cals 759 - Carbs 38.0gms - Fat 29gms
Drinks - 25gm protein shot - 1 litre water - 1.5 litre NAS - cup black coffee - cup of WW hot chocolate (tonight at bedtime)

Still no word from dimond anyone???
Well done Amanda better than sticking, or going up 1. Still heard nothing from Dimond wonder if she is away on holiday? x
Thanks chrisa.. Still seems such a long way to go still... I really hope thats all it is with dimond A holiday maybe or away for christmas somewhere.. Will feel better when we see a post from her though...
I have not heard anything either may be the water has caused her computer to go down my friend in Worcester has not had Internet for two weeks now mind you he wish he never moved to talk talk as well
Yeah me too, hope she is ok wherever it may be. I still have a long way to go on my wls journey at 14st 5 I still need to lose bout 3 stone but there is no way i would eva get that low, i would look ill, think 13 stone would be bout best my body will manage and that might be over ambitious. So don't despair a lot of us in the same boat yet some people get to goal within the year guna take me nutha year to aim for 13 haha, so just keep plodding onwards and we'll try and do it together xx
Congrat's on the loss Amanda, it's really good at this time of year. Don't worry you will be at your century before you know it and think you've lost 99lb! only 38lb to go till your goal :) x
If I ever get to goal then I think I will set another lower goal weight then!!! Didn't want to give myself an unachievable goal weight, but as I only have 38lbs to go to goal and its only been 5 months then maybe my goal weight is too high?? All gets very confusing sometimes lol

Chrisa I'm looking at that pic of you and honestly can't see that you need to lose much more weight.. You are looking really good!!
Awww thanx Amanda, my top half is not too bad my thighs n hips are bigger but coming down nicely. The exercise isn't happening much at the moment mainly walking, just with all the work stress just haven't been able to think bout anything else. Yes I think another stone off n that will be me sorted, I will be content with that. Would love to be a 16 top n bottom. xx I think its good to reevaluate your weight loss target as you need small targets that are achievable otherwise we get sick, then we start to give up. Not guna happen for us this time though. Realistic targets thats what we need. xx
My menu for today

B 1 wrap snak ham n cheese
L Chicken dippers breaded n oven cooked with tomatoes n mushrooms, 2 new minted potatoes.
S tiny piece birthday cake too sweet give it to hubby
D to be decided summat healthy
S BANANA N TAngerine

tea coffee water glass of wine later xx

Enjoy it but all in moderation xx
If I ever get to goal then I think I will set another lower goal weight then!!! Didn't want to give myself an unachievable goal weight, but as I only have 38lbs to go to goal and its only been 5 months then maybe my goal weight is too high?? All gets very confusing sometimes lol

Chrisa I'm looking at that pic of you and honestly can't see that you need to lose much more weight.. You are looking really good!!

I think it's reasonable to set a goal and then reassess when you reach it. As Chrisa said if it's too large amount it could be hard to stick at it and get there. I've done the same as I've set my goal at to lose 200lb. I think that is a big enough goal for now. If I make that then I too will rethink it.

My menu today -

Breakfast - Pineapple and a mini babybel light.
Lunch - Chicken and vegetable soup.
Dinner - 3 inches of a turkey, ham and salad subway sandwich. No cheese or sauce.
Snack - the other 3 inches.

This will be my last menu for a couple of days. I always have freshly cooked ham, egg and mushrooms for breakfast Christmas morning. Then I'm off to my sisters for lunch/dinner, she will do the traditional roast and I'll take my tea plate. I plan to enjoy it but I'll still try and have more protein and veg than carbs. On boxing day I'm going to my cousins and we are having cold meats and salad so that suits me too. I imagine I'll have a glass of champagne at my sisters as she always gets it's out on Christmas day and maybe a couple of glasses of wine in the evening. I shall not be drinking or staying late at my cousins as I have to be up at 5.30am the next day to get to work :( oh well I shall make the most of the two days I've got off :)

