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Thanks ladies, but just so wanted to sort of feel slimmer, and if I could get to 13st or below even, I thought maybe then I Wouldn't Feel so big & awkward like I usually do around them, and it would give me a bit of confidence to face them somehow , especially my mum, who is pretty judgemental at the best of times. But then I wonder If I will ever not feel Fat, however much weight I Lose.
You have done so well. Try to feel positive about how well you have done. When I feel down about my weight, it's more me deciding what others think of me. If I cut that thinking out of the equation, I feel much better xxx
Its all about PMA Positive Mental Attitude folks can only hurt us if we let them. Sometimes we just have to put on a show xx You look fab go show it off show the how good your body is xx
They do say if you got it flaunt it and you have it and no saggy skin to go with it lucky gal xx
Don't worry Amanda your family be amazing. My work colleagues said I looked different today and they only saw me last week (hope this means I'm losing again) so if they can notice that, your family will be gob smacked and remember even if some don't say so, you know that will see. Someone can't drop that amount weight without everyone noticing I promise :)

Breakfast - 100g's of pineapple
Lunch - Half a light prawn salad sandwich
Dinner - 80g's of rare sirloin steak and half a small baked sweet potato topped 10g's with boursin garlic cheese light.
Snack - the other half of the light prawn salad sandwich.

15 min's 4.5k on the treadmill on a incline of 6. Loving being able to get a work out, even if very small, on days I have long shifts now I have my treadmill. Talking of work, managed to get in today, bit worried about tomorrow though as it bucketing down snow again. Might be able to get in later.

Drinks - Waters and tons of tea - normal and green.

Good luck with work snow tomorrow everyone, whether you want the snow day or don't lol :)
Shelley marie!! Well done on the exercise! so glad you are enjoying your treadmill..... Now
I Know this sounds silly but I have so far on this weight loss journey just bought stuff from charity shops in different sizes, mostly without even trying them on. But am going to have to buy a couple of decent things to wear for this visit that will fit me properly, and I'm terrified. For years I have just bought stuff online while I was really big. Now I don't have a clue where to shop or what would suit me or anything. And the thought of going into a strange shop and trying stuff on is pretty daunting to say the least! But will have to bite the bullet before I go away I suppose. Its almost like having to learn to do things all over again Iol
It doesn't sound silly Amanda. I can completely relate to what your saying. Debenhams has a good sale on at the moment. They also have a personal shopper service. They can help you choose styles and clothes that suit you, if your no t sure yourself xx
Hey everyone x

B- four chopped strawberries, five chopped grapes, half a lf Greek yoghurt, sprinkle cereal
S- other half of yoghurt mud morning
L- peeled Fuji apple spread with lf Philly, two mini breadsticks, sliced ham
A-special k cracker crisps (half portion)
D- pork in honey mustard, noodles and veggies


About 659 cals today
Amanda, one of the things that dawned on me when I began losing weight was that I don't have a 'style', I basically bought clothes that fit regardless if what they looked like. At size 32/34 there wasn't really that much choice. But since losing weight it's been really exciting choosing different clothes and trying to find my 'look'. It is daunting going into the various shops, but it's kinda fun too. I don't think we'll ever feel not fat, but slowly the confidence will build and we'll get there. Enjoy this part of your journey. You're a beautiful woman, who has done immensely well and you're family will be so proud of you..... Just like we all are. Xxxx
Oh Bless you guys!! All emotional now!! Going to say it again!! Don't know what I would do without the support and friendship of you guys. Just knowing that you are not alone in the way that you think and feel about things makes such a huge difference. xxx
This is something different for me. I've always had a very stylish idea of how to dress, very different to how I dressed before and how I dress now even but I've never ever been able to dress that way because when I was a size 14/16 I thought I was much bigger in my mind so hid in baggy t-shirts and trousers. I can't wait until I'm a 16 and can shop in all the shops I want to because I think my friends and family are going to be shocked by the way I dress. I'm dressing better now but at a size 20 I'm still limited. A real size 14 would mean every shop I've ever loved is open to me and that is my ultimate goal (when it comes to this sort of thing), to be able to walk in any shop and know I can by off the rack straight away. Top Shop, Zara and All saints are going to do well from me lol and maybe one or two designers :D One day hopefully :) better start saving too! xx
I am finding that as well. The things I choose suit my body. And that is a strange feeling. I don't feel like going to a clothes shop is like preparing to go into battle.
The worse thing is going into a shop and not fitting into a size that you already fit in lots of other shops. Very deflating. Would be great to be a size that if I do need a size bigger I know the shop will have it.
I have discovered 'New Look' and they do a size 22, walking around there today I still felt like an outsider, but they did have my size. Like you Shelly I cannot wait to be a definite size 14. I have warned my hubby that the wardrobe will need to be extended. But it's funny cos in the back of my mind I am still thinking 'you're never gonna get there, you'll give up soon'. Completely defeatist (years of suffering depression and no confidence does that) I know, fortunately the front of my mind tells me ill be there by the summer!
I have learned to accept its probably just that my body shape doesn't suit that particular item so I have a choice of buying it for when I'm smaller or choosing something different.
Goodness!!! After clothes being a necessary evil for so long its just going to take some time to as you say discover what suits me and what doesn't... If I can just manage to buy one outfit for this visit that fits me properly and that doesn't make me look awful that will be a good start. Think I will have to lose a lot more weight before I will be able to actually enjoy buying clothes again though xx
You will get there Sarah. I'm very confident about that and I don't think it will long either. Maybe summer for us both :)

Yvessa I know what you mean. i have a few items for when I get down a size but have to stop myself from buying too much or I feel I won't get there. I feel my tummy sagging is preventing me getting down to the next size. Control wear helps but I don't always want to wear it as it can uncomfortable for day to day wear.

I think it's a confidence thing Amanda because I'm sure you can shop in most shops now being your weight. You will be able to get some really great ones now, you just need more more confidence :) I'm sure when you are feeling it, you can show us some of your fab new wardrobe :D

Yep same here, it's really bad. Same as tops of my arms can sometimes make it difficult to fit in some sizes as the the skin gets twisted in the top of the sleeves. Maybe it will improve for both us as we keep getting down in weight. Something we will both keep doing :)