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you have a lovely time and all your Christmas dreams and weight loss wishes come true. You all deserve them too :) :26:
No menu to post today as I told you everything that I was having, and I stuck to my plans. Actually ate less than expected which was nice but wanted to share with you something that happened today. On the way to my sisters, my mum went the wrong way and we had to drive through cross in hand, I knew that meant driving by Jess's crash site (my friend who died), some where I did want to go to pay my respects again but maybe not today. Well we did it by mistake although it was incredibly sad it made me really think about things. I ended up having the best Christmas I've ever had with my sister (we normally struggle to get on at all), we talked, laughed and got along better than we have in years because it was important to. RIP Jess and thank you for that xxx

This was her family Christmas card featuring lots of pictures of Jess. Hope you don't mind me sharing but she has an inspirational smile. Hope you had a wonderful day today and tomorrow. Look out for each other and take care, we all deserve some peace and happiness this time of year and always xxx


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Oh Shelley!!! She was a beautiful girl! Her parents must be absolutely heartbroken and you have lost a lovely friend. My heart goes out to you and to jess' family especially at this time of year.. I know I have spent a quiet christmas alone, just remembering my daughter who was also killed in a car crash... Maybe going past the crash site was a milestone for you, to come to terms with her death and to move on.. I am so glad that you had a good christmas day... xxx
My menu for yesterday:

B 100mls skim milk & L/F cheese Triangle
L Mini christmas dinner (Only managed 3 - 4 mouthfuls )
D More of the mini Christmas dinner ( Still only managed a few mouthfuls
S 2 x 50ml vodka & NAS Orange & Pineapple

Not the healthiest of menus for me I know, but it was christmas day, and felt a little down, and not felt like eating much, so had a couple of vodkas with nas orange, but 2 was definitely 2 too many. Don't think alcohol and my bypass get along somehow.
On a positive note though, that was the first time I have tried to eat a roast type of dinner, and was so pleased that my restriction kicked in. I am definitely going to clear steer of softer foods that I can eat too much of. Haven't bothered breaking menu down to calories, protein etc., as didnt eat enough to really bother with...
Christmas wishes to you all, and I hope everyone has a great boxing day xxx
Menu yesterday-
B TOAST with spread
L 1SMALL pud, turnip, carrots, cabbage, sprouts, parsnip beefe n gravy
D 1 dairylea dunker(bread stick one) pear
Supper Mssbb with cheese in and onion

1/2 Slice of raspberry roulade other went in bin and some quality streets throughout the day, 2 glasses of bucks fizz and 2 glasses of blossom hill rose last night watchn tv x
Naughty I know but it was Christmas. x

Today I am off out at 4 we going out to our locals for drinks mysister and her friends.

B mssbb toast with spread
S grapes
L turnip, carrots, cabbage, sprouts, turkey n gravy
S 3quality street
D guna be turkey sandwich i think bout 3 ish

Alcohol- but not a smuch as I used to drink, probably vodka n lemonade. Have a good day all. xx
Had a blast lastnight, i had loads of comments bout my new figure never drink locally apart from Christmas time, must have said at least 10 times bout my op and how much weight I have lost, saw loads of people havent seen for ages so thye all saw a big difference, some one even made me do a twirl, mad it was. Oh and have been weighed this morning have lost 1lb am tickled pink with that wohoo 14st 4lb crawling towards the 13 somethings. have a good day all xx
Sounds like you had a great time chrisa!! Think that was just what you needed for people to comment on how great you are looking now!! And to have managed to have lost weight over christmas is really fantastic Congratulations xx
Todays menu:

B 100mls skim milk & half weetabix
L 125gms Rump Steak, 100gms Broccoli
D 125gms Rump Steak, 100gms Broccoli
S 100gms Cantaloupe Melon
S 2 Sesame Ryvita with Marmite

Protein 80gms - Cals 625 - Carbs 33gms - Fat 10gms
Drinks - 50ml Prune Juice - 1.5litres NAS - 2 cups black coffee - 500ml water - 1 cup green tea

It's my weigh in tomorrow and really hoping to have lost enough to have hit the 100lb mark, so fingers crossed